Shinzou wo Sasageyo!
Dedicate your Hearts!

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 11 |
Length | 5:41 |
We wanted to believe that this hell can't get worse
But mankind's worst day always comes out of the blue...
The ceaseless sound of knocking a rude awakening
Followed by a catastrophic light much like a nightmare
The ones who turned their backs to our days past
Are enemies that we must exterminate
Just what kind of expressions did they wear
As they gazed upon us on that day?
What do we need to throw away to overcome the demons?
Take my life...take my soul...I don't give a damn!
Devote it! Dedicate it! Offer up your hearts!
Every sacrifice led to this moment
Devote it! Dedicate it! Offer up your hearts!
Carve out with your own hands a path to the future
The ones who painted our days past with lies
Are enemies that we must hate
Just what kind of voice and words did they use
As they deceived us on that day?
What do we need to learn to destroy the demons?
Be it it strategy...I won't let any of them go to waste!
Devote it! Dedicate it! Offer up your hearts!
All our hard work led to this moment
Devote it! Dedicate it! Offer up your hearts!
Take into your own hands a victory we shall sing of
These strange monsters dare to hide behind a human face
I'll exterminate each and every single one of them
But who said it first? Though I can't really remember
I'll never forget this anger; I'll definitely exterminate them all
Ah...what kind of [place] lies beyond a path full of regrets?
This is merely...a noble victory of earnest wishes and deaths, blossoming atop sacrificed
The promised land lies beyond paradise...
On that day, humanity recalled
The fear of living under their oppression...
The humiliation of being imprisoned like caged birds...
Arrows soar through the sunset, bearing wings on their backs
And their trails will pave the path to freedom
Devote it! Dedicate it! Offer up your hearts!
All of our suffering led to this moment-
Devote it! Dedicate it! Offer up your hearts!
Turn your fragile lives into burning bows and arrows
Devote it! Dedicate it! Offer up your hearts!
Use your entire being to engrave an honorable trail
Translated by Defade.
(Der letzte Erfolg)
Kore ijou no jigoku wa naidarou to shinjitakatta
Saredo jinrui saiaku no hi wa itsumo toutotsu ni...
Tobira wo tataku oto wa taezu hidoku busahou de
Manekarezaru saiyaku no hi wa akumu no you ni...
Sugishi hi wo uragiru mono yatsura wa kuchikusubeki teki da
Ano hi donna kao de... hitomi de... oretachi wo mitsumeteita...
Nani wo sutereba akuma wo mo shinogeru?
Inochi sae... tamashii sae... kesshite oshikunado wa nai...
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo sasageyo!
Subete no gisei wa ima kono toki no tame ni
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo sasageyo!
Susumubeki mirai wo sono te de kiri hirake......
Sugishi hi wo itsuwaru mono yatsura wa zouo subeki teki da
Ano hi donna koe de... kotoba de... oretachi wo katatteita...
Nani wo manabeba akuma wo mo hofureru?
Gijutsu demo... senjutsu demo... subete muda ni nadoshinai...
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo sasageyo!
Subete no doryoku wa ima kono toki no tame ni
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo sasageyo!
Utaubeki shouri wo sono te de tsukami tore......
Etai no shirenai bakemono ga hito to nita tsura wo shiteyagaru
Kono yo kara ippiki nokorazu yatsura wo kuchikushiteyaru
Saisho ni ii dashita no wa dare ka? Sonna koto oboecha inai ga
Wasurerarenai ikari ga aru kanarazu kuchikushiteyaru
Aa... erabi kuita michi no saki wa donna [basho] ni tsunagatteiru? donna basho ni tsunagatteiru?
Tada... sasagerareta [inochi] wo kate ni saku toutoki [higan] no [Sieg]
Yakusoku no chi wa rakuen no hate......
Ano hi jinrui wa omoidashita
YATSUra ni shihai sareteita kyoufu wo...
Torikago no naka ni torawareteita kutsujoku wo......
Tasogare wo (yumiya) wa kakeru (tsubasa) wo seoi
Sono kiseki ga jiyuu e no michi to naru
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo sasageyo!
Subete no kunan wa ima kono toki no tame ni——
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo sasageyo!
Hakanaki inochi wo moeru (yumiya) ni kaete
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo sasageyo!
Hokorubeki kiseki wo sono mi de egaki dase......
(Der letzte Erfolg)
これ以上の地獄は 無いだろうと信じたかった
されど人類最悪の日は いつも唐突に・・・
扉を叩く音は 絶えず酷く無作法で
招かれざる災厄の灯は 悪夢のように・・・
過ぎし日を裏切る者 奴等は駆逐すべき敵だ
あの日どんな顔で・・・ 瞳で・・・ 俺達を見つめていた・・・
命さえ・・・ 魂さえ・・・ 決して惜しくなどはない・・・
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
全ての犠牲は 今この瞬間の為に
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
進むべき未来を その手で斬り拓け・・・・・・
過ぎし日を偽る者 奴等は憎悪すべき敵だ
あの日どんな声で・・・ 言葉で・・・ 俺達を騙っていた・・・
技術でも・・・ 戦術でも・・・ 全て無駄になどしない・・・
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
全ての努力は 今この瞬間の為に
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
謳うべき勝利を その手で掴み取れ・・・・・・
得体の知れない化け物が 人間と似た顔をしてやがる
この世から一匹残らず 奴等を駆逐してやる
最初に言い出したのは誰か? そんな事憶えちゃいないが
忘れられない怒りがある 必ず駆逐してやる
嗚呼・・・ 選び悔いた道の先は どんな《景色》に繋がっている?
唯・・・ 捧げられた《人生》を糧に咲く 尊き[彼岸/悲願]の勝利
あの日 人類は思い出した
黄昏を(弓矢)は翔ける (翼)の背負い
その軌跡が自由への 道となる
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
全ての苦難は 今この瞬間の為に——
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
儚き命を 燃える(弓矢)に変えて
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
誇るべき軌跡を その身で描き出せ・・・・・・