Guren no Zahyou
Crimson Coordinates

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 4 |
Length | 5:06 |
“I’m a hunter!” you howled, though you’re but a hungry beast
“I’d rather die than play at making friends!” so you roared
Bloodstained corpses pierce you with lightless eyes
“You’ll regret it if you ever end up losing those fangs of yours!” they sing
It’s just so absurd, in exchange for the smallest of victories
Humans[we] are forced to pay too steep a <price> [risk]
I don’t want their deaths to be for nothing...heck, that wouldn’t sit well with them, right?
Their dying wishes won’t be in vain, and I won’t let it end like this
Until I exterminate every single one of them...
In this beautiful yet cruel world
Who is stained in the darkness of dusk? His target, or he himself?
Let fly your arrows and slaughter your prey, oh <will of the hunter>
Released into the sunset, this surging impulse[killing intent]
Gains strength in numbers and pierces the crimson coordinates
Pitiful silhouettes that wander in paradise
Surely, there must’ve been someone important to them, too
Even if we seek the truth, this bent and twisted glass
Shows a different lie for every pair of eyes that gazes upon it
It’s just so absurd, in exchange for the smallest of advantages
The world[reality] demands too excessive a cost
If we just let their deaths be in vain...what follows is endless regret, right?
Let their dying wishes transcend time and be passed on, over and over again
Keep going down that path until their deaths pay off...
In this beautiful yet cruel world
What is wavering at dusk? Sorrow, or hatred?
To carry a sin without atonement while slaughtering prey is the <will of attack>
Cursed by <longing>, this unstoppable impulse[killing impulse]
Under a different name, would still reach the crimson coordinates
The boy from that day who could do nothing but roar has now taken up <the survey corps’ equipment>[arms], and gained many comrades
The arrow that signals the start of his counterattack will one day pierce the setting sun
Aimed straight at <where beginning and end meet>[the coordinates]!
Translated by Defade.
(Feuerrotes Ziel)
Kariudo da to usobuita omae wa ueta kemono
"Nareau kurainara shinda hou ga mashi da" to hoeta
Chi ni mamireta shikabane no hikari naki hitomi ga iru
"Kiba wo nakusu no nara izure uramu darou" to utau
Fujouri na mon sa [oretachi] wa chiisana shouri de sae
Hikikaeru ni wa amari ni mo ookina [RISUKU] wo seowasareru
Inujini shitai wake janai... naa... shindemo shi ni kirenai daro?
Sono ishi wa muda janai kono mama ja owarasenai
Yatsura wo nedayashi ni suru made wa......
――Kono utsukushii zankoku na sekai de wa――
Yuuyami ni somaru no wa hyouteki ka onore ka
Yuminari ni hajike tobi emono wo hofure [Jäger]
Tasogare ni hanatareta hotobashiru [satsui] ga
Mure wo nashi ugatsu no wa――
Guren no (zahyou)
Rakuen wo samayoeru awarena hito kage
Karera ni mo taisetsu na dareka ga itadarou
Shinjitsu wo motomete mo ibitsuna garasu wa
Kotonatta kyozou wo utsusu nozoki komu kao no kazu dake
Fujouri na mon sa [genjitsu] wa wazuka na kouki de sae
Te ni ireru ni wa amari ni mo kajou na [KOSUTO] wo harawasareru
Inuji ni saseta mama ja... naa... kuite mo kui tarinai darou?
Kono ishi yo toki wo koe nando de mo uketsugare
Sono michi wo mukuwareru made susume......
――Kono utsukushii zankoku na sekai de wa――
Yuugure ni yureru no wa kanashimi ka zouo ka
Aganaeru tsumi wo daki emono wo hofuru [Krieger]
[Akogare] ni norowareta tomedo naki [satsui] ga
Na wo kaete tadoru no wa――
Guren no (zahyou)
Hoeru koto shika dekinakatta ano hi no shounen wa [buki] wo tori ooku no nakama wo eta
Izure shingeki no [koushi] wa shayou no sora wo tsuranuku
[Zahyou] megakete!
(Feuerrotes Ziel)
狩人だと嘯いた お前は餓えた獣
「馴れ合うくらいなら 死んだ方がマシだ」と吠えた
血に塗れた屍の 光無き瞳が射る
「牙を無くすのなら いずれ憾むだろう」と唄う
不条理なもんさ 人類は 小さな勝利でさえ
引き換えるには 余りにも大きな 《代償》を背負わされる
犬死にしたい訳じゃない・・・ なぁ・・・ 死んでも死にきれないだろ?
その遺志は 無駄じゃない このままじゃ 終わらせない
奴等を 根絶やしにする迄は・・・・・・
夕闇に染まるのは 標的か己か
弓なりに弾け跳び 獲物を屠れ《狩人の意志よ》
黄昏に放たれた 迸る衝動が
楽園を彷徨える 哀れな人影
彼らにも 大切な 誰かがいただろう
真実を求めても 歪な硝子は
異なった虚像を映す 覗き込む顔の数だけ
不条理なもんさ 世界は 僅かな好機でさえ
手に入れるには 余りにも過剰な 対価を払わされる
犬死にさせたままじゃ・・・ なぁ・・・ 悔いても悔い足りないだろう?
この遺志よ 時を超え 何度でも 受け継がれ
その道を 報われるまで進め・・・・・・
夕暮れに揺れるのは 哀しみか憎悪か
購える罪を抱き 獲物を屠る《進撃の意志よ》
《憧憬》に呪われた 止めどなき衝動が
吠えることしか出来なかった あの日の少年は 《調査兵団の装備》を取り 多くの仲間を得た
いずれ 進撃の嚆は 斜陽の空を貫く