Yorokobi to Kanashimi no Budoushu
The Wine of Happiness and Sadness

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 9 |
Length | 6:55 |
The Wine of Happiness and Sadness (in Japanese 歓びと哀しみの葡萄酒, Yorokobi to Kanashimi no Budoushu) is the ninth track on Sound Horizon's fifth story CD Roman.
That is a 《Flame》flickering in happiness, a 《Jewel》glittering in sadness
In many lives...on many tables...her 『Wine』was present-
A female who continuously challenged tyrannical fate – 「Loraine de Saint-Laurent」
Half of her life lived with the earth...its unknown 《Story》[roman]
Ah...again, she stands on her fields today; a seemingly long yet short 《Flame》[light]
Things gained and things lost, most of them are long past her...
Ah...no matter how many times seasons[saison] pass, what remains unchanged is right there
The servant[employe] of her gentle grandpa; a 『Vineyard』[climat] shared with her beloved
Ah...reminiscence sometimes leaves a faint sweet taste
Like the pleasure[plaisir] experienced when harvesting ripe fruits...
Ah...the delicate[delicat] pruning of grape trees[vigne] should be ideally done under low temperatures and humidity
The makers’[vigneron] hasty spring begins after the festival of the patron saint[saint Vincent]...
Ah...if you desire an unreasonable quantity[quantite], naturally the quality[qualite] will suffer
Giving grain[un grain]...by grain[et un grain] sufficient love[amour], that is the role of parents...
Ah...reminiscence sometimes leaves a faint bitter taste
Like the pain[peine] experienced when harvesting bruised fruits...
Ah...women are not political tools...
They’re meant to live a life[la vie] bonded to their beloved
But...aristocrats[noble] can’t even achieve that
Let’s throw away such a 『World』[things]...
“Too bad...”
A father[pere] bent on authoritarianism, a stepmother[mere] married to squander Though a distinguished family, if they lean towards extravagance, then it’s just a matter of time before they collapse...
To shake off the shadow of decline...the Count’s[les conte]...last 《Trump Card》[carte]...his daughter’s marriage...
Ah...not even knowing that the marriage is just for show-
The stepmother’s[woman’s] 《Jewel》wore a rouge smile...
The song untold by the horizon...the days of flight and fight...in order to regain important things...
Her life after that...was no matter of importance...
I doubt that I’ll love anyone else in my lifetime, and I probably don’t even have the right to...
But if I can quench someone’s thirst[soif], I’ll gladly give this body up...
My lovely children, sleeping within the oak[chene] barrels...
Hey...what are you dreaming of?
The sweetness[douceur] of the fruits[pinot], the astringency[astringent] of the peels[tinnin]; the earth’s blessing[terroir] left behind by my beloved...
『Happiness』[joie] and 『Sadness』[chagrin] interwoven in harmony, such is the taste of my 『Wine』[mon vin]...
-And...that is 《Life》...[et c’est la vie]
“Can roman be found there...?”
Translated by Defade.