Tadoritsuku Uta
The Song of Arrival

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 3 |
Length | 6:12 |
The Song of Arrival (in Japanese 辿りつく詩, Tadoritsuku Uta) is the third track on Sound Horizon's first story renewal CD Chronicle 2nd. The song first appeared on the first pleasure CD Pico Magic and was included on the band's major debut album Prelude to Elysion.
Volume 9, page 883...
The blind poet Luna opened her lips silently...
"What I am going to sing now...is a poem telling of a certain girl's experiences until she found what she held dear...
The journey is harsh, the paths difficult, yet the girl never gave up.
In the story, she chooses to continue to sing instead of cursing fate, though a difficult path
Even if history were to bury everything someday, close your eyes...and simply listen for now..."
O, my beloved, where are you?
I have no clue to go by
The song I brought along my solitary journey
Fades away to the distant sky
Raindrops fallen from the sky; drops[tears] that have overflown
Into my hand...
Emerging from several deep forests, crossing steep mountains
From village to city, from familiar faces to strangers
I walked in search of my beloved
Fantasies roaming the sky, the promise[kiss]
Made under the stars...
Dusk surrounds the empty world
Where do I head alone, never to return?
Historical facts that the chronicles affirm. The history of conflicts.
Scars left by the claws of war. Flames that scorch the earth.
With no news from their families...lovers...beloved
Many people were torn apart without choice in this era
The girl's journey, as if tracing the source of the song she brought along
Led her to a man who was said to be imprisoned in a certain castle
And...she ended up arriving from deduction to conclusion
That melancholic yet nostalgic tune, the one who wrote that poem is...
What supported me on the brink of collapse
Is this last nameless poem my lover[you] has left me
"O destiny...even if you were to steal light from these eyes...
You cannot take song from these lips..."
The song of arrival illuminates dusk
Even when withered, the flower blossoms bravely right there
Ah...the raging and saddening...
Storm arrives, but even if it were to mow down everything
Precious things will always be right there
(-the song leading to a precious person)
You...if you've found a way to your precious things, then there's no need to waver anymore
(-the song leading to a precious person)
Even if it were a road of thorns, that itself can be an enjoyment if you hum along
(-the song leading to a precious person)
Because there is no meaning to a life without song
(-the song leading a precious person)
Towards precious things...towards places of arrival...
The horizon that the white crow aims for...beyond that sky...
Translated by Defade.
(Dai kyuu kan happyaku hachi juu san page)
Moumoku no shijin RUUNA wa shizuka ni kuchibiru wo hiraita...
Koreyori utau wa... aru musume ga taisetsu na MONO ni tadoritsuku made no uta
Kakoku na tabi yo konnan na michi yo sore demo musume wa kesshite akiramenakatta
Monogatari wa unmei wo norou yori kurushiku to mo utai tsuzukeru michi wo erabu
Izure rekishi ga subete wo houmuri sarou to mo ima wa tada... me wo tojite kiite okure...
Itoshii hito yo ANATA wa doko ni
Tegakari hito tsunaku
Kodoku na tabi no michizure no uta wa
Tooi sora e kasunde kieta
Amaotsuru ame tenohira ni
Kobore ochita [namida]...
Ikutsumo no fukai mori wo nukete kewashii yama wo koe
Machi kara machi e [hito] kara [hito] e to
Omoibito wo tazune aruita
Amakakeru [yume] hoshizora ni
Chikatta [yakusoku] wa...
("Aa... ENDIMIO...")
Utsuro na sekai wo yuuyami ga tsutsumi komu
Kaerenu watashi wa hitori doko e yuku
Yogensho ga koutei suru shijitsu arasoi no rekishi
Senka to iu na no tsumeato daichi wo yakitsukusu honoo
Kazoku... koibito... aisuru mono no shousoku mo shirezu
Ooku no monotachi ga nasu sube mo naku hikisakareta jidai
Musume no tabi wa michizure to natta uta wo sakanoboru you ni
Toaru shiro de rouban wo shiteita to iu otoko e
Soshite... suisoku kara kakushin e to tadori tsuite shimatta
Setsunaku mo natsukashiki shirabe sono uta wo tsuzutta no wa...
Kujike sou na watashi wo itsumo sasaete kureta no wa
[Anata] ga saigo ni nokoshite kureta kono namonaki uta yo
"Unmei yo... tatoe omae ga hitomi kara hikari wo ubai sarou to mo
Kono kuchibiru kara wa uta wo ubaenai..."
Tadoritsuku uta wa yuuyami ni hi wo tomoshi
Karete na ohana wa rinto soko ni saku
Aa... fuki areru kanashimi no...
Arashi ga otozure subete nagi taoshi te mo
Taisetsu na MONO wa taezu koko ni aru
(Taisetsu na [HITO/MONO] ni tadoritsuku uta)
Kimi yo... taisetsu na MONO ni tadoritsuku michi wo mitsuketara mou mayou koto nakare
(Taisetsu na [HITO/MONO] ni tadoritsuku uta)
Tatoe ibara no michi de arou to mo uta wo kuchizusameba sore mo mata tanoshi
(Taisetsu na [HITO/MONO] ni tadoritsuku uta)
Utaenai jinsei ni nado imi wa nai no dakara...
(Taisetsu na [HITO/MONO] ni tadoritsuku uta)
Taisetsu na MONO e to... tadoritsuku basho e to...
Hakua ga mezasu chihei... ano sora no mukou e...
(第九巻 883ページ)
盲目の詩人 Lunaは静かに唇を開いた…
これより歌うは...ある娘が 大切なモノに辿りつく迄の詩
苛酷な旅よ 困難な途よ それでも娘は決して諦めなかった
物語は運命を呪うより 苦しくとも詩い続ける途を選ぶ
いづれ歴史が全てを葬りさろうとも 今は唯...瞳を閉じて聴いておくれ…
愛しい人よ アナタは何処に
孤独な旅の 道連れの詩は
遠い空へ 霞んで消えた
天堕つる雨 手の平に
幾つもの深い森を抜けて 険しい山を越え
町から街へ 知人ひとから他人ひとへと
想い人を 尋ね歩いた
天翔ける追想ゆめ 星空に
虚ろな世界を 夕闇が包み込む
帰れぬ私は 独り何処へ往く
予言書が肯定する史実 争いの歴史
戦禍という名の爪痕 大地を灼き尽くす焔
娘の旅は 道連れとなった詩を遡るように
切なくも懐かしき調べ その詩を綴ったのは…
恋人あなたが最期に遺してくれた この名も無き詩よ
辿りつく詩は 夕闇に陽を灯し
枯れてなお花は 凛と其処に咲く
嵐が訪れ 全て薙ぎ倒しても
大切なモノは 絶えず此処に在る
(大切な[ヒト/モノ]に 辿りつく詩)
君よ...大切なモノに辿りつく途を見つけたら もう迷うことなかれ
(大切な[ヒト/モノ]に 辿りつく詩)
例え茨の途であろうとも 歌をくちずさめばそれもまた楽し
(大切な[ヒト/モノ]に 辿りつく詩)
詩えない人生になど 意味はないのだから…
(大切な[ヒト/モノ]に 辿りつく詩)
Violin by Yukari Shinozaki
Cello by Shigeru Ohara
Mandolin & Bouzouki & Acoustic / Nylon Guitar by Revo
Electric Guitar & Bass & Accordion & Keyboards by Revo
Udu & Djembe & Tambourince & Castanet & Other Percussion & Computer Programming by Revo
Produced by Sound Horizon
Lyrics & Image Story Written by Revo
Music Composed & Arranged by Revo
Recorded & Mixed & Mastered by Revo
Booklet & Label Design by Yokoyan
Special thanks for Kuri
Recorded at Studio C5