Shuutan no Ou to Isekai no Kishi ~The Endia & The Knights~
終端の王と異世界の騎士 ~The Endia & The Knights~
The King of End and the Knights from Other Worlds ~The Endia & The Knights~

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 1 |
Length | 5:44 |
The King of End and the Knights from Other Worlds ~The Endia & The Knights~ (in Japanese 終端の王と異世界の騎士, Shuutan no Ou to Isekai no Kishi) is the first track on Sound Horizon's first maxi Shounen wa Tsurugi wo….
→This is...
The prelude to the grand fight
Between the king of end and the knights from other worlds...
《The King of End》[Endia] that devours the world
《A great possibility》[Grandia] passed on
The 《Rhapsody》[Rhapsodia] of the sun calls the knight's name...
-An end that should be averted...the one to repel the king...
《The Knight》is a blade
《The King of End》[Endia] that conceives time
《A great possibility》[Grandia] fine-tuned
The《Ballad》[Balladia] of life calls the knight's name...
The《Canon》of remembrance that floated in the transient sky
Whose mouth is it that hums《The Melody that Crosses Horizons》[the story]?
-A key connecting other worlds...accepting the knights...
《The Gate》is a swift horse
《The King of End》that swallows history
《A great possibility》altered
The《Symphony》[Symphonia] of destiny calls out the knight's name...
The《Waltz》of the round table dancing to the melody of conflict
Whose justice is it that brandishes《The Right to Rule》[the story]?
A flame lightning up...a flame disappearing...
The pitch-black《Hair》[darkness]...the red《Eyes》[light]...merely watch over in silence... if tracing the pages....《The Actors》[Doll] dance according to the《Drama》
The beautiful thorns of a cruel illusion...charm with sweet 《Intoxication》[dreams]...
The glamorous poison of a cruel illusion...invite《The Audience》[you] to a gloomy hell...
This is not a world where all your wishes come true → That's why → The boy will spread his wings wide...
Ah...embracing both hope and despair in his two hands → That's how → The boy will spread his wings wide....
" matter how strong the upcoming wind may be, it cannot break the wings of determination!"
"No matter how strong the wind, it cannot break his wings!"
The ever-repeating pain is the《Rondo》of the cycle
Whose sword is it that regained《The Possibility that this World has Lost》[the story]?
Now....the《Canon》of mourning that floated in the sky of beginning
The 《Boy’s》mouth is the one humming《The Melody of the Fifth Horizon》[the story]...
Translated by Defade.