Shoukei to Shikabane no Michi
The Road of Longings and Corpses

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 1 |
Length | 4:36 |
The Road of Longings and Corpses (in Japanese 憧憬と屍の道, Shoukei to Shikabane no Michi) is the first track on Linked Horizon's fourth maxi Shinjitsu e no Shingeki. It is the full version of the Attack on Titan anime's third season's second opening theme.
Der Weg der Sehnsucht und die Leichen
That day humanity received a grim reminder----
The shadows moving forward in almost no light, each and every one of them feeling uneasy
The uncertain future blooms on thin ice, ready to be picked at any time
Just how many times have our napes been caressed by those cold hands upon night's arrival?
Turning our backs to the dusk, we instead chose to cling to the back of a burning hope
And we chased after the truth, knowing very well the path to it would also lead to hell
What are you willing to give up to make sure your dream comes true?
The devil sweetly whispers as we lay down corpses to make our path
"What's outside these walls?"
The truth we sought after in our younger days
Finally, it is within our grasp,
Just across the path of corpses
Laments/pain and regrets/grudges repeat in a 《cycle》 ( loop) inside a miniature garden
And at the end of a stream of memories
We question the meaning of freedom
Aah, the vessels of young boys, so full of possibilities they should've been
To each and every one of them, what did the winds of fate give them?
To someone it was a vow to save the rest of humanity?
And to someone a dream?
Grief and hatred intersect
And the crimson arrow takes aim at both of them
People yearned to have wings just like birds have, and so they took up to the skies
The devil cunningly boasts about as the corpses follow their path
What's on the other side of this sky?
In our younger days, we were enthralled by those questions
And now, the light from those days of old
shines down and illuminates the path of corpses----
I wonder what you might see if you look down on the world up from the sky?
I wanted to go 【someplace else】 that wasn't 【here】
I always dreamt in my younger days what would be waiting for me at the end of the vast world
Something overwhelmingly absurd, perhaps?
The cost of dreaming about freedom is a cold 《coffin》 (bed) of dirt
At times, we take on the appearance of 《beasts》(demons) as justice bares its fangs
And just as it was hellish within the cage, isn't it just as hellish outside of it?
There's still meaning in moving towards tomorrow,
Even when it means shouldering the weight of our past sins
The devil murmurs in a low voice as we continue forth on the path of corpses
What's beyond this darkness
We were cursed with in our younger days
One day we will be rewarded with the truth
Just past the path of corpses----
→ 《Crimson urge》 (An arrow) shoots along the tracks →
→ 《The resolution for freedom》 (The wings) will take flight →
→ 《Flower petals dedicated to our cause》 (Hearts) are tied up in a bundle, but →
→ It's too early to《offer them to truth's daybreak》 (sing a requiem) →
→ As the sun has yet to sink behind the horizon →
And we won't stop here
Onwards to what lies on the other side of the waves----
Translated by Murkki.
(Der Weg der Sehnsucht und die Leichen)
Ano hi jinrui wa omoidashita――
Usuyami no naka susumu kage wa dare mo kokoro motonaku
Futashikana mirai wa itsu datte hakuhyou no ue ni saku
Yoru wa otozureru tabi ni ikudo mo
Tsumetai te de oretachi no kubisuji wo yasashiku nadeta
Tasogare wo uragitte tomoru kibou no se ni sugari
Oi kaketa jigoku e to mukatteru to shitte mo
Yume no tsuzuki ga mitai nara omae wa nani wo sashidaseru
Akuma wa amaku sasayaita shikabane de michi wo tsukure
"Kono kabe no mukou ni nani ga aru?" osanaki hibi ni akogareta
Shinjitsu ga sugu soko ni aru shikabane no michi no saki ni――
Hakoniwa de kurikaesu itami to urami no [RUUPU]
Nagarekomu kioku no hate jiyuu no igi wo tou
Aa… kanou sei ni michiteita hazu no shounentachi no utsuwa ni
Unmei wa sorezore nani wo fukikonda? ――Sore wa…
Dare no higan ka dare no yume ka kanashimi nikushimi ga majiwatte
Guren no ya wa tagai wo mezasu
Tori no tsubasa ni akogareta hito wa sora e to habatakeru
Akuma wa zuruku usobuita shikabane yo michi wo tadore
Kono sora no mukou ni nani ga aru? osanaki hibi ni torawareta
Sekijitsu no hi ga terashi dasu shikabane no michi no saki wo――
Sora no ue kara mitara ittai nani ga mieru no darou?
[Koko] de wa nai [doko ka] e itte mitakatta
Osanaki hi ni yume mita hiroi sekai no hate ni wa
Memai oboeru hodo no fujouri ga hisomu
Jiyuu wo yume mita daishou wa tsumetai tsuchi no [BEDDO]
Toki ni [oni] no sugata karite seigi wa kiba wo muku
Ori no naka mo ori no soto mo hitoshiku jigoku ka?
Tsumi no omosa wo seou hodo fumidasu ashita [ashi] ni imi ga aru
Akuma wa hikuku tsubuyaita shikabane no michi wo susume
Kono yami no mukou ni nani ga aru? osanaki hibi ni norowareta
Genjitsu wa itsu mukuwareru shikabane no michi no saki de――
[Yumiya] ga kake nuketa kiseki → [tsubasa] wo chirashite →
[Shinzou] wo tabanete mo → [requiem] ni wa haya sugiru →
Taiyou wa mada shizunde inai no dakara → susumi tsudzukeru nami no kanata e――
(Der Weg der Sehnsucht und die Leichen)
薄闇の中進む影は 誰も心許なく
不確かな未来は何時だって 薄氷の上に咲く
冷たい手で俺たちの首筋を 優しく撫でた
黄昏を裏切って 灯る希望の背に縋り
追い駆けた 地獄へと 向かってると知っても
夢の続きが見たいなら お前は何を差し出せる
悪魔は甘く囁いた 屍で道を作れ
「この壁の向こうに何がある?」 幼き日々に憧れた
真実がすぐそこにある 屍の道の先に――
箱庭で繰り返す [悼/痛]みと[恨/怨]みの《円環構造》
流れ込む 記憶の果て 自由の意義を問う
嗚呼… 可能性に満ちていた筈の 少年達の器に
運命はそれぞれ 何を吹き込んだ?――それは・・・
誰の悲願か 誰の夢か 悲しみ 憎しみが 交わって 紅蓮の矢は 互いを目指す
鳥の翼に憧れた 人は空へと羽撃ける 悪魔は狡く嘯いた 屍よ道を辿れ
この空の向こうに何がある? 幼き日々に囚われた 昔日の灯が照らしだす 屍の道の先を――
空の上から見たら 一体 何が見えるのだろう? 【ここ】ではない【どこか】へ 行ってみたかった
幼き日に夢見た 広い 世界の果てには 目眩 覚えるほどの 不条理が潜む
自由を夢見た代償は 冷たい土の《棺》 時に《獣》の姿借りて 正義は牙を剥く 檻の中も 檻の外も 等しく地獄か?
罪の重さを背負うほど 踏み出す明日に意味がある 悪魔は低く呟いた 屍の道を進め
この闇の向こうに何がある? 幼き日々に呪われた 現実はいつ報われる 屍の道の先で――
《紅蓮の衝動》が翔け抜けた軌跡→ 《自由への覚悟》を散らして→ 《捧げられた花弁》を束ねても→
《手向けるべき真の暁》には早過ぎる→ 太陽はまだ沈んでいないのだから→ 進み続ける波の彼方へ――