Shiseru Monotachi no Monogatari -Istoria-
死せる者達の物語 -Ιστορια-
The Story of the Dying Ones -Historia-

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 8 |
Length | 5:49 |
Across the Distant Horizon -Horizontas- (in Japanese 遥か地平線の彼方へ -Οριζοντας-, Haruka Chiheisen no Kanata e -Horizontas-) is the eighth track on Sound Horizon's compilation CD Chronology.
O traveler, a deathly darkness looms over your back
Not even knowing the remaining seasons, o wind, where dost thou blow?
The troops of Arcadia in the east declared war on Amazones, led by Queen Alexandra.
O destiny, the white thread in your hand is swayed by sounds
Not even knowing reasons spun, wherefore do I go forth and conquer?
"It’s my loss...go ahead and kill me."
"I, Leontius, do not possess a spear that pierces women."
"I’ve gotten to like you, Leontius. Someday you will be mine...don’t forget that!"
The fire of battle rages round the world.
The rightful victims suffer. The individual time marches on.
Oh...nostalgic hometown[Άρκαδία]
A faraway visage...its mountain ranges still burn brightly
When autumn comes round, the siblings[we;Εμεις] will remember again...
"Let’s always be together!"
Even now, the darkness hidden in the setting sun sears my heart with red-hot pain
Oh, madder sky, what should man follow, and what should man search for?
A rhythm[Ρυθμός] heard back to back; a melody[Μελος] remembered even now
I can always feel you - embracing very much the same star - by my side
We don’t say ‘Farewell’ since we will meet again someday
We won’t say ‘Farewell’ since the two of us meet again someday
Even now, I can feel you - watching the twin stars somewhere - by my side
The older brother[Άδερφός] who used to be a crybaby...Elef[Έλευ]
If the boy selects the sword,
The younger sister[Άδερφή] who used to be a tomboy...Misia[Μισια]
Will the girl choose the shield?
The carousel of destiny keeps going around and round
The story continues around several horizons ...
"Born from a whore like the blood of the God of Thunder that important?
Leontius, if only you haven't been born ...!
Hehehe...if you want to look down on me just because I’m the son of a all means, go ahead...
The one who reigns over the world as king will be me...!"
The jewels that I should’ve grasped in my outstretched hand all spill from my palm
Are we going to continue taking away from each other, hating each other and spilling blood, o world that dawns on fighting?
What should we now fight against, and what should we protect?
Ah, starry sky, what should man fear, and what should man love?
O light heading towards destruction, and all that is destined to die
O friends, what should man raise up, and what should man leave behind?
Someday, history shall tell, 【The Story of The Dying Ones】...
Translated by Defade.