Shinwa no Shuuen -Telos-
神話の終焉 -Τελος-
The End of Myth -Telos-

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 15 |
Length | 2:04 |
The End of Myth -Telos- (in Japanese 神話の終焉 -Τελος-, Shinwa no Shuuen -Telos-) is the fifteenth track on Sound Horizon's sixth story CD Moira.
---And then,
The gates of Hades is opened by the hands of man.
... It is this ... that signaled the end of the long, long Mythos.
The sterile and heartless battle, the very beginning of 【The Battle of the Dead Ones】[Νεκρομαχια].
" this...the world that you wished for--?!"
"In silence, nothing is god alive, is god dead...?"
"Darling, listen! The fruit of our love has finally blossomed inside my belly!"
"According to the doctor, they might even be twins!"
"Ooooh~ Eirene~ My beloved wife! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderfuuuuul!”
“Their names have been decided a long time ago...!!"
So as an old woman...or as a little girl...
Like a poet does...Mythos tells a story...
The creator, the mother of all life
Goddess of destiny
No eye has ever gazed upon her-
Translated by Defade.