Seiyou Kottou Yaneura Dou
Western Antique Attic Hall

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 6 |
Length | 6:16 |
Western Antique Attic Hall (in Japanese 西洋骨董????屋根裏堂, Seiyou Kottou ???? Yaneura Dou) is the sixth track on Sound Horizon's ninth story CD Nein.
(“Hey, Noël, where are you right now!?”
“U-uhh...I think I’m somewhere nearby...?”
“That’s why I wanted to go with you, but you said that you’d be fine alone! Turn left at Flower Asato....crap! Noël, wait! My phone’s running out of battery-”)
In a gloomy to a building...
Stood a mansion...looking out of place...
The shop looked unfamiliar...the sign reads “Western Antique Attic Hall”
I laid my hand upon the grand if being pulled by an unseen arm-
Instead of an entrance hall, I found an abrupt set of stairs
I climbed up ↑ and up ↑ and up ↑
And what awaited me at the top was-
The bewitching black-haired store owner in a purple dress
The black cat in her arms gave off a small “Miau♪”...
It’s everywhere, yet nowhere to be found
It’s in the past and the future, but never in the present
This is the void of horizons, found between time and space
“It’s been a while since we’ve had a lost one of the horizons.”
“<The commemorable 13th customer>[boy]”
“Welcome to the Western Antique Attic Hall!”
-the owner said charmingly
I couldn’t help but rub my eyes
The owner’s existence changed in the blink of an eye...
Shifting from <a lady>[madam] to a young girl, defying the hands of time
The old hag to a pupa, the maiden to a butterfly, as if to slip through the cracks of the cage-
I could hear alarm bells ringing in my head, and I knew by instinct that this is a dangerous shop
But just like how the moon resigns to the earth’s pull
So do I give in to undefiable <providence>[God]
If something grabs your attention
Feel free to take it in your hands for a closer look (*except for the ones in the drawer of the front racks!)
This is a place where miracles across horizons gather-
The shop
Western Antique Attic Hall
(“Here we go!”
“Okay Arena!”)
“Let’s kick off this night with some crazy <antique>[member] introductions!”
SCHau: The hero of the holy war once wore this - or so it was said
A silver armor, stained with blood and falling into pieces
RÖhre: The <doll> simply dances, flickering in the darkness
A girl <marionette>, crumbling away the second you give it a <kiss>
DINg: You’ll get any three wishes, just like magic!!!
A golden lamp, home to a genie
GERat: If you’re not questioning the means, you’re just a slave to gold
A broken mask, with <pure love>’s tragedy and <life> as comedy
SCHau: Leaving a trail of beheadings for all necks it once adorned
A deep red jewel; miracle of the century and induction into the ranks of the dead
RÖhre: All living beings will come to face death
A reaper’s scythe, the reaping of souls a sad <fate>
DINg: Once a sage, now a witch; she cast this curse
A spindle of wild roses, one that pierced the <beautiful princess> and led her to dreams
GERat: The <potential> of the horizons is a <parallel world> of infinite expanse
A pair of futuristic <Remarkable, Evolutionary and Valuable Optical-device>[sunglasses], crossing boundaries of time to display phenomena
“Oh my ♥ Look at me any longer with those passionate eyes of yours-”
“-and you’ll burn a hole in my face (laughs)”
Oh? I suppose that this <antique> is to your liking, then?
“N-No...I mean..I, uh...recently, I’m just sorta...
Uh, interested? because of someone’s influence...I mean...y’know...
You know what I’m talking about!”
That <antique> happens to be the type who chooses
The person it wants to become one with, is that alright?
If that <antique> entrusts itself to you, then you don’t need to pay
<The price>[That] will be paid in full <when the time is right>[someday], with something other than money...
Shifting from <a virgin> to a prostitute, the <impulse>[killing intent] shakes itself free of the hands of time
The old hag to <a young boy>, the maiden to <a father>, as if to slip through the cracks of the cage-
“Thank you for your patronage.”
When I came to...I was alone in the to a building...
I stood like a deer in headlights...was that all in my head?
The shop looked familiar...the sign reads “Flower Asato”
Translated by Defade.
("Mou NOERU! Ima doko ni iru no?"
"Iya, chotto chikaku made wa kiten dakedo saa..."
"Dakara issho ni ikou tte itta no ni, hitori de daijoubu datte ii harukara!
FURAWAA ASATO no kaku wo hidari...tte YABAi! NOERU chotto matte! Juuden ANDO juuden ga kire——...")
Usugurai rojiura... zakkyo BIRU no katasumi ni...
Kotsuzen to tatazumu... bachigai na youkan...
Mioboe no nai misegamae... kanban ni wa [Yaneura Dou]
Miezaru ude ni hikareru you ni... gousha na tobira ni te wo kaketa——
ENTORANSU gawari no totsuzen no kaidan
Noboru noboru noboru
Nobori nobotta saki ni matteita no wa——
Kuroi kami shi no DORESU youen na shujin no mune ni
Dakareta kuroneko ga MIAU to chiisaku naita......
Doko ni de mo aru ga doko de mo nai
Kako de mo mirai de mo aru ga ima de wa nai
Koko wa jikan to kuukan chihei no hazama
"Hisakataburi ni chiheisen no mayoigo kashira?"
"[Bouya/NOERU] Seiyou Kottou Yaneura Dou e" "Youkoso!"
——to tenshu wa namamekashiku itta
Ore wa omowazu me wo kosutta
Matataki kazoeru tabi tenshu no sonzai wa yurai da......
MADAMU kara shoujo e to tokei no hari wo nejimage
Rouba wa sanagi e musume wa chou e ori no sukima nukeru you ni——
Kore wa YABAi mise da to honnou ga kane wo narashita
Soredemo tsuki ga chikyuu ni hikareru you ni
Aragaezaru [kami] ni mi wo yudaneta
Ki ni naru MONO ga aru nara
Douzo te ni totte goran ni natte
Hedataru chihei wo koete KISEKI ga atsumaru basho——
Sore ga touten
Seiyou Kottou Yaneura Dou
(Here we go! OK, ARINA!)
"Konya no IKAREta MENBAA wo shoukai suru ze!!"
"Seisen no eiyuu mi ni matotta to iu
Chi ni mamirete chi ni kuzureta hakugin no kacchuu"
"Yami ni odoru you ni [DOORU] wa tada odoru
[Kuchizu]ketara kuchihate yuku shoujo no [MARIONETTO]"
"Donna negai demo DoooN!!! to mittsu made
MAJI de kanau majin into nau ougon no RANPU"
"Shudan erabanu you ja maru de kane no mouja
[Ai] no higeki [sei] wa kigeki hibiwareta kamen"
"Irodotta kubi wo karitotta kiseki
Seiki no kiseki seiki no kiseki shinku no houseki"
"Ikeru mono subete shiseru no ga subete
Tamashii hofuru kanashii [sadame] shinigami no kama"
"Kenja no hitori datta majo ga ita noroi
[Hime] ni sasari YUME wo sasou nobara no tsumu"
"Chihei no [POTENSHARU] wa mugendai no [PARARERU WAARUDO]
Jikuu wo koete jishou wo utsusu mirai no [SANGURASU]"
"Iyaan♡ sonna atsui shisen de mitsumeraretara"
"Hotecchau wa"
Araa kono [ko] ga oki ni meshita kashira?
"I... iya... saikin... chotto... aru yatsu no eikyou to iu ka...
Kyoumi ga aru ka na? Nante... dochira ka to iu to... daze...
Dochira ka to iu to daze!!"
Sono [ko] wa hitotsu ni naru aite wo
Jibun de erabu [TAIPU] no [ko] yo yoroshikute?
Sono [ko] ga mi wo yurusu nara odai wa kekkou
[Sore] wa [ginsen igai de izure] harawareru......
[ANJU] kara shoufu e to [satsui] wa hari wo furikiri
Rouba wa [GYARUSON] e musume wa [PEERU] e ori no sukima nukeru you ni——
"Arigatou Gozaimaasu♪"
Kitsuke... ba... hitori... rojiura... zakkyo BIRU no katasumi de...
Gakuzen to tatazumu... genkaku no yokan?
Mioboe no aru misegamae... kanban ni wa [FURAWAA ASATO]
薄暗い路地裏・・・ 雑居ビルの片隅に・・・
忽然と佇む・・・ 場違いな洋館・・・
見覚えのない店構え・・・ 看板には【西洋骨董屋根裏堂】
見えざる腕に引かれるように・・・ 豪奢な扉に手をかけた——
《玄関》代わりの 突然の階段
上る↑ 上る↑ 上る↑
黒い髪 紫のドレス 妖艶な主人の胸に
抱かれた黒猫が 「Miau♪」と小さく鳴いた・・・・・・
何処にでも在るが 何処でも無い
過去でも未来でも在るが 現在では無い
此処は 時間 と 空間 地平の狭間
【西洋骨董屋根裏堂】へ」 「ようこそ!」
——と 店主は艶かしく言った
瞬き数える度 店主の存在は揺らいだ・・・・・・
《貴婦人》から 少女へと 時計の針を捻じ曲げ
老婆は蛹へ 娘は蝶へ 檻の隙間抜けるように——
これはヤバい店だと 本能が鐘を鳴らした
それでも 月が地球に惹かれるように
どうぞ 手に取って ご覧になって(※但し手前の棚の抽斗の中以外で!)
隔たる地平を超えて キセキが集まる場所——
(Here we go! オーケー、アリーナ!)
「聖戦の英雄 身に纏ったと言う
血に塗れて 地に崩れた 白銀の甲冑」
「闇に踊るように 《人形》は唯踊る
《接吻》けたら 朽ち果て逝く 少女の《操り人形》」
「どんな願いでも DoooN!!! と3つまで
マジde叶う 魔神intoなう 黄金のランプ」
「手段選ばぬようじゃ まるで金の亡者
《純愛》の悲劇 《人生》は喜劇 ひび割れた仮面」
「彩った首を 刈り取った軌跡
世紀の奇蹟 正規の鬼籍 深紅の宝石」
「生ける者凡て 死せるのが全て
魂屠る 哀しい《運命》 死神の鎌」
「賢女の一人がった 魔女が射た呪い
《美姫》に刺さり ユメを誘う 野ばらの紡錘」
「地平の《可能性》は 無限大の《平行世界》
時空を超えて 事象を映す 未来の《遮光眼鏡型情報端末》【the Remarkable,Evolutional and Valuable Optical-device】」
「いやぁん♡ そんな熱い視線で見つめられたら」
あらぁ この《骨董品》がお気に召したかしら?
「い・・・ いや・・・ 最近・・・ ちょっと・・・ ある奴の影響と言うか・・・
興味が有るかな? なんて・・・ どちらかと言うと・・・ だぜ・・・
その《骨董品》は 一つになる相手を
自分で選ぶ《性格》の《骨董品》よ よろしくて?
その《骨董品》が 身を許すなら お代は結構
《対価》は金銭以外で 《然るべき刻が訪れたら》払われる・・・・・・
《処女》から 娼婦へと 《衝動》は針を振り切り
老婆は《少年》へ 娘は《父親》へ 檻の隙間抜けるように——
気付け・・・ ば・・・ 独り・・・ 路地裏・・・ 雑居ビルの片隅で・・・
愕然と佇む・・・ 幻覚の予感?
見覚えのある店構え・・・ 看板には 【FLOWER ASATO】