Saigo no Senka
The Final Battle Deed

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 5 |
Length | 5:28 |
Leaving the walls behind, we rushed forth in kind; I brought with me a troop, and south we head as a group
All of us on horseback, our thoughts on the same track; united we are in determination, paving the path to peace our fixation
- But
Now I’m all alone, and my comrades all gone; north is where I head, even if it means leaving them dead
Plan botched, and horse lost; resorting to basic ways, I dash across the plains
I threw away my broken device, and relied only on my own trained legs
No matter how merciless the world is, I will never give in
What blessings did civilization bring us?
I took up a pen in place of a sword, wielding it with the will to fight
With weapons at the ready, in a forest so creepy; I’m covered in shade, and on course to the walls I stayed
In these trembling hands I took, an ancient and worn notebook; on these pages I’ve recorded, the truths I discovered
Fear is always ready to bare its fangs, waiting hungrily for any sign of weakness
I took off seeking freedom, and I’ll never give in
Without any warning, a titan appeared from behind the trees, but wait!? It opened its mouth-
“...subjects...of..Ymir...” “...great....Ymir...” “Well met...”
- and out came these meaningful words...
In it...I saw...a spark of...intelligence...
I even thought...that communication...was possible...
And so...I summoned my words...and posed-
A question to which there is no answer
Only bellowing resounded across the silent forest
I could be the first to communicate with a titan in the history of mankind...
Or so I thought, but that’s mere fantasy, and reality has its limits
This was...too much to handle...and I...simply snapped...
Immediately...I gathered all my malice...and spat out... “Begone from this world!!”
A changing situation, constantly in fluctuation; my angry roars exhausted, where am I headed?
Shadow given chase, with endless questions keeping pace; my mind filled with whys, under a faraway sky
I turn my back on crushed hope, my wings fluttering behind me
Taking off towards a fragile tomorrow, I will never give i-
Everything was taken from me, and the end comes upon everyone
No matter how meaningless life is, I kept on fighting till the end
Oh...I will never give in...
“This is the final battle deed left behind by Ilse Langnar, who fought on until the very end...”
Translated by Defade.
(Der letzte Erfolg)
Kabe no kanata kakedasu kage mina wo tsurete minami mezasu
Heiba no mure heiwa no tame ishizue to naru ishi wo idaite
Ima wa hitori imawa no [tomo] kirisutete mo kita wo mezasu
Umaku ikazu uma mo nakushi genshiteki ni gen'ya wo hashiru
Kowareta souchi wa nagesuteta kitaeta onore no ashi de yuku
Sekai ga dore hodo mujihi demo watashi wa saigo made kusshinai
Bunmei no onkei to wa nani ka?
Ken no kawari ni totta (PEN) wo tatakau ishi de hashira se
Buki wo kamae bukimi na mori kageri no naka kabe wo mezasu
Furueru te de furui (techou) shiru shita no wa shiri eta jijitsu
Kyoufu wa itsu demo kiba wo muku yowane wo haku no wo matteiru
Jiyuu wo motomete fumidashita watashi wa saigo made kusshinai
Kodachi no kage ni fui ni arawareta kyojin wa nanto!? Kuchi wo hiraki――
"" "...YUMIRU...sama..." "yokuzo..."
――to imi no arige na kotoba tsumugu......
Sono sugata ni wa... chisei no... kirameku... soyou ari...
Ishi no... sotsuu ga... kanou to mita...
Watashi wa... kotoba wo... furishibori... nage――
Kaketa toi ni kotoba wa naku
Tada... umekigoe dake ga mori no shijima ni hibiku
Jinrui shijou hajimete kyojin to ishi wo kayowa seta......
Sou omotta no wa gensou genjitsu wa itsu mo genkai de
[OBAA]... [KAPASHITI]... KIREta... watashi wa...
Yatsugibaya... akui wo... uchi dasu... "kono yo kara kieusero!!"
Kawaru gawaru kawaru jitai dogou no hate doko wo mezasu?
Owareru kage owari no nai toi ni madou tooi sora no shita
Tsuieta kibou ni se wo mukete seotta (tsubasa) wo hirugaeshi
Hakanai asu e to hashiri dasu watashi wa saigo made――
Te ni shita subete ga ubawareru saigo wa dare ni mo otozureru
Inochi ga dore hodo muimi demo watashi wa saigo made tatakatta
Aa... watashi wa saigo made kusshinai......
("Kore wa, saigo made tatakatta Ilse Lagner no senka da")
(Der letzte Erfolg)
壁の彼方 駆けだす影 皆を連れて 南目指す
兵馬の群れ 平和の為 礎となる 意志を抱いて
今は独り 今際の《同胞》 切り捨てても 北を目指す
上手くいかず 馬も無くし 原始的に 原野を奔る
壊れた装置は投げ棄てた 鍛えた己の足で往く
世界が何れほど無慈悲でも 私は最期まで屈しない
剣の代わりに取った(ペン)を 戦う意志で走らせ
武器を構え 不気味な森 翳りの中 壁を目指す
震える手で 古い(手帳) 記したのは 知りえた事実
恐怖はいつでも牙を剥く 弱音を吐くのを待っている
自由を求めて踏み出した 私は最期まで屈しない
木立の陰に 不意に現れた 巨人はなんと!? 口を開き—―
「・・・ユ・・・ミル・・・の・・・たみ・・・・・・」 「・・・ユミル・・・さま・・・」 「よくぞ・・・」
――と 意味の有り気な 言葉紡ぐ・・・・・・
その姿には・・・ 知性の・・・ 煌めく・・・ 素養あり・・・
意思の・・・ 疎通が・・・ 可能と見た・・・
私は・・・ 言葉を・・・ 振り絞り・・・ 投げ―—
かけた問に 言葉はなく
ただ・・・ うめき声だけが 森の静寂に響く
人類史上初めて 巨人と意志を通わせた・・・・・・
そう思ったのは幻想 現実はいつも限界で
上回る・・・ 許容量・・・ キレた・・・ 私は・・・
矢継ぎ早・・・ 悪意を・・・ 討ちだす・・・ 「この世から消え失せろ‼」
代わる代わる 変わる事態 怒号の果て 何処を目指す?
追われる影 終わりのない 問いに惑う 遠い空の下
潰えた希望に背を向けて 背負った(翼)を翻し
儚い明日へと走りだす 私は最期まで―—
手にした全てが奪われる 最後は誰にも訪れる
人生が何れほど無意味でも 私は最期まで闘った
嗚呼・・・ 私は最期まで屈しない・・・・・・
(「これは、最期まで闘った イルゼ・ラングナーの戦果だ」)