Raijin no Hidari Ude


The Thunder God’s Left Arm

  • Sound Horizon
Release Medium CD
Disc Number 1
Track Number 7
Length 2:15

The Thunder God’s Left Arm (in Japanese 雷神の左腕, Raijin no Hidari Ude) is the sixteenth track on Sound Horizon's first story renewal CD Chronicle 2nd. The song first appeared on the first story CD Chronicle.


In stormy nights like this, his scars hurt.

The pain threatened to tear apart his right arm, even though it shouldn't even exist.
The man didn't confide in anyone, and suffered alone...
What should his left arm be used for...

The ominous signs cast deeper shadows day by day.
The time is surely coming.
In a stormy night very much like that time, the man set out for a journey with none being the wiser
His resolve is set, he still has his left arm...

The man gave his all in trying to seal the door.
The darkness beyond the door; a surge of evil threatens to break loose.
He tried to push them back with his left arm.
I can't keep this up anymore...if only I had my right arm...if only...

When the man was just about to give up,
He felt, through his thinning consciousness, a light radiating with warmth.
Taking up spears in their right hands, thousands of people prayed in the storm...

The children from back then have all grown up.
The Thunder God lost his right arm, and the world was reborn.
His left arm nurtured the seed planted by his right,
And beautiful flowers bloomed; thousands of them...

He had a courageous left arm, and thousands of right arms.
He won't lose. Those feelings will weave history...

...and time passes...

"Hey grandpa. Why doesn't the Thunder God have a right arm? Poor him."

A child around the street corner asks...

Taking the child's small hand into his own, the old man smiled.

"The Thunder God's right arm is right here. See, it's even there in your right pocket..."

~Page 816 『 The Thunder God's Right Arm 』

(Translated by Defade)

In stormy nights like this, his scars hurt.

The pain threatened to tear apart his right arm, even though it shouldn't even exist.
The man didn't confide in anyone, and suffered alone...
What should his left arm be used for...

The ominous signs cast deeper shadows day by day.
The time is surely coming.
In a stormy night very much like that time, the man set out for a journey with none being the wiser
His resolve is set, he still has his left arm...

The man gave his all in trying to seal the door.
The darkness beyond the door; a surge of evil threatens to break loose.
He tried to push them back with his left arm.
I can't keep this up anymore...if only I had my right arm...if only...

When the man was just about to give up,
He felt, through his thinning consciousness, a light radiating with warmth.
Taking up spears in their right hands, thousands of people prayed in the storm...

The children from back then have all grown up.
The Thunder God lost his right arm, and the world was reborn.
His left arm nurtured the seed planted by his right,
And beautiful flowers bloomed; thousands of them...

He had a courageous left arm, and thousands of right arms.
He won't lose. Those feelings will weave history...

...and time passes...

"Hey grandpa. Why doesn't the Thunder God have a right arm? Poor him."

A child around the street corner asks...

Taking the child's small hand into his own, the old man smiled.

"The Thunder God's right arm is right here. See, it's even there in your right pocket..."

~Page 816 『 The Thunder God's Right Arm 』

(Translated by Defade)

こんな嵐の夜は 傷痕が疼く

右腕を引き千切る様な 在るはずの無い痛み 誰に話すこともなく 男はひとり苦悩している 残った左腕で何を為すべきかを・・・

不吉な予兆は 日に日に影を色濃く落とす 確実に その時が近づいている あの日と同じ嵐の夜 男は人知れず旅立った 覚悟は決まっている まだ左腕がある・・・

男は扉を必死で押さえていた 扉の向こうは闇 邪悪な力が溢れ出ようとしている それを左腕で必死に抑えていた もうダメだ・・・右腕・・・右腕さえあれば・・・

男が諦めかけたその時 薄れゆく意識の中 温かい光を感じた 右手に槍を掲げ 嵐の中幾千の人々が祈っている・・・

あの時の子供達は皆 大人になった 雷神は右腕を失い 世界は生まれ変わった 右手が蒔いた種を育てたのは左手 そして美しい花が咲く 幾千の花が咲く・・・

彼には勇敢な左腕と 幾千の右腕がある 決して負けはしない そんな想いが歴史を紡ぐ・・・


「ねぇおじいちゃん どうして 雷神様には 右手が無いの? 可哀想だよ。」


子供の小さな手を取り 老人は微笑んで答える

「雷神様の右手は 今もここにあるよ・・・

ほれ その右のポッケの中にも・・・」




Flute & Piccolo Flute by Remiko Kawase
Clarinet by Kazuhisa Kojima
Oboe & English Horn by Masayo Miyata
Fagotto by Hiroaki Kimizuka

Mandolin & Bouzouki & Acoustic / Nylon Guitar by Revo
Electric Guitar & Bass & Accordion & Keyboards by Revo
Udu & Djembe & Tambourince & Castanet & Other Percussion & Computer Programming by Revo

Produced by Sound Horizon

Lyrics & Image Story Written by Revo
Music Composed & Arranged by Revo

Recorded & Mixed & Mastered by Revo
Booklet & Label Design by Yokoyan
Special thanks for Kuri
Recorded at Studio C5