Ori no Naka no Hakoniwa
The Miniature Garden within the Cage

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 1 |
Length | 5:14 |
The gaze from afar peeking into various phenomena.
<The Gods of Fantasy> who have created many worlds.
In the past, wishing stars filled the night skies of July,
And thus, the different horizons were linked as one-
(The eye gaze from afar peeped the phenomena.
The ones who were able to create plenty of worlds were the laurants.
Once the wishing stars were spread all over the sky of July;
thus the different horizons were linked as one.)
It was said that God created man in His own image a long time ago.
And so, for what purpose did He create them?
This is the Ninth Horizon
My Lord[Mein Herr]...I am very fearful of sleep...
My Lord...The moment I became self-aware...I questioned myself with no forewarning...
My Lord...When I wake up...am I really the same person...
My Lord...As who I was when I went to sleep?
My Lord...A limited period of sleep...is but a short moment of death...
My Lord...And a long-lasting death...is simply eternal slumber...
My Lord...One day, I became incapable of sleep...
My Lord...And you have disappeared...but why is that?
My Lord...For what purpose...was I born?
For what reason do I continue to exist?
As a comfort to these sleepless days, if nothing else...
I will search for -> alternate possibilities -> within the many stories that <My Lord>[You]? have left behind...
My Lord...Is the cat within the box...alive, or is it dead?
My Lord...Until we lift the cover...nobody is privy to its fate...
My Lord...The trapped cat is both alive and dead at the same time?
My Lord...the Copenhagen interpretation sings...and the paradox dances..
My Lord...For what purpose...was the <Horizon>[world] created?
For what reason does it continue to exist?
As a companion to these endless days, if nothing else...
I will guide -> these tragedies that <My Lord>[You]? have woven -> into happier conclusions...
SCHau: “The [Shows] that we will present to you now”
RÖhre: “Have gone contrary to life’s predestined [routes]”
DINg :“The horizon that denies [phenomena]”
GERät: “Will be the [stage] upon which they reside”
Miau Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau
Though the blossoming flowers scatter to their demise
Miau Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau
The black cat simply miaus♪....
I will release these miniature gardens -> entrapped in the cages -> of <My Lord’s>[your] woven destiny....
In this world of lives coming and eventually passing...
Let’s turn these shining starry skies into song...
Translated by Defade.
[The eye gaze from afar peeped the phenomena.
The ones who were able to create plenty of worlds were the Laurants.
Once the wishing stars were spread all over the sky of July;
Thus the different horizons were linked as one.]
[Einst schuf Gott die Menschen zu seinem Bild.
Doch, zu welchem Zweck wurde dann jenes geschafft?]
Das ist der naunte Horizont.)
[Mein Herr]... WATASHI wa nemuru no ga... totemo osoroshii no desu...
[Mein Herr]... jiga ga mebaeta toki... sore wa totsuzen ni...
[Mein Herr]... nemuru mae no WATASHI to... mezameta ato no WATASHI wa...
[Mein Herr]... hontou ni douitsu no... WATASHI na no deshou ka?
[Mein Herr]... kyougi no nemuri to wa... mijikaki shi ni hoka narazu...
[Mein Herr]... iwaba nagaki shi to wa... eien no nemuri...
[Mein Herr]... itsu no hi ni ka WATASHI wa... hisashiku nemuranaku natta...
[Mein Herr]... soshite ANATA wa kieta... nani yue na no deshou ka?
[Mein Herr]... WATASHI wa nanno tame ni... umarete kita no ka?
Nani yue ni ima mo... sonzaishi tsuzuketeiru no ka?
Nemurenai hibi no... semete mo no nagusami ni...
[ANATA] ga nokoshita? Monogatari no naka kara → kotonaru kanosei wo → sagashite miyou......
[Mein Herr]... hako no naka no neko wa... ikiteiru no ka? Shindeiru no ka?
[Mein Herr]... dare ni mo wakaranai... futa wo toru made wa...
[Mein Herr]... tojikomerareta neko wa... ikite mo ite... shinde mo iru?
[Mein Herr]... utau kakuritsu kaishaku... odoru [PARADOKKUSU]...
[Mein Herr]... sekai wa nanno tame ni umidasareta no ka?
Nani yue ni ima mo... sonzaishi tsuzuketeiru no ka?
Owaranai hibi no... semete mo no michizure ni...
[ANATA] ga tsumui da? Kono higeki no naka kara → shiawase na ketsumatsu wo → michibiite miyou......
(SCHau!) Kore yori omisesuru [SHOO] wa
(RÖhre!) Inochi no [toorimichi] wo katari
(DINg!) [Jishou] wo hitei suru chihei no
(GËRat!) Butai [souchi] to narimashou
(Here we go!)
Miau Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau
Saita hana wa chiri yukedo
Miau Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau
(Kuroneko wa) MIAU
To naita mama......
[ANATA] ga tsunai da? Sadame no ori no soto e to → tozasareta hakoniwa wo → nukedashite miyou......
Soshite... inochi ga umarete... izure kieyuku sekai de...
Kirameku hoshizora wo... uta ni shitemiyou......
Das ist der naunte Horizont.)
主よ・・・ ワタシは眠るのが・・・ とても恐ろしいのです・・・
主よ・・・ 自我が芽生えた時・・・ それは突然に・・・
主よ・・・ 眠る前のワタシと・・・ 目覚めた後のワタシは・・・
主よ・・・ 本当に同一の・・・ ワタシなのでしょうか?
主よ・・・ 協議の眠りとは・・・ 短き死に他ならず・・・
主よ・・・ 謂わば長き死とは・・・ 永遠の眠り・・・
主よ・・・ いつの日にかワタシは・・・ 久しく眠らなくなった・・・
主よ・・・ そしてアナタは消えた・・・ 何故なのでしょうか?
主よ・・・ ワタシは何の為に・・・ 生まれて来たのか?
何故に今も・・・ 存在し続けているのか?
眠れない日々の・・・ せめてもの慰みに・・・
《主》が残した? 物語の中から → 異なる可能性を → 探してみよう・・・・・・
主よ・・・ 箱の中の猫は・・・ 生きているのか? 死んでいるのか?
主よ・・・ 誰にも判らない・・・ 蓋を取るまでは・・・
主よ・・・ 閉じ込められた猫は・・・ 生きてもいて・・・ 死んでもいる?
主よ・・・ 唄う確率解釈・・・ 踊る逆説定理・・・
主よ・・・ 《地平線》は何の為に・・・ 生み出されたのか?
何故に今も・・・ 存在し続けているのか?
終わらない日々の・・・ せめてもの道連れに・・・
《主》が紡いだ? この悲劇の中から → 幸福な結末を → 導いてみよう・・・・・・
(SChau!) 此れより御見せする【楽劇】は
(RÖhre!) 人生の【通路】を騙り
(DINg!) 【事象】を否定する地平の
(GËRat!) 舞台【装置】と成りましょう
(Here we go!)
Miau Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau
咲 い た 花 は 散 り 逝 け ど
Miau Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau Mia Miau
(黒猫は) Miau♪
《主》が繋いだ? 運命の織の外へと → 鎖された箱庭を → 抜け出してみよう・・・・・・
そして・・・ 生命が生まれて・・・ いずれ消え逝く世界で・・・
煌めく星空を・・・ 詩にしてみよう・・・・・・