Norowareshi Houseki
The Cursed Gem

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 4 |
Length | 6:22 |
The Cursed Gem (in Japanese 呪われし宝石, Norowareshi Houseki) is the fourth track on Sound Horizon's fifth story CD Roman.
“Don’t mess up, Laurencin.”
“Right back at ya, Hiver.”
A miracle nurtured by Mother Earth. A gemstone said to be the largest in the world. 30 carat, red diamond... [trente carat, diamant rouge]
A trail left behind through changing hands. Its specialty is a reservation in ranks of the dead. 30 carat... 『Queen Slaughter』[trente carat, Reine Michele]
A locked glass case[verre]; a gem[pierre] sleeping elegantly; within dreams of passing days...
Severe disillusionment[deuil]; wordless pride[orgueil]; even the reaper is within her grasp...
『She』is the Queen[Reine], not a single person struggles against her. They don’t allow her to escape her cage...
A cunning girl[fille]; an old woman[vielle] who danced with shadows; she decorated a great many necks...
A showy prostitute[courtisan]; a queen[flower] covered in mud; she cut off a great many necks...
A scene changing round and round, a vivid dream. She won't allow you to escape until you've lost it...
A 【blessing】turned 【curse】. The irony of fate...
The unknown 《Story》[roman] behind『her』birth.
The man dug, not knowing that the dark hole would be his grave
The man dug, not knowing that the cave leads to hell
Embraced by destiny[eternity] within the closed darkness
Forgetting even food and sleep, he dug
As if dancing within the song brought to life
The corroded gears spin madly...[Et il tourne follment]
-The mysterious fog that tempts the man...
What appeared before his eyes is a beautiful raw ore never seen before
As if drawn in by its magic, the man stretched a shaking hand towards it...
【Fortune】[bien chance] lovely sister[Noel] who put up with hardships until now
【Fortune】[bien chance]...ah...with this, I can raise my chest high and see you of-
←The mine concierge, his eyes shining with greed←
←The hook-nosed jeweler[commercant], his eyes changing color←
←The one-eyed artisan, doubting his own eyes←
←Round and round goes....the roulette of the reaper[Dieu]→
At times, even in the seemingly firm wall of ethics, holes open easily...
【Misfortune】[malchance]...ah...waiting on her brother, one never to return, the sister refuses to marry...
【Misfortune】[malchance]...ah...waiting for a love, one never to change, the winter night sky...
“ Hiver...”
Her chin resting on her hand...a sigh...the daughter of a doll maker...the 《Twin Dolls》standing on the windowsill...
“Hah...just when are you coming back...”
A locked glass case[verre]; a gem[pierre] sleeping elegantly; within dreams of passing days...
Shadows[ombre] closing in; scarlet darkness[tenebres] blending in; the robbers are in the room...
Failure brings punishment[peine], a life-risking mission. They won't let their target escape...
“Damn...we’re getting outta here!”
“Hey, wait up!”
A prince not on his white horse, a somewhat violent kiss[Baiser]
Ah...『she』is release into the world again-
A miracle nurtured by Mother Earth. A gemstone said to be the largest in the world. 30 carat, red diamond... [trente carat, diamant rouge]
A trail left behind through changing hands. Its specialty is a reservation in ranks of the dead. 30 carat... 『Queen Slaughter』[trente carat, Reine Michele]
“Can roman be found there...?”
Translated by Defade.