
Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 2 |
Length | 5:31 |
A butterfly in the back alley landed softly
Upon the shoulders of a young boy singing in a moonlit night
It’s futile to tempt me with that coaxing voice of yours
But for now, I’ll pretend I fell for it
Pardon? Fool lady...
Despite my looks...I’m by far the older one here...
Then...Let’s drink it...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you
All while quenching my deep-seated thirst
Ah...Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your hand
I wander on the shores beyond eternally frozen time...
The butterfly that was drawn
To the voice of a young boy dancing in a moonlit night
Had its wings clipped
The art of unnatural deaths[murder]; any deductions are futile
Circumstantial evidence will not lead you here
Pardon? Fool people....
Despite my looks...I am by far the more knowledgable one here...
Just a moment...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you
Unable to water the parched lands of my heart
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your cheek
I wander on the shores beyond eternally frozen time...
The <outsider>[etranger] of time → going round and round ← you* would certainly <sneer>... → and say that there is no meaning in → counting the amount of times → the old grandfather clock that lost its owner tolled its bell...... Ah...dried flowers eventually turn to sand...their visages...stolen by the wind...
Still...I miss you...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you
All while quenching my deep-seated thirst
Ah...Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your eyes
At the end of the shores beyond eternally frozen time...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you
All while quenching my deep-seated thirst
Ah...Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your heart
I wander on the shores beyond the [cage], never to return...
Translated by Defade.
Tsukiyo ni utau shounen no kata ni
Rojiura no chou ga shanari tomatta
Nekonadegoe no yuuwaku mo muda da yo
Daga aete soko wa notta furi wo suru
Pardon? Fool lady...
Kou miete boku wa... kimi yori hitoketa bakari nenchousha na no da yo......
Then... Let's drink it...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you.
Kawaki kitta nodo wo uruoshinagara
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your hand.
[Towa] ni itetsuita [toki] no higan wo samayou......
Tsukiyo ni odoru shounen no koe ni
Sasowareta chou ga hane wo mogareta
[Koroshi] no [AATO] suisoku ja muda da yo
Joukyou shouko ja koko e wa itarenai
Pardon? Fool people...
Kou miete boku wa... kimitachi yori mo ikubun gakushiki na no da yo......
Just a moment...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you.
Kawaki kitta kokoro uruosenu mama
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your cheek.
[Towa] ni itetsuita [toki] no higan wo samayou......
Meguri meguru → toki no [ETORANZE] ← aruji wo ushinatta → furubita hashiradokei ga
Ikudo → kane wo narashita kanante → kazoeru imi mo nai to →
Anata wa [warau] darou......
Aa... kawaita hana wa suna to nari... omokage ga... kaze ni sarawareru dake......
Still... I miss you...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you.
Kawaki kitta nodo wo uruoshinagara
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your eyes.
[Towa] ni itetsuita [toki] no higan no hate ni......
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you.
Kawaki kitta kokoro uruosenu mama
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your heart.
Nido to modorenai ori no higan wo samayou......
月夜に唄う 少年の肩に
路地裏の蝶が 紗なり停まった
猫撫で声の 誘惑も無駄だよ
だが敢えて其処は 乗った振りをする
Pardon? Fool lady...
こう見えて僕は・・・ 君より一桁ばかり年長者なのだよ・・・・・・
Then... Let's drink it...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you.
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your hand.
月夜に踊る 少年の声に
誘われた蝶が 羽根をもがれた
変死の芸術 推測じゃ無駄だよ
状況証拠じゃ 此処へは至れない
Pardon? Fool people...
こう見えて僕は・・・ 君達よりも幾分博識なのだよ・・・・・・
Just a moment...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you.
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your cheek.
廻り廻る → 刻の【異邦人】 ← 主を失った → 古びた柱時計が
幾度 → 鐘を鳴らしたかなんて → 数える意味もないと →
嗚呼・・・ 乾いた花は砂となり・・・ 面影が・・・ 風に攫われるだけ・・・・・・
Still... I miss you...
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you.
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your eyes.
Mother, dear mother, I keep on seeking you.
Ah... Mother, my mother, I want to kiss your heart.