Luxendarc Kikou
Accounts of the Journey in Luxendarc

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 2 |
Length | 11:27 |
Gardisra, the beginning country.
Walking down the path, with shadows stretching across the stone pavements
A long slope leading towards the harbor, and you have yet to know
Everyone harbors a sad season within their hearts
But...someday...we will be able to don’t put out the lights...
Light shimmers through the clouds...the sky of journeys beginning...
Lakrika, the desert and the huge clock country.
Leaving behind footprints on the dry desert...
They wander and seek for water to quench their thirst
Droplets fall onto the burning sands, and they proceed onward...
A blurring light on the horizon, the sun shimmering in heat tells the time
The grand clock that depended on the wind to move
Lost its source of motion when the wind ceased
Whether day or night, it creaks and croaks without stop
Even though it is now turned by sweating hands...
Within the city in the desert where water was a scarcity, you’ll have to pay a hefty sum to drink some
What is the price tag on life? There is no answer even to this simple question...
Leaving you behind with your troubles...the hands of the clock move forward...
Flowel, the fascinating flower country.
Even daytime is inside the gloomy folds of flower petals
Wet with overgrown desires and self-consciousness
Ladies gathering within the artificial darkness, lit by neon
To compete for the most supreme beauty in the sanctified flower festival
With trendy hair colors, trendy hair accessories
And trendy clothes, will you fake a trendy smile as well?
It was said that if you dress yourself up, you can be like the flowers...the stars...the butterflies...
Displaying the kind of beauty you desire, you can become someone wonderful
Averting your eyes from your true self hidden inside
And the beauty in your heart...
Taking in the remaining fragrance of wildly blossoming tilted your head...
Granship, the nearly vanished and disappearing country.
Afloat the seas, the ocean breeze caresses your cheeks
Blowing through the strands of your hair and dancing away
Chasing after the rolling clouds, the seagulls disappear
What lies distantly beyond the horizon?
A story woven by an expanding world
Travelers will be taken aback, and all say
This whole giant ship is a country by itself
Would you believe that if I’d told you this yesterday?
Now...the waves are quiet...during this peaceful time... the calm seas invite dusk...
Where should we head...tomorrow...
Eizenberg, the civil war country
Behind the raging volcano and above the magma, burning red
Are crowds of people completely exhausted, with no end to the civil war in sight
The burrowed into the dark underground...they hid...they dug...
Cries...won’t reach above...and can’t be heard...but that’s expected...
With their eyes set on rare metals...they searched...they dug...
They held back...bit back...their real feelings...they were but boys-
To uphold peace, to give praise to freedom – they are the ones who killed themselves and took up shields
To gain prosperity, to become someone in power – they are the ones who killed their enemies and took up swords
This war of repeating conflict will not come to an end, and eventually, the obsession for gaining victory
Killed people indiscriminately, spread the poison afar, and gave birth to a devil’s massacre
-what did you think when you heard that?
Because...after a split moment of sadness, your gaze grew firm and strong...
Eternia, the sub-zero tundra, the immortal arctic country.
The story of a cold country, where wind danced with white flakes
You came to a stop suddenly, and listened carefully –
Surrounded by steep mountains covered in sheets of snow
An old village was assaulted by tragedy, and was left with frozen smiles
A long time ago...a contagious disease...spread afar...within the blink of an eye...
As if in mockery...countless lights...were simply...put out...
-is it an unforgivable sin
To wish for an eternal future?
Despite that...I wish for you, so the very remain in good health...
We will remember...the days we journeyed with you...we won’t forget...the days we walked through with you-
Accounts of our Journey in Luxendarc
(Translated by Defade)
(Caldisla, the beginning country.)
Ishidatami nobiru kage tsurete aruku michi
Minato e tsuzuku nagai sakamichi KIMI wa mada shiranu mama
Hito wa mina kokoro ni kanashii toki wo daite
Soredemo... itsuka... waraeru kara... tomoshibi wo tayasanaide...
Hikari ga sashita kumoma... tabidachi no sora......
(Lakrika, the desert and the huge clock country.)
Kawaita suna no hara ni mama ashiato nokoshite...
Kawaita nodo uruosu mizu wo motome samayou
Yaketsuku suna no ue ni shizuku otoshi susunda...
Yurameku chihei no saki toki wo kizamu kagerou
Kaze ni tayori ugoka shiteita ootokei wa
Kaze ga tomari douryoku wo ushinatta
Hiru mo yoru mo taema naku KACCHI KOCCHI
Ase wo nagashi hito no te de ugoka shite iru to iu no ni...
Suigen ga toboshii suna no machi de wa mizu wo nomu no ni mo PIIKU ga kakaru
Inochi no nedantte ikura nano darou? Soboku na gimon ni kotae nado naku...
Nayamu KIMI wo okizari ni... tokei no hari wa susumu......
(Flowel, the fascinating flower country.)
Hiruma demo usugurai hanabira no uchigawa de
Hidaishita yokubou to jiishiki ni nureta mama
Tsukurareta kurayami ni tsudou LADY terasu neon
Saikou no utsukushisa kisoiau seikasai
Hayari no kami no iro hayari no kamikazari
Hayari no fukusou de hayari no egao tsukuru no?
Sotogawa wo kikazareba hana yo... hoshi yo... chou yo...
Nozonda you ni utsukushisa hokoru suteki na jibun ni nareru to...
Uchigawa ni kakusareta sugao no mama no jibun to
Kokoro no naka no utsukushisa sore ni wa me wo somuketa mama
Kuroizaku tatebana no nokoriga ni... KIMI wa kubi wo kajigeta......
(Grandship, the nearly vanished and disappearing country.)
Unabara ni tayutaeba shiokaze ga hoho wo nade
KIMI no kami wo yurashite odoru
Nagareru kumo wo oikakete umineko ga kiete yuku
Suiheisen no haruka kanata nani ga aru no darou?
Hirogaru sekai ga tsumugi dasu monogatari
Tabibito wa odoroki dare mo ga mina iu darou
Kyodai na fune ga marugoto hitotsu no kuni da nante
Kinou no KIMI wa sore wo shinjirareta kai?
Ima... nami mo shizuka... odayaka na toki no naka de... nagi wa tasogare wo sasou...
Ashita wa... doko e yukou...
(Eisenberg, the civil war country.)
Ikarikuruu kazan wo se ni akaku moeru [MAGUMA] no ue
Hihei shikitta hitobito no mure owari no mienu naisen no hibi
Kurai anagura ni... mogutte... komotte... hotte...
[KURAI]... chijou ni wa... kikoenai... todokanai... muri mo nai...
[REA] na kinzoku... neratte... sagutte... hotte...
[RIARU] na kanjou... oshikorosu... kamikorosu... kanaria――
Heiwa wo mamoru tame ni jiyuu wo utau tame ni jibun wo koroshi tate wo totta mono to
Yutaka sa wo eru tame ni shihaisha ni naru tame ni teki wo korosu tsurugi wo totta mono to
Arasoi wo kurikaesu tatakai wa owaranai yagate yugamu shouri e no moushuu ga
Musabetsu ni hito wo hofuru moudoku wo makichirasu akuma no gyakusatsu wo umidashita
――Sonna hanashi wo kiite KIMI wa nani wo omotta?
Setsuna... ukabeta urei no ato ni totemo tsuyoi me wo shiteta kara......
(Eternia, the sub-zero tundra, the immortal arctic country.)
Shiroi hana ga kaze to odoru samui kuni no monogatari
KIMI wa fui ni ayumi wo tomete mimi wo katamuketa――
Fukai yuki wo one ni matou kewashii yama ni kakomareta
Furui mura wo osotta higeki emi wo kooraseta
Hayari yamai wa... katsute... matataki no ma ni... hirogari...
Azawarau you ni... tada... musuu no akari... keshisatta...
――Eien no saki wo nozomu no wad
Yurusarezaru tsumi nano deshou ka?
Soredemo... semete... itoshii KIMI yo... sukoyaka ni...
Omoidasu... KIMI to tabi shita hibi... wasurenai... KIMI to ayunda hibi――
Luxendarc kikou
(Caldisla, the beginning country.)
石畳 伸びる影 連れて歩く途
港へ続く 長い坂道 キミは未だ知らぬまま
人は皆 心に 哀しい季節を抱いて
それでも・・・ いつか・・・ 笑えるから・・・ 灯火を絶やさないで・・・
光が射した雲間・・・ 旅立ちの空・・・・・・・・・
(Lakrika, the desert and the huge clock country.)
乾いた砂の原に 儘 足跡残して・・・
渇いた喉潤す 水を求め彷徨う
灼けつく砂の上に 雫落とし進んだ・・・
揺らめく地平の先 時を刻む陽炎
風に頼り 動かしていた大時計は
風が止まり 動力を失った
昼も夜も 絶え間なく カッチ コッチ
汗を流し 人の手で動かしていると言うのに・・・
水源が乏しい砂の街では 水を飲むのにも大金が掛かる
生命の値段って幾らなのだろう? 素朴な疑問に答えなどなく・・・
悩むキミを置さ去りに・・・ 時計の針は進む・・・・・・
(Flowel, the fascinating flower country.)
昼間でも薄暗い 花弁の内側で
肥大した欲望と 自意識に濡れたまま
造られた暗闇に 集う淑女 照らす放電陽光管
最高の美しさ 競い合う聖花祭
流行の髪の色 流行の髪飾り
流行の服装で 流行の笑顔作るの?
外側を着飾れば 花よ・・・ 星よ・・・ 蝶よ・・・
望んだように美しさ誇る 素敵な自分になれると
内側に隠された 素顔のままの自分と
心の中の美しさ それには 目を背けたまま
狂い咲く艶花の残り香に・・・ キミは首を傾げた・・・・・・・・・
(Grandship, the nearly vanished and disappearing country.)
海原に蕩えば 潮風が頬を撫で
流れる雲を追いかけて 海猫が消えてゆく
水平線の遥か彼方 何があるのだろう?
今・・・ 波も閑か・・・ 穏やかな時間の中で・・・ 凪は黄昏を誘う・・・
明日は・・・ 何処へ往こう・・・・・・・・・
(Eisenberg, the civil war country.)
怒り狂う 火山を背に 紅く燃える 溶岩の上
疲弊しきった 人々の群れ 終わりの見えぬ 内戦の日々
暗い坑蔵に・・・ 潜って・・・ 籠って・・・ 掘って・・・
泣き叫ぶ声・・・ 地上には・・・ 聞こえない・・・ 届かない・・・ 無理もない・・・
稀少な金属・・・ 狙って・・・ 探って・・・ 掘って・・・
現実的な感情・・・ 押し殺す・・・ 噛み殺す・・・ 少年達——
平和を守るために 自由を謳う為に 自分を殺し楯を取った者と
豊かさを得るために 支配者に成るために 敵を殺す剣を取った者と
争いを繰り返す 戦いは終わらない やがて歪む勝利への妄執が
無差別に人を屠る 猛毒を撒き散らす 悪魔の虐殺を産み出した
――そんな話を聞いて キミは何を想った?
刹那・・・ 浮かべた憂いの後に とても強い瞳をしてたから・・・・・・・・・
(Eternia, the sub-zero tundra, the immortal arctic country.)
白い華が風と踊る 寒い国の物語
キミは不意に歩みを止めて 耳を傾けた――
深い雪を尾根に纏う 険しい山に囲まれた
古い村を襲った悲劇 笑みを凍らせた
流行病は・・・ かつて・・・ 瞬きの間に・・・ 広がり・・・
嘲笑う様に・・・ 唯・・・ 無数の灯り・・・ 消し去った・・・
それでも・・・ せめて・・・ 愛しいキミよ・・・ 健やかに・・・
想い出す・・・ キミと旅した日々・・・ 忘れない・・・ キミと歩んだ日々――