Kimi ga Umaretekuru Sekai
The World You’ll be Born Into

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 9 |
Length | 2:08 |
The World You’ll be Born Into (in Japanese キミが生まれてくる世界, Kimi ga Umaretekuru Sekai) is the nineteenth track on Sound Horizon's first story renewal CD Chronicle 2nd. The song first appeared on the first story CD Chronicle.
Once the long night comes to an end, the world shall regain its shine again
We have something that we must convey
To you, who will be born tomorrow...
"Let's have a long talk tonight.
About the world you'll be born into..."
History repeats itself. Don't ever forget that.
History repeats itself. You can't ever forget that...
"Your eyes shall reflect...
Both beautiful things and ugly things, all of them..."
We didn't give up...
And at last, we found it.
Written on the black back cover in black ink
The last and first story...
"You shall attain...
Lovely beings, hateful beings, all of them..."
The unraveled black Chronicle. Thousands of stories that color history.
For example...
The story of us, who didn't give up even knowing of the end...
The story of the poet, who recited his truthful feelings until the very end...
The story of the warrior, who put his life on the line for things that should be protected...
The story of the young boy, who became the king of tree frost at the expense of his mother's life...
The story of the endlessly white girl, who adored the azure ocean...
The story of the hero, who saved the world once again with his remaining left arm...
The story of the girl who predicts the future, whose memories were sealed into a doll...
The story of all of you, listening to this song in the embrace of the motherly ocean...
"You will live on...
Through happy times, through sad times, all of them..."
A message from us,
To all the children of the new world, to you, who will be born tomorrow
Forgiving everything, accepting everything...
"Eventually, the end shall dawn upon your world as well.
However...please don't give up...I love you..."
Memories repeatedly passed down through song. The story takes towards the next horizon...
~ Back Cover 『 The World you'll be Born Into 』
(Translated by Defade)
Once the long night comes to an end, the world shall regain its shine again
We have something that we must convey
To you, who will be born tomorrow...
"Let's have a long talk tonight.
About the world you'll be born into..."
History repeats itself. Don't ever forget that.
History repeats itself. You can't ever forget that...
"Your eyes shall reflect...
Both beautiful things and ugly things, all of them..."
We didn't give up...
And at last, we found it.
Written on the black back cover in black ink
The last and first story...
"You shall attain...
Lovely beings, hateful beings, all of them..."
The unraveled black Chronicle. Thousands of stories that color history.
For example...
The story of us, who didn't give up even knowing of the end...
The story of the poet, who recited his truthful feelings until the very end...
The story of the warrior, who put his life on the line for things that should be protected...
The story of the young boy, who became the king of tree frost at the expense of his mother's life...
The story of the endlessly white girl, who adored the azure ocean...
The story of the hero, who saved the world once again with his remaining left arm...
The story of the girl who predicts the future, whose memories were sealed into a doll...
The story of all of you, listening to this song in the embrace of the motherly ocean...
"You will live on...
Through happy times, through sad times, all of them..."
A message from us,
To all the children of the new world, to you, who will be born tomorrow
Forgiving everything, accepting everything...
"Eventually, the end shall dawn upon your world as well.
However...please don't give up...I love you..."
Memories repeatedly passed down through song. The story takes towards the next horizon...
~ Back Cover 『 The World you'll be Born Into 』
(Translated by Defade)
永い夜が明ければ 世界は再び輝きを取り戻すだろう
僕達には 届けなければならないモノがあるんだ 明日生まれて来る君へ・・・
「今夜は いっぱい話そう 君が生まれてくる この世界のこと・・・」
歴史は繰り返す 忘れてはいけない 歴史は繰り返す 忘れてはいけないよ・・・
「君の瞳は映すだろう・・・ 美しいコトも 醜いコトも全て・・・」
僕達は諦めなかった・・・ そして 遂に見つけ出した 黒い背表紙に 黒墨で書かれた 最後にして最初の物語・・・
「君は得るだろう・・・ 愛しいモノも 憎いモノも全て・・・」
紐解かれた黒いクロニクル 歴史を彩る幾千の物語 例えばそれは・・・
終焉を知ってなお 諦めなかった僕達の物語・・・
最期まで 偽らざる想いを詩い続けた詩人の物語・・・
守るべきモノの為に 命を懸けた戦士の物語・・・
母の命と引き換えに 樹氷の王となったの少年の物語・・・
蒼い海に憧れた 限りなく白い少女の物語・・・
残された左腕で 再び世界を救った英雄の物語・・・
人形に記憶を封じられた 未来を読む少女の物語・・・
・・そして 母なる海に抱かれ この詩を聴いている君達の物語・・・
「君は生きるだろう・・・ 楽しいトキも 苦しいトキも全て・・・」
全てを許し 全てを受け止める 新世界の子供達 明日生まれてくる君へ 僕達からのメッセ-ジ・・・
「やがて君達の世界にも終焉が訪れるだろう それでも・・・どうか諦めないで・・・君を愛している・・・」
繰り返し詩い継がれる記憶 物語は次の地平線へ・・・
Vocals & Voices:
Other All Violin by Mutsumi Suzuki
Cello by Shigeru Ohara
Electric Guitar & Bass & Accordion & Keyboards by Revo
Udu & Djembe & Tambourince & Castanet & Other Percussion & Computer Programming by Revo
Produced by Sound Horizon
Lyrics & Image Story Written by Revo
Music Composed & Arranged by Revo
Recorded & Mixed & Mastered by Revo
Booklet & Label Design by Yokoyan
Special thanks for Kuri
Recorded at Studio C5