Kakumei no Yoru ni
On the Night of the Revolution

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 2 |
Length | 5:13 |
On the night of the revolution, the fated night.
Who will you choose to believe, and what choice will you make?
On the night of the revolution, the fated night.
Who will make the choice and what will end up being ridiculed?
To stand still on this path tonight...is the same as to retreat...
On the night of the revolution, the fated night.
Who will get ridiculed, and what will we come to grieve?
On the night of the revolution, the fated night.
Who will come to grieve and what will end up being destroyed?
To stand still on this path tonight...is the same as to retreat...
The red dyeing our hands...reminds us of regrets...
The flower petals dancing in the air, thrown about by the violent winds,
Are like moonlit butterflies, their sway just as short-lived.
Soaring at the crimson backs were the two wings
And we put our trust on the never-vanishing flame of them.
The time to make a choice comes suddenly and the ring of the bell sounds cruelly.
The gun-shot heard far away has now reached our ears with a whisper.
We have no need for those who've deceived us about our past; now we need to talk about our future!
As the finger lingers on the trigger, a 《melody》(kiss) of oath is presented.
We await the break of dawn, on the night of the revolution.
What is justice? Who is in the right?
Questions without answers dance through the empty sky.
And as is...the ring of the bell sounds with a cruel tone.
In the world to come...like always history is only made along victors.
The losers will be taken down, their voices silenced forever, and ceaselessly the empty wind will continue to sough...
What is our real enemy? And where is the real king?
Is there really a way to save this world?
Aah... Just where is paradise?
The die of fate is rolled suddenly and a cruel wind rises.
The brightly laughing voices blooming yesterday, today lie silent under the cold earth.
We have no need for those who cling to the past; what we need is to seize the future!
As the crimson determination burns on, a 《melody》(bouquet) of oath is presented.
We pierce the break of dawn, towards the end of our revolution---
Within the daybreak burning crimson...
The twilight dream sways crimson...
(In der Revolution Nacht)
Kakumei no yoru ni unmei no yoru ni dare wo shinji nani wo erabu no ka
Kakumei no yoru ni unmei no yoru ni dare ga erabi nani wo warau no ka
Kono yoru ni tachidomaru michi wa koutai to onaji
Kakumei no yoru ni unmei no yoru ni dare wo warai nani wo nageku no ka
Kakumei no yoru ni unmei no yoru ni dare ga nageki nani wo kowasu no ka
Kono yoru ni tachidomaru michi wa koutai to onaji
Somari tsudzukeru te wa koukai to ni teru
Fukiareru kaze ni mai ochiru (hanabira) wa
(Tsukiyo no kochou) hakanaku yurameite
Miokuru senaka de maiagaru souyoku ni
Kienai honoo takushita
Sentaku no toki wa toutotsu ni reikoku ni kane ga naru
Tooku de hibiita juusei ga ima mimimoto de sazayaku
Kako wo kataru mono wa iranai katarubeki wa mirai
Hikigane ni yubi wo kakenagara chikai no [kuchizuke] wo
Yoake wo matsu kakumei no yoru ni―
Seigi to wa nani ka? Tadashii no wa dare ka?
Kotaenaki toi wa kokuu wo mai mama… mujou ni kane ga naru
Itsu no yo ni mo tada… rekishi wa shousha to tomo ni ari
Haisha wo nagi koe wo hofuru taezu kuukyo na kaze ga fuku
Hontou no teki wa nani ka? Hontou no ou wa doko na no ka?
Kono sekai ni hatashite sukui wa aru no darou ka?
Aa… Rakuen wa doko ni aru?
Unmei no sai wa toutotsu ni zankoku na kaze ga fuku
Kinou saite ita waraigoe kyou wa tsumetai tsuchi no naka
Kako ni sugaru mono wa iranai tsukamubeki wa mirai
Guren no ishi wo tomoshi nagara chikai no [hanataba] wo
Yoake wo ugatsu kakumei no ato de――
Akaku moeru akatsuki no naka akaku yureru tasogare no yume
(In der Revolution Nacht)
革命の夜に 運命の夜に 誰を信じ 何を選ぶのか
革命の夜に 運命の夜に 誰が選び 何を嗤うのか
この夜に 立ち止まる道は 後退と同じ
革命の夜に 運命の夜に 誰を嗤い 何を嘆くのか
革命の夜に 運命の夜に 誰が嘆き 何を壊すのか
この夜に 立ち止まる道は 後退と同じ
染まり続ける手は 後悔と似てる
吹き荒れ風に 舞い落ちる (花弁)は
(月夜の胡蝶) 儚く瑤らめいて
見送る背中で 舞い上がる 双翼に
消えない焔 託した
選択の時は唐突に 冷酷に鐘が鳴る
遠くで響いた銃声が 今耳許で囁く
過去を騙る者は要らない 語るべきは未来
引き金に指を掛けながら 誓いの《旋律》を
夜明けを待つ 革命の夜に――
正義とは何か? 正しいのは誰か?
答え無き問いは 虚空を舞い 儘・・・ 無情に鐘が鳴る
何時の世にも 唯・・・ 歴史は 勝者と共にあり
敗者を薙ぎ 声を屠る 絶えず 空虚な風が吹く
本当の敵は何か? 本当の王はどこなのか?
この世界に果たして 救いはあるのだろうか?
嗚呼・・・ 楽園はどこにある?
運命の賽は唐突に 残酷な風が吹く
昨日咲いていた笑い声 今日は冷たい土の中
過去に縋る者は要らない 掴むべきは未来
紅蓮の意志を灯しながら 誓いの《旋律》を
夜明けを穿つ 革命の後で――
紅く燃える暁の中 紅く揺れる黄昏の夢