Kakei no Majo
The Burnt Witch

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 2 |
Length | 9:18 |
The Burnt Witch (in Japanese 火刑の魔女, Kakei no Majo) is the second track on Sound Horizon's seventh story CD Märchen.
“A twisted altar dedicated to sin.
A corpse offered to god.
Why did you cross this border?
Come, try to sing.”
As if pulling in the threads of my faint memories
I step into the dark, gloomy forest
As if tracing the paths of my childhood memories
I marched into the depths of the forest I entered
Crossing the river, going left at the ghostly fir
And there stood the place of my birth
“Ever since I can remember, my father’s whereabouts were unknown,
And I lived a humble life with my mother.
I was often blamed groundlessly and bullied for things like putting poison into the well,
The only friends that I could speak of were the animals in the forest...”
(“Get out! Get out!” “Witch! Witch!” “You’re disgusting!” “Don’t follow us!”)
But still...ah...mother...I was happy...
Did...you know...why? Because you were with me
So why did my mother abandon me?
I wanted to know that no matter what...
A monastery in a big city took me in when I was young
But because of the violent storms of Reformation
And the new believers, ah, it was destroyed mercilessly
(“We’re gonna drive out the fallen clergy!”
“Destroy their altar! True faith is in our hands!”
“Stop it! Please stop it!”)
Life has its ups and downs, and since I cannot grasp the workings of fate
I believed that one end leads to another beginning; working up my courage
I began my trip in search for my homeland, to seek the answer for my longstanding question
Crossing the river, going left at the ghostly fir
And there stood the place of my birth
“What awaited me was a stone-like old woman,
(“I’m home, mother...eh!?” “Oh, you’re the one sent by our Lord Jesus. Thank you for coming.”)
I could hardly believe that this stranger could be my mother.
(“It’s stale bread, but did it match your tastes?” “I can eat this forever!”)
I saw no light of recognition in her eyes, and looking at her, desperate for food,
(“Madam, do you not know who I am?” “What are you babbling about...”)
I thought that she’d already lost her mind.
(“Are you discriminating against me too? Give me more, give me more food!”)
I converted, but it was too late
It became impossible to secure food for even one person.
An inverted cross that makes a mockery of repentance.
My prayers don’t reach.
Without gaining forgiveness, sins merely increase in number...
“I see...
So that’s how you were sacrificed? Against your will, to boot...
This might take some time, but a child’s grudge should be avenged by a child.
Is that alright?
Now, let the revenge tragedy begin.”
Poor siblings[children] who were abandoned in the forest
I understand the sad feelings of abandoned children, painfully so
Ah, controlling the birds, I made the trail of breadcrumbs disappear
(“The breadcrumbs are...getting eaten!”)
I had the birds, white as snow, sing in invitation
(“Ah! Hey, brother, that’s an interesting bird!”
“You’re right. Let’s try chasing it!”)
“Look, Hänsel, big brother. There’s a house over there!”
“But Gretel, that might be a scary witch’s house...still.”
“Better than...dying with an empty stomach!”
“Is anyone here?”
“Oh my, what cute guests. Are you hungry? Come on in.”
“The roof is made out of lebkuchen, the windows are of sugar.
I’ll give you this delicious house made from sweets!”
Ah, you don’t need to hold back
Letting kids eat as much as they wanted has always been my small dream
Ah, my loan shark husband didn’t come back alive
But he left me with some inheritance...
The siblings[two] took advantage of the old woman’s kindness; her selfless actions, and ate
(“This is delicious! Gretel, you have some too!” “Yeah, it’s delicious, brother!”)
One day, the girl looked at the boy who’d become round and grew afraid
(“Delicious!” “B-brother?” “Delicious! Gretel, if you’re not going to eat, let me have your portion!”)
“Ah! The old woman is a witch, and she’s going to eat us!”
It’d be B-A-D if we don’t kill her before she kills us!
Kick her HARD! In the back!
“You won’t be able to eat us.”
“You’re great, Gretel! Now the witch’s finished!”
“We have to let Thomas know as well.”
“Yep, the evil witch was burnt, and now all treasure”
“Belongs to us!”
“Hey Tom-“
“Hey there Hans! How did you get so fat?”
“Woah! We really got lucky!”
“So every old woman who lives in the forest alone are witches.”
“Geez, children are such cold-hearted liars. I hate them. Ahahahaha!”
Translated by Defade.
"Tsumi wo matsuru ibitsu na saidan.
Kami ni sasagerareta shikabane.
Kimi wa naze, kono kyoukai wo koete shimatta no ka.
Saa, utatte goran..."
Kasuka na kioku no ito wo taguru you ni
Honogurai mori e ashi wo fumi ireta
Osanai kioku no michi wo tadoru you ni
Iri kunda mori no oku e to susunda
Ogawa wo watari obake momi no ki wo hidari e to
Soko ni tatazumu watashi no seika
Monogokoro tsuita toki ni wa, sude ni chichi no shousoku wa fumei de,
Watashi to haha wa itsu mo futari, totemo mazushii kurashi datta.
Ido ni doku wo ireta nado to, iwarenaki tsumi de shiitagerareru koto mo ooku,
Watashi ni totte tomodachi to ieru no wa, mori no doubutsu tachi dake datta......
Soredemo aa nee [Mutti] watashi wa shiawase datta you
Sono riyuu wo nee shitteta? Anata ga issho datta kara
Sore nano ni naze haha wa watashi wo suteta no ka?
Doushite mo sore ga shiritakute......
Chiisana watashi wo hirotte kureta no wa ookina machi ni aru shuudouin datta
Keredo hageshiku fuki areta kaikaku no arashi to
Shinkyouto tachi no te ni totte aa muzan ni mo hakai sareta
Jinsei wa suuki no mono unmei wa wakaranai kara
Hitotsu no owari wa atarashii hajimari to shinjite yuuki wo motte
Sekinen no gumon wo toku tame ni kikyou wo sagasu tabi wo hajimeta
Ogawa wo watari obake momi no ki wo hidari e to
Soko ni tatazumu watashi no seika
Watashi no raihou wo matteita no wa, ishi no you ni toshi wo totta rouba de
Maru de mishiranu sono josei ga, haha de aru to wa niwaka ni wa shinji gataku,
[Watashi] de aru to kizuku koto mo naku, tada shokuryou wo musaboru haha no hitomi wa,
Sude ni shouki wo ushinatteiru you ni omoeta.
Kaishuu shita keredo toki wa sude ni osoku,
Hitori no kui buchi sae mou mama naranakatta.
Zange wo warau gyaku juuji.
Inori wa todokanai.
Yurushi mo erarenu mama, tsumi dake ga fuete yuku...
"Naruhodo, sore de kimi wa matsurarete shimatta wake da ne? Fuhon'i nagara.
Shoushou jikan wa kakaru ga, kodomo no urami wa kodomo ga harasu mono sa.
Yoroshii ka na?
Saa, fukushuugeki wo hajimeyou ka..."
Mori ni okizari ni sareta kawaisou na [kodomo tachi]
suterareta ko no kanashii kimochi wa itai hodo wakaru wa
Aa toritachi wo ayatsuri PAN kuzu no michishirube wo keshi
Mayuki no you ni masshiro na tori ni utawasete sasotta
"Mite, Hänsel oniichan. Hora, asoko ni ie ga aru wa!"
"Demo, Gretel sore wa, kowai majo no ie kamo shirenai......kedo"
"Harapeko de......shinu yori mashi sa!" "Shinu yori mashi ne!"
"Dare ka imasen ka?"
"Oya maa, kawaii okyakusama da koto. Hara ga hetteru no kai? Saa, naka e ohairi"
"Yane wa [Lebkuchen]. Mado wa shiro shatou.
Okashi no oishii ie wo, kosaete ageyou ka nee!"
Aa enryo wa iranai yo
Kodomo ni hara ippai tabesaseru no ga watashi no sasayakana yume datta
Aa kanekashidatta otto wa ikite wa kaeranakatta kedo
Ikubaku ka no isan wo kotozukete kureteita......
Rouba no koui ni mushou no koui ni amaeta [futari] wa tabe tsuzuketa
Shoujo wa aru hi marumaru futotta shounen wo mite kowakunatta
"Aa, rouba wa majo de, futari wo tabechau tsumori nanda wa!"
Yarareru mae ni yaranakya YA・BA・I!
Senaka wo DON! to ketobase!
"Mori ni sumu kodoku na rouba wa, subete majo nanda sou da yo"
"MOU, kodomo NANTE zuuzuu SHIKUTE usotsuKI DE, watashi WA daikiraI. AHAHAHA!"
幽かな記憶の 糸を手繰るように
仄昏 い森へ 足を踏み入れた
幼い記憶の 途を辿るように
入り組んだ森の 奥へと進んだ
小川を渡り お化け樅の木を左へと
そこに佇む 私の生家
それでも 嗚呼 ねぇ お母さんMutti 私は幸せだったよ
その理由を ねぇ 知ってた? 貴女が一緒だったから
それなのに 何故 母は 私を捨てたのか?
どうしても それが 知りたくて……
小さな私を拾ってくれたのは 大きな街にある修道院だった
けれど 激しく吹き荒れた改革の嵐と
新教徒達の手によって 嗚呼 無惨にも破壊された
人生は数奇のもの 運命は判らないから
ひとつの終わりは 新しい始まりと信じて 勇気を持って
積年の疑問を 解く為に 故郷を探す 旅を始めた
小川を渡り お化け樅の木を左へと
そこに佇む 私の生家
森に置き去りにされた 可哀想な兄妹子供たち
捨てられた子の 悲しい気持ちは 痛いほど解るわ
ああ 鳥達を操り パン屑の道標を消し
真雪のように 真っ白な鳥に 歌わせて誘った
嗚呼 遠慮はいらないよ
子供に腹一杯食べさせるのが 私のささやかな夢だった
嗚呼 金貸しだった夫は 生きては帰らなかったけど
老婆の好意に 無償の行為に 甘えた兄妹二人は 食べ続けた
少女はある日 丸々太った 少年を見て 怖くなった
殺られる前に 殺らなきゃ ヤ・バ・イ!
背中を ドン! と 蹴飛ばせ!