Jiyuu no Daishou
The Price of Freedom

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 9 |
Length | 5:49 |
Overcoming the mountain of corpses, we take flight across the skies like birds
This is our crimson counterattack; they should be the ones to taste dirt!
We place our [dreams] in a location outside the map
And what we pay is the
Wings of Freedom
Price of Freedom
Wings of Freedom
Price of Freedom
Cutting through the , we urge our horses onwards
Billowing behind our backs the
Not knowing the behind separating friend and foe
We offer up our hearts as the
Wings of Freedom
Price of Freedom
Warrior of Freedom
Soldier of Freedom
Wings of Freedom
The bird broke through its shell to soar through the skies
Not to pathetically crawl on the ground, right?
And so, what are your [wings] for?
To carve out a path of survival in the most desperate of situations!
Wings of Freedom
Soldier of Freedom
There is a we must take in our hands, no matter the sacrifices
The name of this bloodstained and cold-hearted determination is
We once cowered in fear of the approaching giant shadows
But we've long buried those days in the past
Go forth to feast yourselves on dreams of dawn
To stop those senseless waves from approaching
Arrows are released like nameless flowers
Until they lay claim to the truth hidden in the walls
Wings of Freedom
Soldier of Freedom
Wings of Freedom
Soldier of Freedom
Wings of Freedom
Carrying [Gloria] in our hands, we sing
Bearing upon our backs
Whirlwinds draw arcs upon the sky, and the ground trembles in response
To kill and be killed is the
(Das Risiko der Freiheit)
Shikabane tobi koete (tori) no you ni sora wo kakeru
Guren no hangeki chi wo hau no wa yatsura no hou da!
Chizu ni nai basho e [yume] wo hasete
Shiharau no wa [Risiko der Freiheit]
[Flugel der Freiheit]
[Risiko der Freiheit]
[Flugel der Freiheit]
[Risiko der Freiheit]
[Kaze] wo kirisakeru kiba wo karete
Hatameku no wa [Flugel der Freiheit]
Teki to mikata wo wakatsu sono [wake] mo shirazu
Sasageru shinzou wa [Risiko der Freiheit]
[Flugel der Freiheit]
[Risiko der Freiheit]
[Kampf for der Freiheit]
[Soldat der Freiheit]
[Flugel der Freiheit]
(Tori) wa tobu tame ni sono kara wo yabutte kita
Buzama ni chi wo hau tame janai daro?
Omae no [tsubasa] wa sou nanno tame ni aru?
Shichi no tada naka ni katsuro wo miidaseru!
[Flugel der Freiheit]
[Soldat der Freiheit]
Donna gisei wo haratte mo tsukamubeki [saki] ga aru
Chinurareta reitetsu na sono ishi no na wa [Freiheit]
Semari kuru kyodai na kage ni
Obieru hibi wa kako ni houmuri
Akatsuki no yume musaboru tame ni hashire
Wake mo naku oshiyoseru sono nami wo tomeru tame
Na mo naki hana no you ni (yumiya) wa hanatareru
Kabe no naka katarareta shinjitsu wo itadaku made
[Flugel der Freiheit]
[Soldat der Freiheit]
[Flugel der Freiheit]
[Soldat der Freiheit]
[Flugel der Freiheit]
Ryoute ni wa [Gloria] utau no wa [Sieg]
Senaka ni wa [Flugel der Freiheit]
Ko wo egaku tsumuji kaze daichi wo yurashite
Hofuri hofurareru [Risiko der Freiheit]
O, mein Freund!
Jetzt, hier, ist ein Sieg
Dies ist ein grrosses Gloria
O, mein Freund!
Feiern wir diesen Sieg
Fur den nachsten...
(Das Risiko der Freiheit)
屍飛び越えて (鳥)のように 空を駆ける
紅蓮の反撃 地を這うのは 奴等の方だ!
地図に無い場所へ 《希望》を馳せて
《疾風》を切り裂ける 騎馬を駆れて
敵と味方を別つ 其の《理由》も識らず
(鳥)は飛ぶ為に 其の殻を破ってきた
お前の《能力》は そう 何の為に在る?
死地の直中に 活路を見い出せる!
どんな犠牲を払っても 掴むべき《未来》が在る
血塗られた冷徹な 其の意志の名は《自由》
迫り来る 巨大な影に
怯える日々は 過去に葬り
暁の夢 貪る為に奔れ
訳も無く押し寄せる 其の波を止める為
名も無き花のように (弓矢)は放たれる
壁の中 騙られた 真実を戴くまで
両手には《鋼刃》 唄うのは《凱歌》
弧を描く旋風 大地を揺らして
O, mein Freund!
Jetzt, hier, ist ein Sieg
Dies ist ein grrosses Gloria
O, mein Freund!
Feiern wir diesen Sieg
Fur den nachsten...