Interview with Noël

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 3 |
Length | 15:29 |
Interview with Noel from HEAVY/EDGE
"Shibukawa Eiji, hailing from HEAVY/EDGE, always ready to bring you the most niche and edgiest news through the web! Please to meet ya!
But man, VaniStar’s the thing. For reals.
It feels like the almighty thunder god bringin’ his hammer down on me. It reaaaally sets me on fire.
Smokin’ hot.
Anyways, so you give us these awesome rock tunes,
But how did your first meeting with the mysterious producer Revo go?”
The shittiest thing happened...and made me hate every damn thing...
And when I came to...I was just watching the stars all alone...
The winter’s moon...was frozen pale...
And within the darkness...a man in black...was looking at me...
“Man, that must’ve been one crazy meeting.
But for reals, is Revo-cchi from another world or something?
Or I guess another ‘horizon’, since that’s how he puts it. Geez, a strange man if I’ve ever seen one.
He’s got them black outfits, those cool shades, and those rings on his hands, or so I’ve heard. (laughs)
-oops, sorry man. That’s a bad habit of mine. Let’s get back on track.
So, what did you guys first talk about?”
"I listened to your music," the man said
"That frustration of yours - it’s grown too much to be denied, yet you’re much too young to come to terms with it"
"Won’t you try putting it to song?" The man continued
"That loneliness you’re feeling has the same color as the one I’m feeling."
"<The souls of musicians>[We] are free, we can turn any sadness into <stories>[roman]
Let us deliver those songs, to touch someone else’s world through the connected horizons.”
-And the man offered me one book in silence
Whose author I’ve never heard of...
Interview with Noel from SOUND AROUND
“This is Yamaguchi from the music magazine “SOUND AROUND”, priding ourselves on our coverage of all musical genres with interviews delivered as they are, with no bias and no embroidery. It will be our first interview with you, so I’m looking forward to it. You don’t need to go into the details, but let’s start off with how you got into music in the first place, shall we?”
The first musical instrument I’ve played....was the piano...though my memories are blurry...
I remember that at least...but...
I didn’t continue my lessons...
Because I wasn’t a kid....
Who could sit still in front of a piano...
“I see. I suppose you have temporarily closed off your path to music, then. However, if that’s all there is to it, you wouldn’t be where you are right now, correct?”
Music has always been by my side...for as long as I could was simply natural...
And not something meant to be learnt...
Though my family was poor, my grandmother...
Tried her hardest and begged her relatives...
And managed to get me an organ on its last legs...
“I see. Pardon me for my rudeness in saying this, but that was a surprisingly heartwarming story.
So your grandmother’s love for you lit up your path to music once again.
However, for something that was supposedly based on the sort of love you experienced at a very young age, your songs leave quite a different impression...
Excuse me, I shouldn’t allow my bias to color my perceptions. Could you please tell us a little bit more concerning that topic?”
Interview with Noel from HEAVY/EDGE
“But man, you’re right.
The essence of VaniStar’s songs are like...a blood-curling scream from the depths of your soul,
accentuated by aggressive guitar riffs.
So how did you end up coming across a guitar, Noe-cchi?”
When I went to <an academic institution filled with stupid kids who had more brawns than brains>[middle school]
I didn’t believe in <self-serving kindness> at all, not even a bit
My troubled <guardian, looking after me for convenience’s sake>[old hag], laid down some conditions
I sold <my attitude and thoughts, exactly how adults would want it>[my soul], and got a cheap electric guitar in exchange
I can destroy this worthless world with this
Armed with the heart of a lone wolf, my one guitar, and the true <soul of music>[rock]
I took on everyone around me as my enemy and roared
Touch me and I’ll bare my fangs, since it hurts if you lick me where I’m most vulnerable...
“Wow! I had that phase when I was a kid as well.
I guess it’s what they call the 8th grader syndrome, yeah? Awesome.
Still, I didn’t have as much pent up rage as you seemed to have back then. (laughs) the way, Noel.
Do you still believe that you can destroy the world with rock?”
Interview with Noel from V-ROCK HEAVEN
“It is my utmost pleasure to meet you on this fine day.
I am marie*marie, from the tanbi-kei monthly music magazine “V-ROCK HEAVEN”.
I have my eyes on the band “Vanishing Starlight” right now
And Noel-sama as well. Could I perhaps ask you a few questions, such as how you became involved with a band in the first place?”
The first band I made was a bratty metal band
We had all the spunk and none of the skills to back it up
We got into fistfights with people that pissed us off, all day long
The others spewed some rubbish about the ‘difference in musical tastes’, and I just found it ridiculous
We went around in circles for no good reason, and in the end I turned everyone against me...
-And so...none remained in my band...
It was <fated> to disappear...Vanishing burnt to a crisp...with only a momentary shine...
“Oh my, that’s quite impressive for an untold tale.
Scars from youthful days. A sorrowful glimmer.
I suppose that is why you went on the path of a solo musician for a while, using synthesized instruments?”
Interview with Noel from SOUND AROUND
“I see, that is quite fascinating.
By the way, Noel-san, you have quite the splendid name.
My name is as plain as they come, so I’ll be honest here when I say I’m somewhat jealous.
It’s written as “ichi” and read as “Hajime”. 7 strokes in total even if you combine it with “Yamaguchi”, my last name. (laughs)”’s not as nice as you think it sounds kinda cool, but...
My nickname was “Chris Mass-o” (laughs)
I cornered those shitheads who’d laugh at me...
I didn’t let them off the hook with a mere apology...and beat them until I saw blood...
All you got was an approximate date of birth? So you just went with the most obvious name?
My dad was the shithead who came up with it, apparently...
But...he died before I was I didn’t get to punch him in the face...
Perhaps that was much too inconsiderate of me.
I offer my sincerest apologies if my remark caused any sort of discomfort to you. Please forgive me.
So your mother had to raise you all by herself?
....I apologize in advance if I’m mistaken, but if memories serves,
You said that you were living alone with your grandmother...?”
-It’s alright...don’t sweat it...
I know...that you meant no harm...
But’s...quite the complicated story...
So I’ll try…to summarize it for you-
Two youngsters fall in love, oh my, it must be written by the stars above!
(Do your best, you two!)
So they eloped at great danger, disowned by their own families as mere strangers!
(Do your best, you two!)
The Frenchman[francais] went out to dig for money, but died without making a penny!
(Do your best, daddy!)
Yamato Nadeshiko's pregnant, and it ain't funny, but she's got no money!
(Do your best, mommy!)
The widow’s left on her own, so she dropped off her kid before going whereabouts unknown!
(Do your best, mommy!)
The lonely old woman got the package instead, and worked her old bones till she dropped dead!
(Do your best, granny!)
The kid got shoved from relative to relative, they all call it a tragedy, but just sit back in apathy!
(Do your best, Noel!)
They’ve got the faces of saints, but that didn’t stop the abuse, no restraint!
(Do your best, Noel!)
-I turned the whole thing into a joke, but please bear with me here, Yama-san
It’s not a story I can tell without throwing in a few laughs!
And actually...what I have in this plastic vodka and not water! (laughs)
“Vodka!? Not water?
What a funny person you are. (laughs)
But you do have my deepest condolences for what happened in your past, as untimely as it may be.
I would like to express my goodwill by supporting your musical activities and your future. That’s how I felt.
But really, vodka? Are you sure you don’t have some Russian blood mixed in there? (everyone laughs)”
Interview with Noel from V-ROCK HEAVEN
“-I’m sure that aspect of yours is reflected in your music as well.
I can feel my interest in you growing steadily.
How would you like another cup of tea?
We only brew it for the most special guests.
I would like to hear in greater detail the emotional tales of your past seasons, Noe-sama.”
The color of my hair was different...the color of my eyes were different...
Even my name sounded different....everything about me was different...
I didn’t have enough money for freedom...nor parents that would love me...
I always had a messy attire...and there was no place I could call my own... I really that <different>[disgusting]?
Everyone who <judges> a book by its <cover> is shit...
The weaker ones tend to band together, but the lone wolf will run through the battering rain of malicious gossip
I don’t care who you are - if you’re getting in my way, I’ll tear you apart!
Powerful words...are much like a mirror...reflecting...a weak heart...
“....Noe-sama. Words are weapons.
When dealt with improperly, they’ll not only kill others, but deliver a swift death to you as well.
It is a blade beautiful when unsheathed, but its beauty does not diminish its danger.
If you’re so willing, perhaps I could be your sheath...
Oh my, what am I saying...p-please, I was just joking. ///”
Interview with Noel from HEAVY/EDGE
“-I just googled it, but totally came up blank, man!
That manufacturer you really like - ESP, was it? Does it even exist somewhere on this planet? (laughs)
...oh yeah, speaking of which.
Noe-cchi, it sounded like you got to lay your hands on quite a lot of western instruments in the past.
Does that mean you actually came from a pretty wealthy family?”
I lived my life...lying as one would breathe....
I couldn’t tell you what really was too miserable...
The organ...I looted from a pile of trash...when nobody was looking...
The guitar...I <xxxx>[bought out] using money I made from a shady <xxx>[part-time job]...even had to fake my age...
Are you going to look down on me now? It’s miserable, isn’t it?
That’s exactly the sort of world I wanted to destroy-
Even if the paint comes off...even if the strings rust...
I thought that this was the only thing...
That could destroy this shitty world of mine!
“...I see. You’re free to tell me anytime if you want to,
And if you don’t, that’s fine too.
But Noel, let me just say this.
Even if everything you said was one big lie, your music and your efforts are as real as it gets.
I’ll gladly let myself be deceived - anytime, anywhere!”
Interview with Noel from SOUND AROUND
“-Please excuse me for never having heard of Miyazawa Kenji...
But I think the discovery of a wonderful piece of work is something that not even precious gems can compare to.
Perhaps those are the stars that shine light upon the darkness that we all carry in our subconsciousness.
Noel, even if that shine of yours is a distorted one,
There’s something extremely powerful in your music that simply draws my heart to it.” really are...a kind person...that’s what I feel...from the bottom of my heart...
Ah...if my dad...was still alive...
I wish...that he could’ve been...just like you...
An ancient dresser left behind by my grandmother → in the lowest drawer
Was piece of memory locked in darkness → and by coincidence → it was unleashed
That is
A battered and stained letter, barely readable
"I’m sorry...mother...forgive me...I shouldn’t have....given this child..."*
(I was at a loss of words, and couldn’t do anything but place a hand on his shoulders.
All of his songs about love carried within them an indescribable sense of strangeness.
But I felt like I saw a glimpse of the true reason behind that strangeness.
It was a yearning for something that was never given to him, no matter how much he sought for it
As a child crying in darkness, all alone.
No, perhaps, as cruel as it sounds, it is something closer to revenge...)
Interview with Noel from V-ROCK HEAVEN
“-I suppose that is why you left your job as a teacher.
Well, it is drastically different from a rock musician, after all.
To be honest, I find it quite hard to believe. But at the same time, I am rather fond of children myself, so
I can understand where you’re coming from.
You might not believe me, but I really do love children.
How many children would you want in the future? Boys are nice, but girls are cute too.
....oh my, I should first ask you about your preferences in women!”
I hate flippant women
I hate loose-tongued women even more! (laughs)
I’m not too good at those kinds of topics
Let’s talk about music instead!
-this is an interview for a musical magazine, right?
The one I’d really want to kiss and hold in my embrace should be none other than <the Goddess of Music>[Muse], right?(laughs)
“Oh my. Women can be quite the jealous creatures. Even if the object of their jealousy is a goddess.
But I suppose you have a point. You’re a sly one, Noe-noe (laughs).
Well then, can I hear about your future activities and any message that you’d like to leave for the readers?”
October 26, 27 Sound Horizon 10th Anniversary Fan Club Event
I was invited to a stage I’ve never heard of, the [Shibuya Public Hall]
"Won’t you come and perform the opening act?"
-said <the producer that I respect, even though I badmouth him every now and then>[Sunglasses]...
Our <music>[rock] is what will destroy this worthless world, right?
Ah...if [you] are crying several horizons across
Just call for <my music>[me] any time!!!
“-Oh my!? Shibuya Voyage Hall**? It’s certainly a place I’ve never heard of...
But that is certainly good news. I would love to participate!”
“-Shibuya Regret Hall**? Wow, are you for reals!?
Where’s that? Like, can I go and stuff?”
“-Shibuya Renewal Hall**? I do apologize once again...
But that is wonderful!
I’m looking forward to an exciting concert-“
All three: -The message of 11 words***?
"Since you are living, you gotta burn till the very end!"
That’s it! That’s gonna be it! Yes!
(Interview with Noël. From HEAVY EDGE.)
KUSO saitei na dekigoto ga atte... subete ga iya ni nari...
Kizukeba hitori... hoshi wo nagameteita...
Mafuyu no tsuki wa... itetsuku you shiroku...
Yami no naka de kuroi... otoko ga ore wo... mitsumeteita......
"Kimi no ongaku wo kikasete moratta yo"――otoko wa iu
"Hitei suru ni wa hidaikashi sugite teikan suru ni wa mada wakasugiru"
"Sono iradachi wo uta ni shite minai ka?"――otoka wa tsuzukeru
"Kimi ga kanjiteru sono sabishisa wa boku no sabishisa to onaji iro wo shiteiru"
"[Bokutachi] wa jiyuu sa donna kanashimi mo [ROMAN] ni kaete
Tsunagaru chihei dareka no sekai e yorisou you ni uta wo todokeyou"
――Soshite otoko wa issatsu no kiita koto mo nai chosha no
Hon wo mugon de sashidashita......
(Interview with Noël. From SOUND AROUND.)
Hajimete fureta gakki wa... PIANO datta to... kasuka nagara ni mo...
Oboeteiru yo... keredo RESSUN wa...
Tsuzukanakatta naze naraba...
Otonashiku PIANO no mae ni nante...
Suwatterareru you na ko janakatta kara...
Monogokoro ga tsuita koro kara... shizen to ongaku ga itsumo soba ni atta...
Sore wa iu naraba... narau mono janakatta...
[Uchi] wa mazushikatta keredo sobo ga...
Hisshi ni shinseki ni tanomi konde...
Kowarekaketa ORUGAN wo moratte kita...
(Interview with Noël. From HEAVY EDGE.)
[Chuugaku] ni agatta koro ni wa
[Yasashisa] nante zenzen shinjinaku natta monda ze
Komatta [babaa] no koukan jouken
[Tamashii] uriwatasu taika ga yasui EREKI
Kore de KUDAranai sekai wo kowaseru
Ookami no kokoro ni ippon no GITAA to honmono no [ROKKU] ga areba
Mawari chuu teki ni shite hoeteta
Fureru nara kiba wo muku muboubi na bubun wo nameraretara itai kara......
(Interview with Noël. From V-ROCK HEAVEN.)
Saisho ni kunda no wa konamaiki na METARU BANDO
[TEKU] mo nai kuse ni IKI gatte bakari de
Ki ni kuwanai yatsu mitsukete kenka sanmai
Ongakusei no chigai ga kiite akireru ze
Imi no nai kara mawari kurikaeshite wa koritsu suru......
――Soshite ore no BANDO ni wa... dare mo inaku natta...
Kieyuku [sadame]... moetsukite shimatta... VANISHING STAR... kagayaki wa setsuna...
(Interview with Noël. From SOUND AROUND.)
Iya... sonna ii mon janee ze... KUURU ni kikoeru kamoshirenai kedo...
Tsuita adana wa "KURISU MASUO"
Ore no koto wo warau KUSO wa... doko made mo oitsumeta...
Ayamarou to yurusazu... chi wo miru made nagutta...
Kari no yoteibi? An'ina namae?
Kangaeta KUSO yarou wa... ore no OYAJI dattarashii...
Kedo... Umareru mae ni shindeita kara... bun'nagure nakattanda ze......
――Ii yo... ki ni shinaide kure...
ANTA ni warugi ga... nai koto gurai... wakatteru sa...
Demo... sono hen no hanashi wa... chotto yayakoshinda...
Wakari yasuku matome te... miru yo――
Koi ni ochita wakai futari unmei da nante kandou
Kake ochita yabai futari gaijin to nante kandou
Ana hotta dekase [FURANSE] [kane] ni naranai de shibou
Migomotta yamato nadeshiko share ni naranai ze binbou
Nokosareta suemi boujin youji azukete shissou
Takusareta dokkyo ryoujin saigo no [PAWAA] de shissou
Tarai mawasu tooi enja higeki utau wa kyakutai
Soto ZURA wa maru de seija kurikaesareru gyakutai
――Choushi KOI te chakashita ga kore de Yama san yurushite kure
Totemo shirafu no TENSHON ja chotto KORE wa ienai ze!
Jitsu wa... kono PETTO BOTORU no naka... mizu janakute UOKKA
(Interview with Noël. From V-ROCK HEAVEN.)
Kami no iro ga chigau... hitomi no iro ga chigau...
Namae no hibiki ga chigau... nani mo kamo ga chigau...
Jiyuu ni naru kane mo naku... aishitekureru oya mo naku...
Minari wa itsumo KITA naku... ibasho nado doko ni mo nai...
Aa... ore wa sonna ni [KIMOI] ka?
Hito wo [gaiken] dake de [hyouka] suru yatsura wa zen'in KUSO da...
Yowai yatsu hodo yoku mureru kageguchi no ame ni utare ookami wa tada kake nukeru
Jama suru nara dare de are kami korose!
Tsuyoi... kotoba wa... yowai... kokoro... utsusu... kagami... no you ni...
(Interview with Noël. From HEAVY EDGE.)
Iki wo suru you ni... uso wo tsuite... ikitekita...
Hontou no koto nante... ienakatta... mijimesugite...
ORUGAN wa... sodai GOMI wo... hitome nusumi... hirottekita...
GITAA wa... [toshi] itsuwari... warui [BAITO] de [BAI AUTO]...
Keibetsu suru kai? Mijime daro?
Sonna sekai wo kowashitai to negatta――
Tosou ga hagetete mo... gen ga sabitete mo...
KUSO mitai na ore no sekai wo...
Kowaseru no wa... KOITSU dake dato... omotta!
(Interview with Noël. From SOUND AROUND.)
Yama san... ANTA wa... hontou ni... yasashii... hito da na... kokoro kara... sou omou yo...
Aa... moshi OYAJI ga... ima demo ikiteru no nara...
ANTA mitai na... hito dattara na... tte... ii no ni na... tte... omou yo...
Sobo no ihin no furui tansu → ichiban shita no hikidashi
Tojikometa kurai kioku → guuzen → hodoite shimatta
So re wa
Nijinde yomenai hodo ni boro boro ni natta tegami
"Gomenne... kaasan... yurushite ne... konna ko... umanakereba... yokatta......"
(Interview with Noël. From V-ROCK HEAVEN.)
Shiri no karui onna wa kirai da ne
Kuchi no karui onna wa motto kirai daze?
Sono te no hanashi wa amari tokui janainda
Sore yori ongaku no hanashi wo shiyou ze!
――Datte KORE ongaku zasshi no shuzai darou?
Gyutto daite kuchizuke kawasu aite wa? [MYUUZU] daro?
October 26 (and) 2 (and) 7 Sound Horizon 10th (year) Anniversary Fan Club Event
Kiita koto sae nai SUTEEJI Shibuya koukaidou e
"OOPUNINGU AKUTO to shite shutsuen shinai ka?"――to
[GURASAN] ni iwareteru......
KUDAranai sekai wo kowasu no ka itsudatte oretachi no [ROKKU] daro?
Aa... moshi chihei no mukou de omae ga naiteru nara
Itsu demo [ore] no yobe!!!
『HEAVY EDGE』の渋川鋭士ッス。シクヨロ!
クソ最低な出来事があって・・・ すべてが嫌になり・・・
気付けば独り・・・ 星を眺めていた・・・
真冬の月は・・・ 凍てつくよう白く・・・
闇の中で黒い・・・ 男が俺を・・・ 見つめていた・・・・・・
「否定するには 肥大化し過ぎて 諦観するには まだ若過ぎる」
「君が感じてる その寂しさは 僕の寂しさと 同じ色をしている」
「《音楽家の魂》は自由さ どんな哀しみも 《物語》に変えて
繋がる地平 誰かの世界へ 寄り添うように 歌を届けよう」
――そして男は一冊の 聞いたこともない著者の
オールジャンル歌謡系の音楽雑誌、「SOUND AROUND」の山口と申します。
これで クダらない 世界を 壊せる
狼の心に 一本のギターと 本物の《魂の音楽》があれば
周り中 敵にして 吼えてた
触れるなら牙を剥く 無防備な部分を 舐められたら痛いから・・・・・・
ワォ! ガキの頃、同じようなこと俺も考えてたよ。
中二病ってやつの一種だっけ? 上等じゃん。
耽美系月刊音楽誌『✝V-ROCK HEAVEN✝』のmarie*marieで御座います。
私が今一番注目しているバンド、『VANISHING STARLIGHT』。
最初に組んだのは 小生意気なメタルバンド
《一人前の演奏技術》もない癖に イキがってばかりで
気に食わない 奴見つけて 喧嘩三昧
音楽性の違いが 聞いて呆れるぜ
意味のない空回り 繰り返しては孤立する・・・・・・
消えゆく《運命》・・・燃え尽きてしまった・・・VANISHING STAR・・・輝きは刹那・・・
いや・・・ そんな良いもんじゃねぇぜ・・・ クールに聞こえるかもしれないけど・・・
俺のことを笑うクソは・・・ どこまでも追い詰めた・・・
謝ろうと赦さず・・・ 血を見るまで殴った・・・
(仮)の予定日? 安易な名前?
考えたクソ野郎は・・・ 俺のオヤジだったらしい・・・
けど・・・ 生まれる前に死んでいたから・・・ ぶん殴れなかったんだぜ・・・・・・
――いいよ・・・ 気にしないでくれ・・・
アンタに悪気が・・・ ないことぐらい・・・ 分かってるさ・・・
でも・・・ その辺の話は・・・ ちょっとややこしいんだ・・・
解り易くまとめて・・・ みるよ――
恋に堕ちた若い二人 運命だなんて感動
駆け落ちた危い二人 外人となんて勘当
坑掘った出稼仏子 金銭にならないで死亡
身篭った大和撫子 洒落にならないぜ貧乏
残された末未亡人 幼児預けて失踪
託された独居老人 最後の力で疾走
たらい回す遠い縁者 悲劇唄うは客体
外ヅラはまるで聖者 繰返される虐待
――調子コイて茶化したが これで山さん許してくれ
とても素面のテンションじゃ ちょっとコレは言えないぜ!
実は・・・ このペットボトルの中・・・ 水じゃなくてウオッカ(笑)
ウォッカ!? ウォーターではなく?
髪の色が違う・・・ 瞳の色が違う・・・
名前の響きが違う・・・ 何もかもが違う・・・
自由になる金もなく・・・ 愛してくれる親もなく・・・
身形はいつもキタなく・・・ 居場所など何処にもない・・・
嗚呼・・・ 俺はそんなに《異端》か?
弱い奴ほどよく群れる 陰口の雨に打たれ 狼はただ駆け抜ける
邪魔するなら 誰であれ 噛み殺せ!
その愛用のESPってメーカー、マジ? 本当に地球上に存在してんの?(笑)
軽蔑するかい? 惨めだろ?
そんな世界を 壊したいと願った――
塗装が剥げてても・・・ 弦が錆びてても・・・
壊せるのは・・・ コイツだけだと・・・ 思った!
嗚呼・・・もしオヤジが・・・ 今でも生きてるのなら・・・
アンタみたいな・・・ 人だったらな・・・ って・・・ 良いのにな・・・ って・・・ 思うよ・・・
祖母の遺品の古い箪笥 → 一番下の引き出し
閉じ込めた昏い記憶 → 偶然 → 解いてしまった
そ れ は
滲んで読めないほどに ぼろぼろになった手紙
将来的に子供は何人が宜しいのかしら? 男の子も良いけど、女の子も可愛いわ。
悪りぃ・・・ マリィマリィ
その手の話は あまり 得意じゃないんだ
それより 音楽の話を しようぜ!
――だってコレ 音楽雑誌の取材だろ?
ぎゅっと抱いて 口づけ交わす相手は? 《音楽の女神》だろ?(笑)
October 26,27 Sound Horizon 10th year Anniversary Fan Club Event
クダらない世界を壊すのが いつだって俺達の《音楽》だろ?
嗚呼・・・ もし地平の向こうで【お前】が 泣いてるなら
]]――まぁ!? 渋谷航海堂? 知らない会場ですわね・・・。
――渋谷後悔堂? ワォ、マジか!?
何処? ってか、それって俺でも行けんの?
――渋谷更改堂? 重ね重ね存じ上げず恐縮ですが・・・・・・
「生 き て る な ら 燃 え て や れ」
ですわねっ! だなッ! ですね!