Ienakatta Kotonoha
Words that Could Not be Said

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 4 |
Length | 9:05 |
From <The Third Archive>, I have established a connection between <what could be called consciousness> and the third horizon...
[She] had a young child. Though the same could be said for many families across several horizons, she in particular loved her child more than anything, to the point of excess. However, that child would die under certain circumstances. She turned her eyes away from the unbearable <loss> and wandered in the sunlight, cradling the bones of her dead child in her arms...
The <factor> that was predicted to change the outcome of this tragedy - I attempted a [denial] of [her] ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a.
Well then. Is the cat within the box alive, or is it dead? Let us take a peek inside the cage...
What did the words possibly tell the partners who have different subjectivity?
The unknown lady, who is among the Lost.
She is the Nein.
Words that Could not be Said
Walking along an unfamiliar <sloping road>, I feel a chilly <ocean breeze> on my skin
Strands of my <hair> fluttered in the wind, gently caressing your <forehead>
And I indulge in this moment of precious warmth on my back...
Everyone makes it through today, waving their hands at smiles in the distance
I won’t cry anymore, for spring will come again...
Walking along a familiar <sloping road>, I feel the gentle smile of <sunlight streaming through the leaves>[light]
You were <playing> with the squirrels, so I gently patted your <head>
And I indulged in this moment of precious warmth in my palm...
Everyone makes it through tomorrow, filling the chasms of loss between each of them
Yet still seeking for a love, never to change...
I watched my sick mother pass away...with my was a long night that felt like eternity...
(“Don’t worry. Daddy will be here for you.”)
And my father passed in the stormy seas of winter...I saw his corpse off...all by myself...
(“Shit, I can’t let it end here! I need to get daughter!” “Are you okay? Don’t worry. I’ll be here for you.”)
Amidst these empty seasons...I closed myself off...
Like a deformed, blue seashell...
Sadness repeats itself, weaving melodies much like the sound of waves
Kind people shed tears for me
(“Are you alright?” “Hold on, we’re all here for you.” )
But they could not share in the color of my loneliness
(“If you ever run into trouble, come to me.” “Just take it slow...”)
He came and licked my dry chasms of loss, with eyes full of beastly desire
(“Hey there. So you’re alone, too, huh?”)
A gentle voice accompanied by a crimson sunset (“The sound of the evening waves is very much like sadness...”)
My eyes were wet with tears, but I bequeathed everything to him
(“Are you sad? The sunset reflected in your eyes is more beautiful than the real thing.”)
Ah... a flower reaches full bloom in a blaze
And scattered at night’s end...
Turning his back-
On our morning rays, he left...and just who...just who watched him go? After a passionate, heated night...
I was left behind without a chance to say goodbye...within my seasons of loneliness...all by myself...all alone...
Now that I think about it, you were already inside <my womb>[here]?
I’m not alone - you’re my family, and I don’t want to lose another one ever again!
(“I’ll try believing, once again!”)
Because of you, I was able to find <hope>[stars]
In <my life>[darkness], and that’s how I made it this far, my dear
If I ever lose this <light> I’m sure I’ll break
I just can’t bear it anymore...
The night you were tormented by a high fever, they made phone calls to mainland for help
(“Hello? Is this the doctor? There’s a sick child here! ....please, I beg you! The storm’!”)
The very same people who once vehemently opposed my decision to give birth to you
( “Damn, I’ll try another doctor!”)
Even though it was a stormy night, they brought out a small fishing boat to help us, heedless of danger
(“Hold on tight!”)
And the only doctor who answered our pleas
( “Please, doc!” “Show me the child!” “The temperature’s risen by 9 degrees...!”)
Was <a doctor who had white hair unbefitting his age, but also had a dandy and charming moustache>[a doctor with a white moustache]-
“Did you know that willow bark can help alleviate fever?
“Yuck!” “Hahaha!”
“But this one here is <the newest medicine>[aspirin], not bitter at all!”
“<The miracle pill from before>[aspirin]?”
After that, I began to frequent the doctor’s <temporary clinic>
And helped him out on the side...
The scales tilt and waver between
<decisions that are economically sound>[business] and
<inescapable fetters of social status>[status] and
<the amount I sacrifice from my private life>[private]
On the balance of <lives that can’t be saved by ideals alone>[life] before my eyes
“For what did I choose this path?”
I heard that question in my head on a stormy night...
(“I’ll try believing, once again!”)
Ah...his <eyes> that gaze into the ocean...sometimes drift into the distance...
So he too...
Harbors sadness in his heart...
Is that a burden so heavy...that I cannot share in?
“I love you”
I couldn’t bring myself to say those words...and clammed up...
Everyone I’ve loved has left me
But even then, I won’t run away from <the Ninth Reality>[this world]
I’ll face it straight on
So please, God
Grant me just a little more [time]...
The history of medical care is, in another word, the history of war.
Ironically, it will accelerate.
And the ominous steps of world war come so near.
(“Doc! There’s a letter for you! It’s from a woman...? Wow doc, what’s your relationshi- ouch!”
“Hey hey, watch out! .....ah!”)
Dear John.
I hope this letter finds you safe and well.
I guess you'll be very surprised to get this letter. I heard that now you live on the out island. How do you live there? I know very well that you have a strong sense of justice and you're gentle, so I surely believe everybody who lives on the island must be relying on you. It's been so long, long time since the last time I saw you. I don't like to say it but I really got old while you became a fine doctor.
I wrote you because I have something to tell you. To be honest with you, I'd like to tell you some words that I have put in my heart and I haven't been able to tell you for a long time.
Aren't you severe with yourself because one of your old memories still...
Translated by Defade.
(What did the words possibly tell the partners who have different subjectivity?
The unknown lady, who is among the "Lost".
She is the "Nein".)
Kayoi hajimeta [michi] mada hada samui [kaze]
Yurashita [kami] ga anata no [odeko] wo naderu
Kakegae no nai nukumori senaka ni kanji nagara......
Toozakaru egao ni te wo furinagara dare mo ga kyou wo ikiru
Mou nakanai wa mata haru ga kuru......
Kayou nareta [michi] hohoemu you na [hizashi]
Chirisu to [asobu] anata no [otsumu] wo naderu
Kakegae no nai nukumori tenohira ni kanji nagara...
Ushinatta sukima wo umeai nagara dare mo ga asu wo ikiru
Soredemo kawaranai ai wo motome......
Yamai ni taoreta haha ga yuku... sono sama wo... chichi to futari miokutta... nagai nagai yoru...
Areta fuyu no umi ni chichi mo yuki... nakigara wo... hitori miokutta...
Kuukyo na toki no naka... watashi wa tojiteita...
Ibitsu na aoi kaigara no you ni......
Kanashimi (wa kurikaesu nami no neiro ni nita shirabe de)
Yasashii hitotachi nagasu namida
Kodoku no iro ni yori soenu mama
Kawaku sukima wo kare ga nameta
Kemono ni mo nita GIRA tsuku me de
Yasashii kowairo akai yuuhi
Nijindeita kedo subete wo yurushita
Aa... moeagaru hana wa saki midare
Yoru no hate ni chitta...
Futari no——
Asahi wo uragiri kare ga yuku... sono koto wo... dare ga... dare ga miokutta? Atsui atsui yoru...
Sayounara mo iezu nokosareta... kisetsu no naka... hitori... tada... hitori......
Ima ni shite omoeba anata wa sude ni [koko] ni ita?
Hitori janai watashi no kazoku mou nido to ushinaita kunai!!
(Mou ichido shinjite miyou!)
Anata ga ita kara watashi wa [kurayami] ni
[Hoshi] wo mitsukete ikite koreta MY DEAR
Kono [hikari] ushinattara kitto watashi
DAME ni nacchau taerarenai......
Anata ga kounetsu wo dashita arashi no yoru hondo ni denwa wo kakete kureta no wa
Anata wo umu koto wo katakuna na made ni hantai shiteta hitotachi deshita
So shi te
Arashi wo yoru na no ni chiisana gyosen wo dashite kiken mo kaeri mizu tasukete kureta koto
Sono omoi ni kotaete kureta oisha sama wa
[Shirohige sensei] dake deshita——
"Yanagi no jyuhi ni genetsu sayou ga aru tte shitteita kai?"
"Daga kore nara nigakunai [ASUPIRIN]!"
Sorekara no watashi wa sensei no [moto] e
Kayou uchi ni mi no mawari no osewa wo hajimeta......
Yura yura yurameku
Me no mae no [inochi] no tenbin
"Nanno tame ni kono michi wo eranda?"
Arashi no yoru ni sou towareta ki ga shita......
(Mou ichido shinjite miyou!)
Aa... umi wo mitsumeru me ga... tokiori... fui ni tooku naru...
Kono hito mo... mune no oku ni
Kanashimi wo daiteirunda...
Sore wa watashi ni wa wakachi aenai... omoi nimotsu na no deshou ka?
Sono hitokoto ga ii dasezu tojita... kuchibiru wa kai no you ni......
Watashi no aishita hitotachi wa mina watashi no mae kara inaku natta
Soredemo watashi wa kono [sekai] to
Muki au koto kara nigedasanai wa
Dakara mo sukoshi dake kami sama
[Jikan] wo kudasai......
(The history of medical care is, in another word, the history of war.
Ironically, it will accelerate.
And the ominous steps of world war come so near.)
Dear John.
I hope this letter finds you safe and well.
I guess you'll be very surprised to get this letter. I heard that now you live on the out island. How do you live there? I know very well that you have a strong sense of justice and you're gentle, so I surely believe everybody who lives on the island must be relying on you. It's been so long, long time since the last time I saw you. I don't like to say it but I really got old while you became a fine doctor.
I wrote you because I have something to tell you. To be honest with you, I'd like to tell you some words that I have put in my heart and I haven't been able to tell you for a long time.
Aren't you severe with yourself because one of your old memories still...
さて。箱の中の猫は、生きているのか? 死んでいるのか? 其れでは、檻の中を覗いてみよう――
(What did the words possibly tell the partners who have different subjectivity?
The unknown lady, who is among the "Lost".
She is the "Nein".)
通い始めた《近道》 まだ肌寒い《潮風》
揺らした《後髪》が あなたの《頭》を撫でる
掛替えのない 温もり背中に 感じながら・・・・・・
遠ざかる笑顔に手を振りながら 誰もが今日を生きる
もう泣かないわ また春が来る・・・・・・
通い慣れた《坂道》 微笑むような《木洩れ陽》
地栗鼠と《戯れる》 あなたの《頭》を撫でる
掛替えのない 温もり手の平に 感じながら・・・・・
失った隙間を埋め合いながら 誰もが明日を生きる
それでも変わらない 愛を求め・・・・・・
病に倒れた母が逝く・・・ その様を・・・ 父と二人見送った・・・ 長い永い夜・・・
荒れた冬の海に父も逝き・・・ 亡骸を・・・ 一人見送った・・・・・・
空虚な季節の中・・・ 私は閉じていた・・・
哀しみ (は繰り返す 波の音色に似た調べで)
優しい人達 流す涙
孤独の色に 寄り添えぬまま
乾く隙間を彼が舐めた 獣にも似たギラつく眼で
優しい声色 赤い夕陽
滲んでいたけど 全てを許した
嗚呼・・・ 燃え上がる花は咲き乱れ
朝陽を裏切り彼が行く・・・ その事を・・・ 誰が・・・ 誰が見送った? 暑い熱い夜・・・
さようならも言えず残された・・・ 季節の中・・・ 一人・・・ 唯・・・ 独り・・・
今にして思えば あなたは既に《私の胎内》にいた?
独りじゃない 私の家族 もう二度と喪いたくないっ!
あなたが居たから 私は《人生》に
《希望》を見つけて 生きてこれた My Dear
この《灯火》失ったら きっと私
ダメになっちゃう 堪えられない・・・・・・
あなたが高熱を出した嵐の夜 本土に電話を掛けてくれたのは
あなたを産むことを頑なまでに 反対してた人達でした
そ し て
嵐の夜なのに小さな漁船を出して 危険も顧みず助けてくれたこと
「柳の樹皮に解熱作用があるって 識っていたかい?」
それからの私は 先生の《突貫診療所》へ
通う内に 身の回りの お世話を始めた・・・・・・
「何の為に この道を選んだ?」
嵐の夜に そう問われた気がした・・・・・・
嗚呼・・・ 海を見つめる《瞳》が・・・ 時折・・・ 不意に遠くなる・・・
この人も・・・ 胸の奥に・・・
哀しみを・・・ 抱いているんだ・・・・・
それは・・・ 私には分かち合えない・・・ 重い荷物なのでしょうか?
その一言が言い出せず閉じた・・・ 唇は貝のように・・・・・・
私の愛した人達はみな 私の前からいなくなった
それでも私は この【第九の現実】と
向き合うことから 逃げ出さないわ
だから もう少しだけ 神様
(The history of medical care is, in another word, the history of war.
Ironically, it will accelerate.
And the ominous steps of world war come so near.)
Dear John.
I hope this letter finds you safe and well.
I guess you'll be very surprised to get this letter. I heard that now you live on the out island. How do you live there? I know very well that you have a strong sense of justice and you're gentle, so I surely believe everybody who lives on the island must be relying on you. It's been so long, long time since the last time I saw you. I don't like to say it but I really got old while you became a fine doctor.
I wrote you because I have something to tell you. To be honest with you, I'd like to tell you some words that I have put in my heart and I haven't been able to tell you for a long time.
Aren't you severe with yourself because one of your old memories still...