Hikari to Yami no Douwa
The Fairytale of Light and Darkness

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 1 |
Length | 7:36 |
The Fairytale of Light and Darkness (in Japanese 光と闇の童話, Hikari to Yami no Douwa) is the first track of Sound Horizon's prologue maxi Ido e Itaru Mori e Itaru Ido.
-And history alone remained...
[Und nur die Heis ist übrig geblieben.]
"Wait up, Will!"
"You're slow, brother!"
"Wait, brother....ouch, uweeeh..."
"Sorry, Louis, that must've hurt."
"Hey! Something's dropped beside the well!"
"Oh you."
The Fairytale of Light and Darkness
[Das Märchen des Lichtes und Dunkles]
"There...watch your steps."
"Are you doing okay? Not scared?"
"No. I'm really excited right now! Since the forest...the world is so huge!"
"Well, I'll bring you to a nice spot today. Let's go!"
When he looks up, he sees the round night sky, lit by a wavering azure moon
While cursing God's name, he sings within the bowels of hell...
Within the blind darkness, he mistakenly thought the warmth to be light
Only later did he realize that its name was love
His first friend was a cute girl[Mädchen] with green eyes, goodbye
He did not realize that the sadness' name was infatuation, even in the end
Like flowers being watered...as always...sins required punishment, ah
An eventual 《Good Evening》[Guten Abend], the rushing 《Seventh Story》[sieben Märchen]
Turning backs on providence-
When he looks down, he sees the gloomy ground, lit by a flickering crimson flame
Embraced by his mother's eyes, he falls into the depths of hell...
"This deserted village...is just like a graveyard...ufufu..."
"Elise, fairytales always begin in the graveyard."
Ah…no matter how much you dig, dig, dig the graves, there never seems to be an end
"Such a tragic era"
Ah...a mille feuille made from corpse and dirt, corpse and dirt, corpse and dirt
"The merciless state of affairs"
↗ 《To live》
The goal of life is
↘《To multiply》
\Kill!/ \Invade!/ 【Id】sings
"Even if they multiply too much, they end up killing their hosts..."
"The same can be said about humans and the land...come...let's continue the story."
【A gloomy [forest] at dusk】
"Hey Hans! Is this really the right place?"
"No idea…you think I know?"
"Geez...such an eerie forest."
"Oh! Tom, that kid...isn't he the kid of the rumored witch in Thüringen?"
"Woah! We're in luck today!"
The boy steps on grass wet with night dew, his
Footsteps were light, sadly so
("Hey! Young mister!")
The voice that stopped the boy had a vulgar ring to it, but he doesn't know yet
("We have some business with the wise woman." "Can you accompany us to her side?")
Ah...the ways of the world, the malice of people, for he was raised without awareness of them-
("Of course I don't mind! I'll guide you to my mother." "Thank you~ Fuhihi")
Embracing his friend → he leads the uninvited guests → towards his gentle mother → and...
"Mother! I'm back!"
"Welcome hom.....who are those men?"
If he looks over-
"Thanks so much, young mister!"
"Oh? Look, here's your friend!"
"Therese von Ludowing, though I have fallen, the blood of Landgraf still runs in my veins! Don't ever think that your ugly head can reign supreme over your torso again!"
"Is this woman for real...!"
"Hey, wait wait wait-"
"Don't scream like a pig! You're disgusting to look at!"
"You'll understand if you let us explain!"
"You're not getting away..! Ah!?"
"Don't make this so hard on us!"
Like feathers on birds...as always...there are songs in the night. Ah...
A coming 《Good Morning》[Guten Morgen], the stained 《Rose Garden》[Rosen Garten]
Accepting providence-
"That brightly shining era in which you're smiling even now.
Without hating anyone or regretting death, let's meet there for sure."
~ "The Fairytale of Light and Darkness"
"The seventh graveyard...now begins the revenge tragedy."
"I'll kill you..."
Translated by Defade.
(Und nur die heis ist ubrig geblieben)
(Das Marchen des Licht und Dunkel)
Miagereba marui yozora yurameku aoi tsukiyo
Kami no na wo noroi nagara naraku no soko de utau......
Meshiita yami de kare ga hikari da to omotteita no wa ayamari de
Sono nukumori no na wa ai da to nochi ni shitta
Hajimete no tomodachi wa aoi [me] no kawaii [MEETOHEN] owakaresa
Sono setsuna sa no na wa koi da to tsui ni shirazu
Hana ni mizu wo yaru you ni mama tsumi ni wa batsu ga iru aa
[Kami] ni se wo mukete――
Mioroseba kurai daichi yurameku akai honoo wo
Haha no [me] ni dakarenagara naraku no soko e ochiru......
(SABIRETA mura... MARUDE hakaba NE... FUFUFU)
(ERIIZE, douwa wa, itsu datte hakaba kara hajimaru mono sa...)
Aa (hakaana hottemo hottemo hottemo)
Hisshi ni hottemo KIRI ga nai
"Hisan na jidai sa"
Aa (Shitai to tsuchikure shitai to tsuchikure shitai to tsuchikure)
[MIRUFIIYU] "muzan na jitai sa"
Seimei no mokuteki (wa) iKIRU koto (to) fuERU koto
KoroSE (to) okaSE (to) [IDO] wa utau
(FuESUGITE MO kekkyoku, yadonushi wo koroSHITE SHIMAU NO NI NE)
(Hito to daichi no kankei to onaji sa... saa, monogatari wo tsuzukeyou ka)
[der Wald der Abenddammerung]
Yotsuyu ni nureta kokemo wo fuminarasu shounen no
Sono ashidori wa kanashii hodo ni karuku shounen wo
Yobitometa koe wa gebita hibiki de saredo kare wa mada shiranai
Aa sekai no sakui na do seken no akui na do nani hitotsu furenu mama sodatta kara
Tomodachi wo daita mama → manekazaru kyaku wo tsure → yasashii haha no moto e to → soshite...
Tori ni hane ga aru you ni mama yoru ni wa uta ga aru aa
[Kami] wo se ni ukete――
"KIMI ga ima waratteiru, mabayu sono jidai ni.
Dare mo uramazu, shiseru koto wo uramazu, kanarazu soko de aou."
~"Hikari to Yami no [MERUHEN]"
(Und nur die heis ist ubrig geblieben)
(Das Marchen des Licht und Dunkel)
見上げれば丸い夜空 揺らめく蒼い月夜
神の名を呪いながら 奈落の底で唄う・・・・・・
盲いた闇で彼が 光だと思っていたのは 誤りで
その温もりの名は 愛だと 後に知った
初めての友達は 碧い瞳の可愛い女の子 お別れさ
その切なさの名は 恋だと 遂に知らず
花に水を遣るように 儘 罪には罰が要る 嗚呼
やがて《迎宵》 疾しる《第七の物語》
見下ろせば昏い大地 揺らめく紅い焔尾
母の瞳に抱かれながら 奈落の底へ堕ちる・・・・・・
<何故 コノ村ニハ 今 誰モイナイノ?) (——其れは 昔 皆 死んじゃったからさ>
<ジャ…何故 昔 村人 皆 死ンジャッタノ?) (――其れは 黒き 死の 病 のせいさ>
<ジャ…何故 ソノ森ノ 村ニ 母子ハイタノ?) (——其れは 或の 【イド】 が 呼んだからさ>
<ジャ…何故 【イド】ハ 何ノ為ニ 人ヲ呼ブノ?) (——其れこそが 奴の本能だからさ>
嗚呼 (墓穴掘っても 掘っても 掘っても)
必死に掘ってもキリがない 「悲惨な時代さ」
嗚呼 (死体と土塊 死体と土塊 死体と土塊)
多重化し 「無惨な事態さ」
生命の目的(は) 《生キル事》 (と) 《増エル事》
殺セ (と) 侵セ (と) 【イド】 は唄う
夜露に濡れた 苔藻を踏み鳴らす 少年の
その足取りは 哀しい程に軽く 少年を
呼び止めた声は 下卑た響きで されど彼はまだ知らない
嗚呼 世界の作為など 世間の悪意など 何ひとつ触れぬまま育ったから
友達を抱いたまま → 招かざる客を連れ → 優しい母の元へと → そして・・・
鳥に羽は有るように 儘 夜には唄が在る 嗚呼
いずれ《迎暁》 染まる《薔薇の庭園》