Gin’iro no Basha


The Silver Carriage

  • Sound Horizon
Release Medium CD
Disc Number 1
Track Number 10
Length 2:56


-A nightmare that should be avoided - impulse. Who is the broken marionette?-

Ones who are born into a world without salvation.
Tangled around their bodies is...the chain of death.
Controlling the unseen chains, the envoy of Thanatos who eventually arrives
Will not let that escape

Spurned on by a sudden impulse
The mother and her child ran out. What chases them is a silver carriage.
The scene on a night of snowstorm. A saddening story colored by the midnight sun...

A woman dashing through the plains of snow
Embracing a small child
The silver carriage, like gust
Takes after the escaping shadows

The black-clothed man raised a frozen arm above his head, burning azure
It’s too late for a time of awakening surrounded by dazzling light

What the woman buried in the snowy plains is...ah
The remains of her beloved child...

Never cries, never moves, baby is under the snow.
Never smiles, never grows, sad song of fate.

(Translated by Defade)

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Awaiting transcription