El no Shouzou
El’s Portrait

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 5 |
Length | 4:13 |
El's Portrait (in Japanese エルの肖像, Eru no Shouzou) is the fifth track on Sound Horizon's fourth story CD Elysion.
White crystallized jewels dance, cloaking themselves in wind
The waltz of silver frosting on trees; a paradise withered faraway
A boy with black eyes pass by, brushing against the wind
The road lined with icy trees; an abandoned mansion deep within the forest
The boy found a portrait of a girl
『He』fell in love with the white『her』to a morbid extent...
A signature in childish handwriting, the strangely twisted title was
【On the 8th birthday of my most beloved daughter, Elys...】
A fantasy leading towards decadence. A romance continuing to weave sins.
Sadness borne to embrace pain.
The fourth horizon - the paradise's name is『ELYSION』
-And...the gates of paradise are opened for the umpteenth time...
Eventually, the boy shall seek his《ideaL》...
Eventually, the boy shall find his《keyhoLe》...
Eventually, the boy shall seek his《eLysion》...
Eventually, the boy shall find his《girL》...
If daughters are to become mothers, and bear daughters again
Then the original sin of losing paradise will be repeated throughout eternity...
Between the door of beginning and the door of end
『E』[El] and 『A』[Abyss] attract each other - the portrait of love and hatred
Staining their hands with what's forbidden, they fall in love over and over again
『E』[Eva] and 『A』[Adam] seek for each other - the portrait of love and hatred
Eventually, the boy will kill himself for ♂, the girl will kill herself for ♀
What kind of paradise will the sinners who wander the wastelands of time build?
-Illusions charmed by 『E』[Elysion] over and over again - visages of 『E』[Eden], which should have been lost
Ah...that beautifully barren land will set in motion many fantasies-
Translated by Defade.