Asa to Yoru no Monogatari ~Another Roman Mix~
朝と夜の物語 ~Another Roman Mix~
The Story of Morning and Night ~Another Roman Mix~

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 1 |
Length | 5:45 |
The story[roman] of the morning of birth and the night of death… (laurant)
Ah...this loneliness of ours are《Jewels》[pierre] that bear resemblance in color
The meaning of birth. The meaning of death. This present time you're living in.
A 《Message》of 11 words. Fantasy Story[roman]. 『The Fifth Horizon』
"...can roman be found there?"
All while crying, we come along the way, embracing the same pain
All while laughing, we go along the way, across the distant horizon
On your lips that I happen across, ah...let's bring to life my song... (la vie)
A《Story》[roman] connected someday-
All while crying, we come along the way, embracing the same sadness
All while laughing, we go along the way, across the distant horizon
On your lips that I happen across, ah...let's bring to life my song... (la vie)
A《Story》[roman] connecting us-
The story[roman] of the morning of birth and the night of death... (laurant)
Ah...this transience of ours are《Flowers》[fleur] that bear resemblance in color
The windmill of the sun. The cradle of the moon. The story[roman] of a wandering 《Flame》[light].
Broken dolls. A man of corpse. The story of a 《Fantasy》[darkness] that cheats time.
Miss Violette on the right arm....
[C'est Mademoiselle Violette qu'elle est dans le bras droite...]
Miss Hortense on the left arm...
[C'est Mademoiselle Hortense qu'elle est dans le bras gauche..]
Ah...go around in my that world-
Is there a Story[roman] leading to my birth?
"Now, go ahead."
"Yes, master."
"The commotion of coming to life. The windmill of the sun."
"The peace of going to death. The cradle of the moon."
We are wandering《Windmills》[Moulin a vent], swaying in remembrances
Whichever horizon we may happen upon, we shall bring to life a song-
This is-
The Story[roman] of me (laurant), who died before being born (laurant)
Ah...even if we may never meet again, an 《Adoration》[roman] of living now-
-I'll keep singing (We'll keep searching) → so that you may not lose your way...
Between "Morning and Night"
The "Flame" wavers Yearning to grasp the "Jewel"
An "Arm" reaches out
If the "Windmill" spins
"Stardust" will glitter
The "Angel" smiles upon
"Beautiful" illusions
To the intoxication[dreams] charmed by "Wine"
The "Sage" avoids
The true meaning of the "Message"
That the "Horizon" knows of
Death in his right hand. Life in his left hand.
The never-tilting balance of winter.
"Master Hiver..."
"Out of my way..."
"The commotion of coming to life...the windmill of the sun.."
"Between morning and night..."
"All that attended the funeral..."
"...tearing apart...he appears again..."
"Hey, wait for me!"
"The peace of going to death...the cradle of the moon..."
"Even when drenched in rain, there was no other choice but to continue walking..."
"Don't mess up, Laurencin."
"I saw the world's most beautiful light..."
"Au revoir..."
"Who is the assailant..."
"I've been searching for you...Christopher.."
"In the shade of the setting sun, the blade shines dark-scarlet..."
"From a cruel destiny...."
"He'll kill me..."
"Thank you..."
"Can roman be found there?"
"Who is the liar...?"
Translated by Defade.