Aoki Hakushaku no Shiro
The Blue Earl's Castle

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 7 |
Length | 7:37 |
The Blue Earl's Castle (in Japanese 青き伯爵の城, Aoki Hakushaku no Shiro) is the seventh track on Sound Horizon's seventh story CD Märchen.
"A paradise rot in dusk. Hanged corpses.
Why did you cross this border?
Come, try to sing..."
Tracing my...hazy...memories...
Picturing my...vague...self...
With what kind of...face...did I smile...with what kind of...voice...did I sing... my favorite...white...gown[kleid]
Ah..that's right...I...
The earl was called bluebeard since sometime ago
When I married him, he was already called such
His kind gaze was tinged with darkness Was it due to the smell of metal that clung to him and the stench of blood?
Ah, my husband doesn't love me, I tried to act in ignorance at first
But I can't fake it anymore, because I loved him more than anyone else
In the long nights of seasons past
Who was the one embraced and loved in the depths of your eyes?
In the lengthy darkness of seasons never to return
Sins of lust were repeated in the depths of the forbidden room, to bury loneliness, to burn away emptiness, ah...
Was it out of irritation at a broken vow,
Or was it out of love? I still don't know.
Perhaps my reason died along with my first wife when I killed her,
I took in new wives and raped them, raped them and killed them...
"Dear! Stop it!"
"You want forgiveness!? Kneel!"
"Hey, what's wrong? You're not your normal self?"
"Sit, you pig!"
"Please stop! Aaah-!"
", go on your journey!"
"I'm sorry, please stop!"
"That's right! Cry! Yell!"
"It's painful..."
No matter how much I prayed in faith, salvation wasn't bestowed...
Even if my opponent is god, as long as there's a hole[loch], ah, I'll pierce it...
《With my spear[Longinus]!》
"I won't forgive those ungrateful pigs who judged you as a witch!"
"I see. So you...all of you were hung within this forbidden and secret room.
Shed blood should be paid for with bloodshed at dusk.
Now, let the revenge tragedy begin."
While he was absent, she went around the treasure rooms
Constantly bothered by the room she never opened
So these are the words I whispered at her ear...
"A wonderful treasure is hidden in the forbidden room of the golden key..."
Yes, once you've inserted it into the keyhole, just turn it
They'll be coming out soon, our 【Corpses and Impulses[Id]】
Ah, women truly seek embrace for their souls, not their bodies
("Where's the key to my secret room?" "'s..." "Oh? So you disobeyed me." "Eh?"
"Alright. If you want to see it that badly, I'll give it to you. You'll be the new residence in that room today.")
You're a sinful man, but you're my beloved too
("No! Please, let me say my prayers before I die, at least." "Hehehe, alright...")
Hatred will not bring healing to sadness
Only a song will resound at dusk
Let's put an end to your comedy!
("Save me, brother, come-!"
"Are you done yet? Hurry up!")
"Hurry up!"
"I can't wait any longer!"
"Ah, kyaaaah!"
"Die, bluebeard!"
"Ah, aaaah..."
"What? Damn, you monster!"
"Come here quickly!"
"Revenge might be a twisted form of love."
"Still, why can't humans separate love from lust? How disgusting. Ahahahaha!"
Translated by Defade.
"Kurayami ni kuchita rakuen. Tsurusareta shikabane tachi.
Kimi wa naze kono kyoukai koete shimatta no ka.
Saa, utatte goran..."
Oboroge na... kioku wo... tadotte...
Aimai na... jibun wo... egaita...
Donna... kao de... warai... donna... koe de... utatta no ka...
Oki ni iri no... shiroi... [Kleid] ga... naze... konna ni... [aka]i no ka...
Aa... sou da... watashi wa...
Kare ni... korosaretanda...tta......
Hakushaku wa itsu kara ka Aohige to yobareteita
Watashi ga totsuida jibun ni wa mou sude ni yobareteita
Anna ni mo yasashii manazashi ga kurai iro wo obita no wa
Shimitsuita tetsu no nioi to chi no nioi no sei kashira?
Aa otto wa watashi wo aishite nai kizukanai furishite kita keredo
Mou kore ijou wa itsuwarenai watashi wa dare yori mo aishiteita kara
Sugisatta kisetsu no nagai yoru no naka de anata no hitomi no oku de
Dakareteita no wa aisareteita no wa hontou wa dare na no kashira?
Kesshite modosenai kisetsu mo nagai yami no naka de kinjirareta heya no oku de
Sabishisa umeru you ni munashisa moyasu you ni [iro] no tsumi wo kasaneta aa......
Chikai wo yaburareta koto ni hara wo tateta kara na no ka,
Aishiteita kara na no ka, ima de wa mou wakaranai.
Saisho no tsuma wo koroshita toki, risei mo tomo ni shinda no ka,
Atarashii tsuma wo metotte wa okashi, okashite wa koroshita......
Dore hodo shinjite inotte mo sukutte na do kurenakatta......
Tatoe [aite] ga kami de mo tada [Loch] sae areba aa tsuranuite kure you―
"Kimi wo majo toshite danzai shita, onshirazu na buta tomo wo, watashi wa yurushi wa senu zo!"
"Naruhodo. Sore de kimi wa, iya, kimitachi wa tsurusareta wake da ne. Kono kinjirareta, himitsu no heya ni.
Nagasareta chi wa, yoiyami ni nagasareru chi de aganau mono sa.
Saa, fukushuugeki wo hajimeyou ka..."
Kare no rusu no ma ni takarabeya wo mawaru
Aketa koto no nai heya ga ki ni natteiru
Musume no mimimoto de watashi wa kou sasayaita―
"[Kin] no kagi no, kinjirareta heya ni wa,
Totte oki no takaramono ga kakusareteiru wa......"
Sou sono kagiana ni iretara mawaseba ii
Mou sugu dechau desho watashitachi no shitai to [IDO]
Aa onna ga hontou ni daite hoshii no wa [karada] de wa naku [kokoro] na no yo
Tsumi na hito ne demo itoshii [hito]
Kanashimi wa nikushimi ja kesshite iyasenai wa
Yoiyami ni uta ga hibiku dake
Anata no kigeki wo ima owari ni shiyou!
"Fukushuu to iu no mo, ibitsu na aijou no katachi na no kamo shirenai ne."
"SOREDEMO, naze ningen TTE ai TO seiyoku WO kiRI hanaSENAI NO KASHIRA? kimoCHI waruI WA. AHAHAHAHA!"
伯爵は何時からか 青髭と呼ばれていた
私が嫁いだ時分には もう既に呼ばれていた
あんなにも優しい眼差しが 昏い色を帯びたのは
染み付いた鉄の匂いと 血の匂いのせいかしら?
嗚呼 夫は私を愛してない 気付かない振りしてきたけれど
もう これ以上は偽れない 私は誰よりも愛していたから
過ぎ去った季節の 長い夜の中で 貴方の瞳の奥で
抱かれていたのは 愛されていたのは 本当は誰なのかしら?
決して戻せない季節も 長い闇の中で 禁じられた部屋の奥で
寂しさ埋めるように 虚しさ燃やすように 不貞の罪を重ねた嗚呼……
どれ程 信じて祈っても 救ってなどくれなかった……
例え相対者が神でも 唯 穴さえあれば 嗚呼 貫いてくれよう――
彼の留守の間に 宝部屋を回る
開けたことのない 部屋が気になっている
娘の耳元で 私はこう囁いた――
そう その鍵穴に 挿れたら 回せばいい
もう すぐ出ちゃうでしょ 私達の【屍体と衝動】
嗚呼 女が本当に抱いて欲しいのは 肢体ではなく魂なのよ
罪な人ね でも 愛しい人よ
哀しみは 憎しみじゃ 決して癒せないわ
宵闇に唄が 響くだけ
貴方の喜劇を今 終わりにしよう!