14 Moji no Dengon
14-Lettered Message

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 3 |
Length | 5:26 |
Another noisy day begins with shaking you awake
"Don't be picky and eat your veggies!"
I scold you again, as ineffective as it is
I wonder if you'll come back covered in mud and wounds again?
All this worrying about you is making these wrinkles worse
Geez, being the mother to a son sure isn't easy!
I truly loved those days, and this genuinely cruel world
Oh...if only time would stop, because I wanted to be with you all
Through these peaceful days...forever...and ever...and ever...
But that is a foolish desire, for all humans will meet their end
Children grow and surpass their parents, and that is nothing but happiness
As ordinary as I am, I couldn't find anything
More valuable than my own life for the longest time
That is, until you were born...
Even if you're not special, even if you're not exceptional
Even if nobody acknowledges you
You're amazing just for being alive
So please don't forget-
Even if you eventually come to curse your birth
I believe that you'll not go down a wrong path
So have faith in yourself -
Oh, bird soaring across the final sky
Please let that child know
That I love him, I love him so much...
T h a n k y o u f o r b e i n g b o r n
Translated by Defade.
(Eine Botschaft in 14 Zeichen)
Anata wo tataki okoshi kyou mo sawagashii ichinichi ga hajimaru
"Suki kirai sezu, yasai mo tabenasai!" to
Mata kiki me no usui kogoto wo kurikaesu
Kyou mo mata dorodarake ni natte kizu wo tsukutte kaette kuru no kashira?
Shinpai bakari de kojiwa mo fueru wa
Mattaku otoko no ko no haha oya nante
Narumonjanai wa!
Sonna mainichi wo watashi wa aishiteta hontou wa zankoku na kono sekai wo
Aa... Jikan yo tomare odayakana [toki] wo zutto
Zutto... zutto... zutto... anata tachi to ikitakatta......
Demo sore wa orokana negai hito wa izure shi ni yuku mono
Ko wa sodachi oya wo koete yuku sore ga sore koso ga shiawase
Heibon na watashi wa nagai aida jibun no inochi ijou ni wa
Kachi no aru mono wo mitsukerarenakatta
Anata ga umareru made wa......
Tokubetsu janakute mo hito yori suguretenakute mo
Dareka ni hitomerarenakute mo
Anata wa ikiteru dake sude ni idai na no yo
Onegai douka wasurenaide――
Tatoe anata ga umareta koto wo itsuka norou hi ga kita to shite mo
Shinjiteiru wa anata no yuku michi wa machigatte na do inai to
Douka jibun wo shinjite――
Saigo no sora ni habataku (tori) yo
Douka ano ko ni tsutaete okure
Aishiteiru wa aishiteiru wa
U ma re te ki te ku re te a ri ga to u
(Eine Botschaft in 14 Zeichen)
あなたを 叩き起こし 今日も騒がしい一日が始まる
また効き目の薄い小言を 繰り返す
今日もまた 泥だらけになって 傷を作って帰ってくるのかしら?
心配ばかりで 小皺も増えるわ
まったく 男の子の母親なんて なるもんじゃないわ!
そんな毎日を 私は愛してた 本当は 残酷な この世界を
嗚呼・・・ 時間よ止まれ 穏やかな日常をずっと
ずっと・・・ ずっと・・・ ずっと・・・ あなた達と 生きたかった・・・・・・
でも それは愚かな願い 人はいずれ死に逝くもの
子は育ち 親を超えて行く それが それこそが幸せ
平凡な私は 長い間 自分の命以上には
価値のあるものを 見つけられなかった
あなたが 生まれるまでは・・・・・・
特別じゃなくても 人より優れてなくても
あなたは生きてるだけで 既に偉大なのよ
お願い どうか忘れないで―—
例えあなたが生まれた事を いつか呪う日が来たとしても
信じているわ あなたの行く道は 間違ってなどいないと
どうか 自分を信じて―—
最期の空に 羽搏く(鳥)よ
どうか あの子に伝えておくれ
愛しているわ 愛しているわ
う ま れ て き て く れ て あ り が と う