11 Moji no Dengon
11-lettered Message

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 2 |
Track Number | 2 |
Length | 7:09 |
Ah...I still recall as clearly as yesterday-
'twas a morning in winter-
Your call took me warmly by my hands-
And I heard the angel's trumpet...
Despite myself...I remember my life as one too ordinary...
Still...it was 『My Pride』to have given birth to you...
Ah, I still recall as clearly as yesterday-
A cold morning in winter-
Your first cry grasped the high heavens-
And an orange light filtered in...
Despite myself...I remember my life as one not too fortunate...
Still...it was of my 『Utmost Happiness』to have met you...
Ah...no matter what trials may come upon you...do confront them with unwavering courage...
This is your foolish mother's last wish...please-
『B・e・c・o・m・ e・H・a・p・p・y』
“I'm sorry...”
The morning of birth. The night of death.
This present time in which you're living. A 《Message》of 11 words.
“I'm sorry...” Fantasy Story[roman] 『The Fifth Horizon』
“Thank you...”
Ah....can roman be found there?
Not matter who gave birth to you...
Your essence won't change...not one bit...
As long as you don't forget
The fact that your birth was no accident...we'll meet someday─
Ah...as much as I regret...not being by your side to watch over your footsteps...please go forth without a doubt...
This is your foolish mother's only wish...please-
『B・e・c・o・m・ e・H・a・p・p・y』
You are living now – that is the 『Proof of the Story I Lived』[roman]
If you would love this world - that alone is 『My Happiness』[bonheur]
-That alone is the 『Meaning of my Story』[roman]
“Can roman be found there...?”
The meaning of birth. The meaning of death. This present time you're living in.
A 《Message》of 11 words. Fantasy Story[roman]『The Fifth Horizon』
The two windmills shall ever continue to turn
Until the day beloved ones are reunited
The dolls wandering on the field of life and death
What songs have they brought to life in this fading night?
The silver light that reigns over the horizon
Now...another morning is dawning
Ah...can roman be found there?
Translated by Defade.