Yakusoku no Oka
The Hill of Promise

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 5 |
Length | 1:26 |
The Hill of Promise (in Japanese 約束の丘, Yakusoku no Oka) is the fifth track on Sound Horizon's first story renewal CD Chronicle 2nd.
Volume 8, page 216...
The lush and overgrown forest of Welkenraedt
Beyond which lies the hill of promise
The moment he blinked –a scenery was burnt into that instant of darkness
He saw a setting sun that he’ll never forget...
“No matter what happens, I’ll definitely come back to you...”
“....yes, I believe you. I love you, after all. Don’t forget, Albers.”
The sky’s color on that day was sorrowfully red
The red stone that would bind the two of us, separated
The two youths swore naïve eternity upon the hill...
I swore upon its necklace...
Even if history lacks a teller, stories will continue to be woven regardless
The path that the white crow flies upon...what does it seek in this sunset sky...
Translated by Defade.
(Dai hachi kan nihyaku juu roku page)
Usshou to oishigeru [UERUKENRAATO] no mori
Sono mukau ni yakusoku no oka ga aru
Matataita setsuna sono yami no naka ni yakitsuku fuukei
Kare wa shougai wasure enu yuuhi wo mita...
"Nani ga arou to boku wa kanarazu kimi no moto e kaette kuru yo..."
"...Ee shinjiteru wa aishiteru mono wasurenai de [ARUBEERU]"
⎰Sono hi no sora no iro kanashii hodo ni akaku⎱
⎱Hanaretemo futari wo musubitsukeru akaishi⎰
⎰Wakai futari wa amai [towa] wo oka ni chikatta⎱
⎱ No kubikazari wo kakechikatta... ⎰
Toki ga katarite wo kaita toshite mo monogatari wa tsumugare tsuzukeru darou
Hakua ga habataite yuku michi... shayou no sora ni nani wo motomete...
(第八巻 216ページ)
鬱蒼と生い茂る Welkenraedtの森
瞬いた刹那 その闇の中に灼きつく風景
「何があろうと僕は必ず 君の元へ帰って来るよ...」
「...えぇ信じてるわ 愛してるもの 忘れないでAlbers」
⎰その日の空の色 哀しい程に朱く⎱
⎱離れても二人を 結びつける朱石⎰
⎱ の首飾りを架け誓った… ⎰
時が語り手を欠いたとしても 物語は紡がれ続けるだろう
白鴉が羽ばたいて往く途... 斜陽の空に何を求めて…
Vocals & Voices:
Other All Violin by Mutumi Suzuki
Flute & Piccolo Flute by Remiko Kawase
Clarinet by Kazuhisa Kojima
Oboe & English Horn by Masayo Miyata
Fagotto by Hiroaki Kimizuka
Mandolin & Bouzouki & Acoustic / Nylon Guitar by Revo
Electric Guitar & Bass & Accordion & Keyboards by Revo
Udu & Djembe & Tambourince & Castanet & Other Percussion & Computer Programming by Revo
Produced by Sound Horizon
Lyrics & Image Story Written by Revo
Music Composed & Arranged by Revo
Recorded & Mixed & Mastered by Revo
Booklet & Label Design by Yokoyan
Special thanks for Kuri
Recorded at Studio C5