Tasogare no Kenja
The Sage at Dusk

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 10 |
Length | 7:35 |
The Sage at Dusk (in Japanese 黄昏の賢者, Tasogare no Kenja) is the tenth track on Sound Horizon's fifth story CD Roman.
His name is 『Sage』[savant]-
More precisely, that’s what most people call him...his true name is completely unknown...
The first time I met him was...at the dusk of a certain spring day...in a deserted suburban park...
Good evening-[bon soir]
“Such a gloomy face you have, young Miss. Is something troubling you?
Earlier...you went around the fountain 11 times...
That’s around 704 steps...exactly 337 meters...
I have a foolish proposal...but how about it?
If you’re fine with me...then I’d like to become your adviser.”
First there was no one → that makes zero...
I[moi] appeared there → that makes one[un]...
Then you[toi] appeared → that makes two[deux]...
Just within simple formulas ← lies the truth...
Closing yourself off from even such simple things, there’re bound to be times you don’t realize...
Hey there, how are you doing- [salut]
“Young miss...
Did you find any solutions to your troubles from the other day? It’s been one week since our parting...168 hours...
10080 minutes...and 604800 seconds...
Yet another 23 seconds have passed while I was talking...
I’d like to become your adviser today as well.”
The horizon of morning and night → that makes two[deux]...
The grave[place] where the king[roi] of time sleeps → that makes three[trois]...
The glittering eternal stardust → that makes five[cinq]...
Even within simple prime numbers ← lies the truth......
Closing yourself from all kinds of simple things, there’re bound to be things you don’t realize...
Shall I factor[take apart] your sadness?
Shall I find the highest common factor[number] of your happiness?
Wipe your tears...come now...and stand...because your path still goes on...
I see-[en effet]
To give birth ←→ or not to give birth...
That is the biggest...so to speak, problem...
The morning of happiness...and the night of sadness...all of them are yours...
A song story connected...to ones yet unseen...stories[roman] that bring songs to life...
Every time the『Windmill』continues to spin (le Moulin rouge...)
『Beautiful』illusions are weaved in silence (la belle chose...)
Outside the flickering of the 『Flame』(la flamme...)
The fools who reach out their 『Arms』(le bras invisible...)
Yearn to grasp as many 『Jewels』as possible (le bijou maudit...)
And wander between 『Morning』and 『Night』(le conte du matin et la nuit...)
Even within the glitter of the sand of 『Stardust』(le harnais d’etoile...)
The 『Wine』charms sweet intoxication (le vin de joie et tretisse...)
From within the cage that should be avoided, the 『Sage』(le savant crepuscule...)
May ask them of the true meaning behind the 『Message』(le message de onze lettres...)
When the 『Angel』leaves (la statue de l’ange...)
The 『Horizon』will know of the fifth story (le cinq roman...)
The repeating 『History』revolves around 『Death』and 『Loss』; 『Paradise』and 『Hell』.
After the 『Boy』leaves, what kind of 『Story』will be created there?
“Are you afraid of hurt? Are you afraid of loss? Are you afraid to believe? That’s why...
I’d like to become...your adviser.”
If you regret the morning of your arrival...then you shouldn’t give birth to more pain...
If you acknowledge the night of your leaving...then that child should love 《Life》as well...
Young Miss-[Chloe] Shall I factor[take apart] your sadness?
Shall I find the highest common factor[number] of your happiness?
Wipe off the dust...come now...and set off...because your path still goes on...
Goodbye-[au revoir]
“Young Miss, it seems like your heart is set. Then...come now...lift up your chest and go forth. You should...aim for your own horizon...”
“Thank you, M.Savant.”
“I’ve been looking for you, Christophe.”
“Can roman be found there...?”
Translated by Defade.