903p Shoujo Ningyou
903p 少女人形
903p The Girl Doll

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 8 |
Length | 1:52 |
The sky is crying...
Dusk, The outskirts of a town. The edge of a forest.
A huge mansion. An empty room.
One lone girl sitting on the chair.
Talking to the doll, but there is no response...
"That doll is me..."
...it's impossible to get a response.
The girl stares at the darkness with her glass eyes...
I hate mirrors. They don't reflect anything true.
Such a world should just be destroyed...
My mamas only saw me as a business tool.
I really didn't need it...
I didn't need something like the power to predict the future...
I wonder, how many mamas did I have before this one?
There's no bond...no warmth...
Still, I try to seek them...
"Mama, love me. Mama, love me...
Mama, love me. Mama..."
Beginning and ending. Ending and beginning.
A stage on which managers and spectators interchange.
I play the girl who can predict the future.
Within a mansion of stopped time, I repeat a one-man-show...
It's darkness. Deep darkness. The end is darkness.
A darkness that continues boundlessly. Where is the end of this world?
No matter how much I walk, darkness awaits ahead of this path...
O, future. O, black order. O, flood of the end.
Ah Noah, the lying Chronicle
Hurry up and make everything come to an end...
"Mama, love me. Mama, love me...
Mama, love me. Mama..."
The sky is crying.
In place of the tearless doll...
~ Page 903 『 The Girl Doll 』
(Translated by Defade)
The sky is crying...
Dusk, The outskirts of a town. The edge of a forest.
A huge mansion. An empty room.
One lone girl sitting on the chair.
Talking to the doll, but there is no response...
"That doll is me..."
...it's impossible to get a response.
The girl stares at the darkness with her glass eyes...
I hate mirrors. They don't reflect anything true.
Such a world should just be destroyed...
My mamas only saw me as a business tool.
I really didn't need it...
I didn't need something like the power to predict the future...
I wonder, how many mamas did I have before this one?
There's no bond...no warmth...
Still, I try to seek them...
"Mama, love me. Mama, love me...
Mama, love me. Mama..."
Beginning and ending. Ending and beginning.
A stage on which managers and spectators interchange.
I play the girl who can predict the future.
Within a mansion of stopped time, I repeat a one-man-show...
It's darkness. Deep darkness. The end is darkness.
A darkness that continues boundlessly. Where is the end of this world?
No matter how much I walk, darkness awaits ahead of this path...
O, future. O, black order. O, flood of the end.
Ah Noah, the lying Chronicle
Hurry up and make everything come to an end...
"Mama, love me. Mama, love me...
Mama, love me. Mama..."
The sky is crying.
In place of the tearless doll...
~ Page 903 『 The Girl Doll 』
(Translated by Defade)
宵闇 街外れ 森の麓 大きな屋敷 何もない部屋 椅子に腰掛けた少女がひとり 人形に語りかけるが 返事はない・・・
・・・返事などあるわけもなく 少女は硝子細工の瞳で 闇を見つめている・・・
鏡は嫌い 本当のことは何も映さないから こんな世界など 壊れてしまえば良い・・・
ママ達は 私を商売道具としてしか見ていない 本当は要らなかった・・・ 未来を読む力なんて 要らなかったのに・・・
今のママは 何人目だったろう 絆など・・・温もりなど・・・ それでも私は それを求める・・・
「ママ私を愛して ママ私を愛して・・・ ママ私を愛して ママ・・・」
始まっては終わり 終わっては始まる 支配人も観客も入れ替わる舞台 私は未来を読む少女を演じ 時の止まった屋敷で ひとり芝居を繰り返す・・・
闇だ 昏い闇だ 終焉は闇だ どこまでも続く闇だ 世界の果ては何処だ いくら歩いても この道の先は闇だ・・・
未来よ 黒い秩序よ 終焉の洪水よ 鳴呼ノア 嘘吐きクロニクル 早く何もかも終わらせて・・・
「ママ私を愛して ママ私を愛して・・・ ママ私を愛して ママ・・・」