Episode 2: Hartsoeker no Kobito ~ Shoujo Iwaku Tenshi

エピソード2 : ハルトゼーカーの小人 ~ 少女曰く天使

Episode 2: Hartsoeker’s Dwarf ~ Angel as told by the Girl

  • Revo
Release Medium CD
Disc Number 1
Track Number 3
Length 5:16

Episode 2: Hartsoeker’s Dwarf (in Japanese エピソード2 : ハルトゼーカーの小人 ~ 少女曰く天使, Episode 2: Hartsoeker no Kobito ~ Shoujo Iwaku Tenshi) is the third track on the image album Leviathan.


“Akane…thinks she’s an angel...”

Scribbles of an angel upon 《asphalt》, a girl playing alone
Hiding wings on her tiny back, she waits upon the wind in these ruins

When the girl’s candle lit up, her mother’s candlelight faded...

If there can be only so many lights that are lit within this world
What am I here to shine upon?

Whispers of an angel in a 《dark room》, that too is a girl playing alone
Harboring light within her small eyes, she waits upon him in these ruins

The girl didn’t even know her father’s face; she didn’t know much about her mother aside from her face...

If there can be only so many lights that are lit within this world
Who am I here to shine upon?

“Mother returns, guided by birds
And I...take his hand...”

Even if we cannot become parent and child, can we be family?
Even if we cannot become siblings, can we be family?
Even if we cannot become lovers, I want to stay by his side forever
To bear witness to the finale of 《the story interwoven by him, me and the world》[the end]...

Translated by Defade.

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Awaiting transcription