Shinryakusuru Mono Sareru Mono
The Invaders and the Invaded

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 3 |
Length | 5:46 |
The Invaders and the Invaded (in Japanese 侵略する者される者, Shinryakusuru Mono Sareru Mono) is the third and final track on Sound Horizon's story maxi Seisen no Iberia.
The chronicles of history is as rapid as the blink of an eye.
Tearing down the walls built by the Celt Iberians
Carthage shook the grounds with their victory dance
Hispānia Rōma tilled the wastelands and laid down stones
The Vandals army razed the fields with reckless valor
Visgoths inherited the legacy of a lost kingdom, its history and culture
Made contact with a new culture through Umayyad, and flowers blossomed
Aragón=Cataluñia ⇔ Castillia=León, forming alliances
If Granada← falls, our longstanding wish will be fulfilled,
『Reconquista』at last!
Ah...listening to the church bells behind them, the soldiers put a cross to their chests and marched on
Ah...crossing the boundary mountains with war-steeds, they fixed their gaze on a hill – beyond which lies the Red Fortress[Alhambra]
The ones who took my father were those who cross themselves, the people of the Book
The ones who took my mother were those engaged in killing, the brethren[akh] of scriptures
Why can’t people put an end
To the negative chain that repeats conflicts?
What should a weakling like me hate?
Ah...I finally understand...
Regain the land of our fathers, deprived of us by the invaders
The invaders make us laugh, those blood-smeared children
Heretics who look down upon the savior should all become rust
The prophet isn’t God, but a mere idol of polytheism
Invaders ⇔Invaded ← History repeats itself
Invaders⇔ Invaded ←Over and over again
【Hellfire is thy king】
"Are you brethren killing each other even now? Mankind! I am your true enemy!"
The Ebony Forces, led by the bronze wolf, the very valiant Ishaq.
The Ivory Forces, led by the battle savvy, Holy Knight Ramirez.
Victory and Justice, the Iberian rhapsody of a warrior's loyalty to his sword.
“Ishat, huwa lakum malik!”
《Farmer[Al Fellah] - the elder brother[Hermano Mayor]》⇔《Shepherd[Al Rai] - the younger brother[Hermano Menor]》
Fear ye the name of evil
Know fear, ye children of God
―『Iberia in holy war』
"After the demon has departed,
A holy united kingdom centered at Castilla was formed.
Would this signify the end to the long holy war that plagued Iberia?
We who have lost our motherland are wanderers,
And can only watch over history, passing it on through song.
It is my dearest wish that the neighing of the war-steeds from afar
Will not cross the fortified borders - the summit of mount Pyrenees...”
Translated by Defade.