Seisen to Shinigami Dai Ichibu "Gin’iro no Shinigami" ~Senjou wo Kakeru Mono~
聖戦と死神 第1部「銀色の死神」 〜戦場を駈ける者〜
Holy War and the Reaper Part 1 "The Silver Reaper" ~Those who roam the battlefield~

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 7 |
Length | 2:52 |
Holy War and the Reaper Part 1 "The Silver Reaper" ~Those who roam the battlefield~ (in Japanese 聖戦と死神 第1部「銀色の死神」 〜戦場を駈ける者〜, Seisen to Shinigami Dai Ichibu "Gin’iro no Shinigami" ~Senjou wo Kakeru Mono~) is the seventh track on Sound Horizon's first story renewal CD Chronicle 2nd.
Volume 9, page 527...
Offenburg, territory of Preuzehn...
Without choking on the dizzying scent of bloody rain, the man laughed...
The 182nd year of the Flandre calender. 『The Battle at Aragón』
A Flandre force of 5000 men led by General Alvarez
Crossed the mountain ranges of Pyreenes and began their attack on Castilla territory
On the plains of Aragon, they engaged in combat with
The stationed Northern Castilla Defense force, numbering 12000 men
Every time they walk forward in courage, death pools around their feet
Their keen-edged blades flash by, and the enemies' fighting spirit[heart] is deluded
The raging soldiers and the neigh of the steeds "All units attack! After me..."
An armor of shining silver.... <The General of the Belga people>[Albelge]
It’s time, the hour has come! Look! The reaper!
[Chrono, Venies! Vidies! Velesa!]
"By the way...Lord Arvalez's army now has another victory under their belts...
A devastating victory over an enemy unit a few times their size, thrashing them completely...or so I heard..."
"...the silver reaper. Cursed <Ghost of Belga>[Albelge].
Some people even began to worship him over His Majesty."
"I just happen to have the perfect chess piece under my control, and when the time is ripe,
We should do well in wishing the eyesore, the great hero to take leave...."
"Chess piece? Ah, the prisoner taken at Preuzehn?
...the stage of history on which destruction plays may put on quite the interesting show[dream] tonight..."
"In the name of our <Only God>[Chronica]..."
For whom does he roam the battlefield...after losing the woman[person] he should protect and his motherland...
(第九巻 527ページ)
Preuzehn領 Offenburg...
Alvarez将軍率いる Flandre軍5千
Pyréenés山脈を越え Castilla領に進撃
Aragon平原にて Castilla軍
勇み歩を進める毎に 足元に死が絡みつく
研ぎ澄まされてゆく刃風かぜに 敵兵は戦意こころ惑わす
(Chrono, Venies. Vidies. Velesa
Chrono, Venies. Vidies. Velesa.
Chrono, Venies. Vidies. Velesa.
Chrono, Venies. Vidies. Velesa.)
「...銀色の死神 忌々しい<Belgaの亡霊アルベルジュ>め
「丁度良い手駒もあることで御座いますし 機を見ていづれ
目障りな英雄殿には ご退場願うのが宜しいかと」
...破滅を演じる歴史の舞台 今宵も面白い劇ゆめが観れそうだ…」
Vocals & Voices:
Other All Violin by Mutsumi Suzuki
Cello by Shigeru Ohara
Flute & Piccolo Flute by Remiko Kawase
Clarinet by Kazuhisa Kojima
Oboe & English Horn by Masayo Miyata
Fagotto by Hiroaki Kimizuka
Trumpet by Miki Iwatuki
Trombone by Takuya Handa
Alto Sax & Tenor Sax by Kei Suzuki
Udu & Djembe & Tambourince & Castanet & Other Percussion & Computer Programming by Revo
Produced by Sound Horizon
Lyrics & Image Story Written by Revo
Music Composed & Arranged by Revo
Recorded & Mixed & Mastered by Revo
Booklet & Label Design by Yokoyan
Special thanks for Kuri
Recorded at Studio C5