Kuro no Yogensho
Black Chronicle

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 1 |
Length | 4:54 |
Black Chronicle (in Japanese 黒の予言書, Kuro no Yogensho) is the first track on Sound Horizon's first story renewal CD Chronicle 2nd.
Fantasy Story Suite....Chronicle 2nd
That is...the story of the world and a girl who traces history
There is a poem I want to recite...there is a path I want to follow...
There is a hill I want to protect...there are roses I want to be proud of...
There is a battle I want to resolve...there is a song I want you to hear...
There is a voyage I want to speak of...there is a right arm I want to lift up...
No matter when, we did not give up. Beyond history, the sky both far yet so near
A promise made with you. Feelings that are passed on. Our never-ending lineage[Chronicle]..
“O <Black God-Child>[Lucia]...I am saddened...!
I thought you could've understood the truth of the book...
But nevermind...if you think you can change history...
Then come at me anytime...!”
<Black Chronicle>
By the time I was aware, my mother was gone
The slight sense of sadness is a gentle lullaby...
“There are similar people everywhere.”
"-our paths seemed like they could go anywhere."
Before I was born, my father was gone as well
The certain sense of hatred is a passionate heart of love...
“There were plenty of similar people.”
“-where do you seek? What do you betray?”
Born whilst embracing different stars, we're now
Embraced by the same sky, yet despite that...
A white horse dashing towards the future we dreamt of back then
Ignorant of the shadow chasing it, we were taken on its back
Dashing towards...the prophesied end...
<Black Chronicle>
<Black Chronicle> Those are books that shouldn't exist
Ancient books with black covers, totaling 24 volumes
That are being kept at a certain Chronicle Worshipping Order[Cult's] facilities
Recorded on those books were numerous accounts from the beginning of history
They all held a certain sense of coherency, and it is evident that they are chronicles
If we are to accept those as historical facts
What does that make of the history we've come to affirm thus far?
The book's accounts even concern the future - one difference[seed] brings several theories[leaves] to budding, blooming debates[flowers] of confusion
The greatest thesis amongst them being the end of this world in the future soon to come
As a <historical fact>...
Where do our comrades begin, where do our enemies end?
One mistake in judgment on that, and you'll be massacred by history
Everyone selfishly draws their own borders
Engraved upon the white map is the trial of conflict
Ah...how narrow...how narrow is this world...!
Kill all your enemies. O comrades, you can have a brief moment of reprieve
Are you happy? Ah...a happy world? A world of deathly meetings? Are you...happy with that?
But comrades too can become enemies, so we should strike in advance and kill them
Are you happy? Ah...a happy world? A world of deathly encounters? Are you...really happy?
But enemies won't just disappear, so we live in fear
Are you happy? Ah...a happy world? A world of deathly meetings? Are you...happy with that?
Then it's simply rinse and repeat - that is the way to grasp happiness
Are you happy? Ah...a happy world? The way to grasp happiness
That's wrong! That kind of logic is just wrong!
There are people trying to sell out this world
You should realize that, and once you do, you should fight
Like the white crow that takes the wind of time head-on with just one wing
The map entrusted to the future we dreamt of back then
Though once ignorant of the shadow redrawing it, we now surpass our past selves
Dashing towards...the unprophesied beginning...
<Black Chronicle>
By the time I was aware, my mother wasn't here anymore.
The one who told me that she died from sickness
Was the organization that took me in as an orphan and raised me
There were many similar people in the organization
Eventually, we came to question the organization and fled...
Translated by Defade.
(Gensou monogatari kumikyoku)
(Chronicle 2nd)
Sore wa... rekishi wo tadoru shoujo to sekai no monogatari
Utaitai uta ga arunda... tadoritai michi ga arunda...
Mamoritai oka ga arunda... hokoritai bara ga arunda...
Osametai tatakai ga arunda... kikasetai uta ga arunda...
Kataritai koukai ga arunda... kakagetai migi ude ga arunda...
Donna toki demo Bokura wa akiramenai rekishi no kanata tookute chikai Sora
Kimi to no yakusoku uketsugareru omoi owaranai Bokura no [Chronicle]...
("Rukia yo, watashi wa kanashii.
Kimi naraba sho no shinri ga rikai dekiru to omotteita no daga nee
Maa yoi. Rekishi wo kaerareru to omoi agatteiru no nara, itsudemo kakatte oidenasai.")
(Black Chronicle)
Monogokoro tsuita toki haha wa sude ni inakatta
Honoka na kanashimi wa yasashii komoriuta...
Umarete kuru mae ni chichi mo sude ni inakatta
Tashika na nikushimi wa hageshii koigokoro...
Chigau hoshi wo daite umarete kita Bokura mo [ima] wa
Onaji Sora ni dakareteru sore nano ni... sore nano ni...
Ano koro Bokura ga yume miteta mirai e kakeru hakuba wo
Oikakeru kage ga aru koto mo shiranakatta Bokura wo nosete
Hashitte yuku yo... yogen sareta shuuen e to...
(Black Chronicle)
[Black Chronicle] sore wa "sonzai shite wa naranai shomotsu"
Toaru [Cult] kyoudan no shisetsu yori oushuu sareta
Zen nijuuyon kan kara naru kuroi hyoushi no kosho
Soko ni shirusareteita no wa yuushiirai no amata no kiroku
Aru shu no seigousei wo motsu rekizen toshita nendaiki
Sore wo shijitsu to mitomeru naraba
Warera no koutei shite kita rekishi to wa nan nano darou ka?
Sho no kijutsu wa mirai ni made oyobi hitotsu no [shushi] ni
Fukusuu no [ha] wo mebukase [kowaku] no [hana] wo sakaseru
Sono saidai no ronten wa chikai [saki] kono sekai ga
Shuuen wo mukaeru to iu shijitsu...
Doko made ga mikata de doko kara ga teki da?
Soko wo miayamaru to rekishi ni hofurareru
Ono-ono de katte ni kyoukai wo shiiteru
Hakuchizu ni kizamu wa arasoi no kiseki da
Aa... semai... koko wa nante semai sekai da...
Teki wa zenbu korosunda [tomo] yo sore de ichiji anshin da
(ShiawaSe Kai? Aa... Shiawa sekai?
Shia Wa sekai? Sore De... shiawaSe Kai?)
Keredo mikata mo teki ni narun da naraba sente utte korosunda
(ShiawaSe Kai? Aa... Shiawa sekai?
Shia Wa sekai? Honto... shiawaSe Kai?)
Shikashi teki wa naku naranainda dakara obienagara kurasunda
(ShiawaSe Kai? Aa... Shiawa sekai?
Shia Wa sekai? Sore De... shiawaSe Kai?)
Saredo sore wo kurikaesu dake da sore ga shiawase wo tsukamu [michi] da
(ShiawaSe Kai? Aa... Shiawa sekai? ShiawaSe Ka wo tsukaMu michi Da...)
Machigatteru sonna ronri wa machigatterun'da
Kono sekai wo urou to shiteru yatsura ga irun'da
Kizukubeki da kizuita nara tatakau beki da
Tatta ichiwa [kaze] ni mukau hakua no you ni
Ano koro Bokura ga yume miteta mirai e takushita chizu wo
Kaki kaeru kage ga aru koto mo shiranakatta Bokura wo koete
Hashitte yukou... yogen ni nai Hajimari e to...
(Black Chronicle)
Monogokoro tsuita toki haha wa sude ni inakatta...
Byoushi dato Boku ni tsugeta no wa
Koji dearu Boku wo hikitori youiku shita soshiki datta
Soshiki ni wa nita you na yatsu ga nannin mo ita
Yagate soshiki ni gimon wo idaita Bokura wa soshiki kara toubou shita...
(Chronicle 2nd)
どんな時でもボクらは諦めない 歴史の彼方 遠くて近いソラ
キミとの約束 受け継がれる想い 終わらないボクらの系譜クロニクル…
(Black Chronicle)
物心ついた時 母は既に居なかった
仄かな哀しみは 優しい子守唄…
生まれて来る前に 父も既に居なかった
確かな憎しみは 激しい恋心…
違う星を抱いて 生まれてきたボクらも現在いまは
同じソラに抱かれてる それなのに…それなのに…
あの頃ボクらが夢見てた 未来へ駈ける白馬を
追い駈ける影が在ることも 識らなかったボクらを乗せて
(Black Chronicle)
<黒の預言書Black Chronicle>それは「存在してはならない書物」
そこに記されていたのは 有史以来の数多の記録
ある種の整合性を持つ 歴然とした年代記
書の記述は未来にまで及び 一つの相違しゅしに
複数の学説はを芽吹かせ 蟲惑こわくの論争はなを咲かせる
その最大の論点は 近い未来さきこの世界が
敵は全部殺すんだ 盟友ともよそれで一時安心だ
(幸セカイ? 嗚呼…シアワ世界?
死逢ワ世界? ソレデ…幸セカイ?)
けれど味方も敵になるんだ ならば先手打って殺すんだ
(幸セカイ? 嗚呼…シアワ世界?
死遭ワ世界? ホント…幸セカイ?)
しかし敵は無くならないんだ だから怯えながら暮らすんだ
(幸セカイ? 嗚呼…シアワ世界?
死逢ワ世界? ソレデ…幸セカイ?)
されどそれを繰り返すだけだ それが幸せを掴む途みちだ
(幸セカイ? 嗚呼…シアワ世界? 幸セカを掴ム途ダ…)
間違ってる そんな論理は 間違ってるんだ
この世界を 売ろうとしてる 奴らがいるんだ
気付くべきだ 気付いたなら 戦うべきだ
たった一羽 時風かぜに向かう 白鴉のように
あの頃ボクらが夢見てた 未来へ託した地図を
描き換える影が在ることも 識らなかったボクらを超えて
(Black Chronicle)
物心ついた時 母は既に居なかった…
Vocals & Voices:
Other All Violin by Mutsumi Suzuki
Electric Guitar & Bass & Accordion & Keyboards by Revo
Udu & Djembe & Tambourince & Castanet & Other Percussion & Computer Programming by Revo
Produced by Sound Horizon
Lyrics & Image Story Written by Revo
Music Composed & Arranged by Revo
Recorded & Mixed & Mastered by Revo
Booklet & Label Design by Yokoyan
Special thanks for Kuri
Recorded at Studio C5