457p Juhyou no Kimi ~Itetsuita Majo~
457p 樹氷の君~凍てついた魔女
457p The King of Tree Frost ~The Frozen Witch~

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Disc Number | 1 |
Track Number | 5 |
Length | 2:11 |
The woman dashed through the snowy plains, as if protecting the boy.
Numb limbs. Body on the verge of freezing.
Despite all that, she marches on without showing any weakness,
Because she is a mother...
Ugly is the world of man. The history of persecution is repeated.
People want to blame all inconvenience on others.
Victim of a dark era. The one to bear disaster.
A savior in the name of a sacrifice...
She emerged from the frosty forest as if being chased.
After arriving at a castle of ice.
The woman's body had already surpassed its limits...
"I want this child to live on, at least...."
The power of a witch, loathed and despised.
She called forth the last of its power,
And entrusted the flame of life unto her son...
Two silhouettes standing still within the violent snowstorm.
The icy remains of the frozen woman and the boy, never to freeze.
In exchange for his mother's life,
He became the frozen king of tree frost...
"I want you to live on..."
That is a curse in the name of love.
Those feelings chain him down even now.
A person smiling gently in his vague memories.
Wanting to touch that warmth, he is alone again today...
There probably isn't any special meaning to being alive,
All while knowing that everything is fated to fade away.
Still, those coming to an end desire eternity...
Today, he is alone again...
~ Page 457 『The King of Tree Frost ~The Frozen Witch~』
(Translated by Defade)
The woman dashed through the snowy plains, as if protecting the boy.
Numb limbs. Body on the verge of freezing.
Despite all that, she marches on without showing any weakness,
Because she is a mother...
Ugly is the world of man. The history of persecution is repeated.
People want to blame all inconvenience on others.
Victim of a dark era. The one to bear disaster.
A savior in the name of a sacrifice...
She emerged from the frosty forest as if being chased.
After arriving at a castle of ice.
The woman's body had already surpassed its limits...
"I want this child to live on, at least...."
The power of a witch, loathed and despised.
She called forth the last of its power,
And entrusted the flame of life unto her son...
Two silhouettes standing still within the violent snowstorm.
The icy remains of the frozen woman and the boy, never to freeze.
In exchange for his mother's life,
He became the frozen king of tree frost...
"I want you to live on..."
That is a curse in the name of love.
Those feelings chain him down even now.
A person smiling gently in his vague memories.
Wanting to touch that warmth, he is alone again today...
There probably isn't any special meaning to being alive,
All while knowing that everything is fated to fade away.
Still, those coming to an end desire eternity...
Today, he is alone again...
~ Page 457 『The King of Tree Frost ~The Frozen Witch~』
(Translated by Defade)
女は 男の子を庇う様にして 雪原をゆく
かじかむ手足 凍えそうな身体 それでも 弱音一つ吐かずに歩く 彼女は母親だから・・・
醜きは人の世 迫害の歴史は繰り返す 都合の悪いことは 全て他人のせいにしたいのだ 暗い時代の犠牲者 災いを引き受ける者 生贄という名の救世主・・・
追われるようにして 樹氷の森を抜け 辿りついたのは 氷の城 女の身体は 既に限界を超えていた・・・
忌み嫌われた 魔女の力 その最期の力を振り絞り 命の灯を息子に託した・・・
激しい吹雪の中 佇む二つの影 凍ってしまった女の氷骸と 決して凍らない少年 彼は 母の命と引き換えに 凍てつく樹氷の王となった・・・
それは 愛という名の呪縛 その想いは今も彼を縛る 朧気な記憶の中 優しく微笑む人 その温もり触れたくて 今日もまたひとり・・・
生きることに 特別な意味など無いだろう 全ては消え往く運命 と知りながら それでも 終わり往くモノは永遠を望む・・・
彼は 今日もまたひとり・・・