Bara no Kishidan
The Knights of the Rose

Band |
Release Medium | CD |
Track Number | 6 |
Length | 2:52 |
The Knights of the Rose (in Japanese 薔薇の騎士団, Bara no Kishidan) is the sixth track on Sound Horizon's first story renewal CD Chronicle 2nd.
Volume 9, page 468...
The Avalon dynasty, kingdom of Britannia. Two heroines who were symbols of that era.
The poet extolled as , Luna Ballad
Even after being afflicted with an eye disease and losing her light after a harsh journey, she still continues to sing
A woman who, through her songs, continued to illuminate flickers of hope within the darkness of her listener's hearts
The queen extolled as , Rose Guine Avalon
As the niece to the tyrant queen, she was the first princess in line for the throne
A woman who relieved her people of their suffering under the former ruler's tyranny
"Let's put an end to the era when [songs] were oppressed by [the rose]...if only to not lose to my own weakness, I have taken upon the name of a person I hold matter what storms may arrive, I can keep on singing..."
"I want everyone to regain their pride and hearts that once loved their motherland. Can I make this country into our beloved homeland again? The winter rose has withered, and a late spring has arrived. I'll take an oath right here – that I'll become a rose blessed by the Goddess of Light[Brigitte]..."
The 627th year of the Britannian calender
The King of Flandre, Childebert VI Changed his kingdom's name to Holy Flandre Empire and laid down the foundation for an imperial government
St. Childebert VI reigned as the first emperor
And began his invasion of Britannia under the name of ...
That excerpt from one of Luna Ballad's poems depicting the people who have once suffered in long periods of troubles
Now united under a new rose...
Cloaking ourselves with proud flames, we took up swords to protect our motherland
O, comrades who bear the noble queen's rose upon their chests
Give praise to our
Ah...may the blessing of the Goddess of Light[Brigette] be upon them...
Sent off by a song of prayer, the brave sons of Britannia headed towards the battlefield...
Translated by Defade.
(第九巻 468ページ)
Avalon朝 Britannia王国 時代を象徴する二人の女傑ヒロイン
<地上の月輝つき>と謳われた詩人 Luna Ballad
苛酷な旅の果てに眼病を患い 光を失ってなお歌い続け
その詩を通して聴く者の心の闇に 希望の光を灯し続けた女性
<至上の薔薇>と謳われた女王 Rose Guine Avalon
暴君として知られた女王の姪であり 王位継承権第一位の姫であった
先王の治世下 その圧政に苦しむ民衆を解放した女性
もうどんな嵐が訪れようとも 私は歌い続けられる…」
「皆にもう一度誇りを取り戻して欲しい 祖国を愛する心を
冬薔薇は枯れ 今遅い春が訪れた 私は此処に誓う
時の...Flandre国王 Childebert6世
<聖戦>と称し Britanniaの侵略を開始…
<薔薇の騎士団ナイツ オブ ザ ローズ>
一つに纏まってゆく情景を綴った Luna Balladの詩の一節…
称えよ我らの<薔薇の騎士団ナイツ オブ ザ ローズ>を
祈りの歌に見送られ 勇敢なBritanniaの息子達は戦場へと向かった…
Vocals & Voices:
Flute & Piccolo Flute by Remiko Kawase
Clarinet by Kazuhisa Kojima
Oboe & English Horn by Masayo Miyata
Fagotto by Hiroaki Kimizuka
Trumpet by Miki Iwatuki
Trombone by Takuya Handa
Alto Sax & Tenor Sax by Kei Suzuki
Mandolin & Bouzouki & Acoustic / Nylon Guitar by Revo
Electric Guitar & Bass & Accordion & Keyboards by Revo
Udu & Djembe & Tambourince & Castanet & Other Percussion & Computer Programming by Revo
Produced by Sound Horizon
Lyrics & Image Story Written by Revo
Music Composed & Arranged by Revo
Recorded & Mixed & Mastered by Revo
Booklet & Label Design by Yokoyan
Special thanks for Kuri
Recorded at Studio C5