Rouran Jinja Omikuji
狼欒神社 御神籤
Laurant Shrine Fortune Ticket

Band |
Type | Omikuji |
Release Date | 13 January 2021 |
Stores | Tower Records, Animate, HMV, Tsutaya Records, other Japanese national CD shops |
A Rouran Jinja Omikuji (fortune ticket) was included as an early order bonus for Ema ni Negai wo! (Prologue Edition) when purchasing it from Tower Records, Animate, HMV, Tsutaya Records, or other Japanese national CD shops. There were fifteen possible fortunes, with three (Super Blessing, None, and Hades Curse) being rarer than the others.
The available fortunes are "Super blessing", "Great blessing", "Blessing", "Middle blessing", "Small blessing", "Half-blessing", "Future blessing", "None", "Future curse", "Half-curse", "Small curse", "Middle curse", "Curse", "Great curse", and "Hades curse". "Super blessing", "None", and "Hades curse" were described to be rarer than the other fortunes.
Super Blessing (超吉)
You were born as a person of extreme luck.
You are invincible in everything that you do,
and extravagant fortune has been promised to you.
Wishes Everything will come true as you want
Encounter Everyone is waiting for you
Lost articles You’ll find them without looking
Travel You are welcome anywhere you go
Business You’ll prosper at anything
Studies You’ll get into super elite schools (all of them)
Direction There’s fortune all around you
Romance Nothing but fulfillment
Relocation Everywhere and any time is fortunate for you
Childbirth Welcome new life with a peace of mind
Illness You’ll know no illnesses in your life
Disputes Irrelevant
Engagement Take your choice
Friendship You’ll find a kindred spirit
A super-blessed life, that is your story
Great Blessing (大吉)
Even if you die, keep on burning as long as you’re alive!
If you put your life on the line and keep pushing your way through
with a brilliantly burning spirit《the proof of your burning life》
will remain forever
Wishes A sudden chance meeting you’ve awaited will come true
Encounter Will come from a parallel world
Lost articles Search the dresser drawer
Travel You can travel to the parallel world
Business Premonition of debut & hit
Studies Study music
Direction All directions except for east, west, south, and north are good
Romance Your time of popularity’s about to hit
Relocation Your current residence is good
Childbirth It might not come true even if you wish for it
Illness Accept your destiny
Disputes Don’t fear discord; sticking to your guts is good
Engagement There’s a possibility you’ve already met them through work
Friendship Will appear unexpectedly
The book “The Nighthawk Star” by Kenji Miyazawa
could change your life
Blessing (吉)
「That bright era in which you are laughing now,
without bearing grudges to anyone, without regrets to having died,
we will meet there, for sure.」
Even if you’ve been hurt by someone, don’t consider taking revenge.
Instead, if you continue your life in peace, there will come another day when you’ll be
able to laugh again.
Wishes Wish for them calmly
Encounter They’ll appear to you looking quite different than you expected
Lost articles It’ll appear in a different form
Travel Going to see old well is dangerous
Business Try collecting herbs and doing infusions with them
Studies Belief and hard work should do it
Direction There’s something at the direction of the church
Romance Maybe you’ll have something with your childhood friend
Relocation If you relocate at once, you’ll be saved
Childbirth You might be blessed with a cute baby boy
Illness Get help for your eyes
Disputes You should be careful of a duo wearing masks
Engagement You met them when you were young
Friendship You’ll make a friend of the opposite sex
You might become able to have conversations with the doll you’ve held dear.
Middle Blessing (中吉)
『Aah... No matter how strong the winds you face are
they'll never break
your wings of determination!』
Anything and everything can be broken through with enough determination to push your way through no matter what might come your way.
Or that's how it should be, but this isn't such a gentle world where all wishes will come true.
Wishes Wish for peace within your heart
Encounter You see a black-haired woman
Lost articles Not known
Travel You should head towards the land loved by gods
Business There is 《a grand possibility》
Studies Words will become your strength
Direction It's dangerous to stay here
Romance You'll get your precious 《treasure》
Relocation If you sense you're in danger then make a decision
Childbirth The angels will alight
Illness There is a pain that will repeat on endlessly
Disputes You'll regret running away
Engagement You'll met them one day
Friendship Your sense of unity will grow stronger
In any case, spread your wings wide
Small Blessing (小吉)
The song alight on our lips
We travel across the horizon
So that we can come meet you again
Like promised, this journey will never end
Aah… Don’t forget, traveller
We are all connected by our hands
It’s a miracle for us to have gathered here in this kingdom
With a rose in our hearts, we shall sing
You will enter the travelling kingdom,
and gather with the rest of its citizens,
that is the one step you’ll take
to seize the 《rose》of fortune.
It is a matter of whether we’ll be able to
keep on gathering like this for years to come...
Wishes Wish for the expansion of the SHK with your wishes
Encounter Exists with the SHK
Lost articles Gone missing in the SHK
Travel Go To various horizons
Business There job vacancies found within the SHK
Studies Introduce a SHK-model AI
Direction Everything outside of the SHK is bad luck
Romance Romance can be found within the SHK
Relocation Real estate possibilities found within the SHK
Childbirth You’ll be blessed with a child within the SHK
Illness You’re required to wear a mask within the SHK as well
Disputes You can cut your way through accidents with a super gravity jump
Engagement Put the date match application, that’s being developed within the SHK, to good use
Friendship You’ll meet one at a SHK mixer
Aah… Gloria!
Half-Blessing (半吉)
Shall we try factoring your sorrow?
Do you wish to find the greatest common divisor for happiness?
Wipe off the dust… And now…
Take off…
Your journey isn’t over yet……
The decisions in your life are all made by you in the end.
But sometimes, someone might offer to become your advisor and
perhaps help you find your way.
Wishes Try wishing for something more specific
Encounter Should you meet, or should you not
Lost articles Once lost, won’t be coming back
Travel The neighborhood park is just the thing
Business You have potential in the jewellery business
Studies You’ll pass if you put effort into it
Direction Your favourite direction brings good luck
Romance Be careful of smooth talkers
Relocation If you try changing your circumstances, your fortune and and bad fortune will go 50-50
Childbirth Should you give, or should you not give birth
Illness Life is beautiful when you are free of sickness
Disputes It’s best to avoid disputes as the number of victims would only increase
Engagement There might be a precious rendezvous on the horizon
Friendship You’ll make a friend who will offer advice for your troubles
If you’re feeling troubled, it might be a good idea to take a stroll around the fountain
Future Blessing (未吉)
The 《days you’ve endured pain》until today haven’t been in vain!
They can become someone’s 《future》!
Don’t get overwhelmed by the waves of negative emotions,
instead turn your sadness into a bouquet of flowers!
Even if you’ve had a rough past,
so that those days won’t end up repeating,
if take action to avoid that, you might
be able to save those around you also.
If you are forever stuck in the past,
you’ll never be able to move forward.
Wishes If your wish is for someone else’s sake, it’ll have better luck
Encounter There’ll be another encounter if this one doesn’t come to be
Lost articles It’s hidden in a bouquet of roses
Travel Travelling to various countries for work is a good idea
Business If you open up a bakery, it’ll prosper
Studies There are good possibilities for you if you study medicine
Direction Towards the future where children can smile
Romance Your feelings of rivalry will turn into love
Relocation Might be a good idea to move into a monastery
Childbirth You’ll meet with angels, no matter what form you might take
Illness A doctor from the mainland will come to visit
Disputes Evading disputes is still a meaningful life
Engagement There’s a premonition of a failed proposal on the horizon
Friendship You’ll have an easy time making a friend of the opposite sex
It’s a good idea to look into doing charity work
None (無)
――The vertical thread is weaved
Ordinary, commonplace, the usual
Wishes So-so
Encounter So-so
Lost articles So-so
Travel So-so
Business So-so
Studies So-so
Direction So-so
Romance So-so
Relocation So-so
Childbirth So-so
Illness So-so
Disputes So-so
Engagement So-so
Friendship So-so
Future Curse (未凶)
How far
will that parade
continue on…?
People who carry a deep darkness in their hearts
will join the parade of the masked man.
Doing so, they can never return home again.
Try to stay rational,
and steer clear of them.
Wishes It looked as if it might come true, but too bad
Encounter It looked as if they might come, but too bad
Lost articles It looked as if it might be found, but too bad
Travel You prepared To Go, but too bad
Business Too bad things don’t go as planned
Studies You should put your books to good use. Picture books are also acceptable
Direction Following the parade is bad luck
Romance Avoid those taking part in the parade
Relocation Following the parade is bad luck
Childbirth If you do give birth to a child, don’t let it go near a forest
Illness You should change to a diet so your knees don’t grow thinner
Disputes Even if someone challenges you, you shouldn’t respond to them
Engagement Avoid those taking part in the parade
Friendship Avoid those taking part in the parade
Even if you manage to form a long procession,
it doesn’t mean that it’ll necessarily catch on.
Half-Curse (半凶)
the 《personality》of an《antique》that chooses
who it’ll become one with.
Is that alright with you?
If that 《antique》is fine with entrusting itself to you,
then I won’t be charging you anything.
《The compensation》will be paid
《when the time is ripe》
with something else than money......
There isn’t anything scarier than being told
“the payment will be completed with something other than money”.
So if you find something unusual and think about buying it,
make sure you select something with the price intact
and confirm its warranty.
Though if you don’t buy it,
bad luck might hit you...
Wishes More than you could ever ask for
Encounter A beauty of unknown age awaits you
Lost articles It’s on sale at an antique store when you realize its disappearance
Travel You shall travel around various horizons
Business You should put your career on hold for a while
Studies Mind control’s progressing smoothly
Direction Various development unfolding in various directions
Romance There might be an unexpected rendezvous at a flower shop
Relocation You’ll lose your position momentarily
Childbirth You might be blessed with twins
Illness Watch out for overdrinking
Disputes You’ll have a bit of a fight with the person on the phone
Engagement Kind of difficult right now
Friendship You might meet them if you put on the sunglasses
Don’t forget to charge your phone
Small Curse (小凶)
The reverse cross that sneers at repentance.
Your prayers won’t reach.
And as you don’t receive forgiveness,
Your sins continue to increase......
You made a mistake.
You regret it and you’ve apologised for it,
yet you most likely won’t be forgiven for it.
Thus, there is a high chance
you’ll fall into despair.
Your fortune will just continue to plummet
and in the end, nothing will get settled.
Wishes Your wish of eating your heart out will come true
Encounter You have no memory of this being a reunion
Lost articles You’ll find it within the forest
Travel It’s a bad idea to stay at an inn that carries the name of an animal
Business You’ll find success in the moneylending business, but watch out for debt collectors
Studies Watch out for lapses in memory
Direction Steer clear of forests
Romance You’ll meet with the royal of your dreams, but be careful of their companionship
Relocation You must do it
Childbirth You dream of blessed childbirth
Illness Choose fruits that are hygiene safe
Disputes Be careful with who you invite
Engagement Be careful if this isn’t your partner’s first marriage
Friendship Animals love you
Be careful not to be tempted by sweet things
Middle Curse (中凶)
As if to test us…
The heavens sent difficulties raining our way…
Men are not to doubt that divine will…
They can only… Accept it
Even if you realize your miserable destiny,
do not fight against it.
It might indeed turn painful,
but for the sake of protecting the person dear to you,
whether or not you’ll become a sacrifice,
might depend on the horizon
you pick.
Wishes Your destiny is to not have your wishes come true
Encounter Your destiny is to not meet them
Lost articles Your destiny is to not find them
Travel Your destiny is to return back home without having seen anything
Business Your destiny is to not have things go your way
Studies Your destiny is to not put the things you’ve learned into good use
Direction Your destiny is to follow the direction where the stars’ rotation is bad
Romance Your destiny is to not have your love realized
Relocation Your destiny is to not move together with your partner
Childbirth Your to maybe be blessed in a different world!?
Illness Your destiny is to fall ill emotionally
Disputes Your destiny says disputes are essential
Engagement Your destiny says you’ve met them before your birth
Friendship Your destiny is to be doted on by your senior
Do not let go of the hand of your dear person
Curse (凶)
Nobody realizes
in times of happiness
How the 《sixth goddess》
turns the cogwheel in silence
And when they do realize
in times of unhappiness
it’s already too late
As the one who’s singing the world
into an eroding hell
is also the 《sixth goddess》
There’s a possibility,
that on the other side of the seeming peace,
something is derailing your life’s cogwheel.
While you might try to anticipate this,
by the time you take notice,
nothing can be done about it perhaps.
Wishes Something operates your destiny on the other side
Encounter They wait for you inside the stone
Lost articles All will be lost
Travel You should refrain from travelling to the land of heathens
Business Be careful with how you handle fire
Studies This is your chance to understand all religions
Direction The direction that’s giving you a bad premonition is surely bad luck
Romance Love might begin when you open your eyes
Relocation You might be able to escape your confined housing
Childbirth If you leave behind children, that is...
Illness Sicknesses no longer concern you...
Disputes If you want to keep your agreement...
Engagement You could be bound together by a contract...
Friendship Your relationship is formed by a contract...
Is it really a must for you to hate
the things you currently hate?
Great Curse (大凶)
No matter how many prayers
I offered,
In the end… 『the will of the tenth』
remained silent…
There may have been some happy
『memories of the first』, but
In the end… Life really isn’t…
Worth a damn……
It’s understandable to wish for happiness in one’s life,
but looking back on the results, it might be that
「life」isn’t worth a damn.
Wishes The basis is that they won’t come true, but it’s still a good idea to keep on praying
Encounter They won’t come, but it’s a good idea to keep on waiting
Lost articles Won’t be found, but it’s a good idea to keep on searching
Travel Voyages seem like a bad idea, but you should still go
Business You can try, but nothing will prosper
Studies Even if you put effort into it, there’ll be no results to show for it
Direction No matter which way you turn, there’s bad luck everywhere
Romance Not so bad
Relocation Even if you move away, it’ll have no effect on destiny
Childbirth October 31st seems like the expected delivery date
Illness Be careful not to hurt your knees
Disputes You should really avoid disputes that have to do with the opposite sex
Engagement There will come a time you’ll have to separate
Friendship You’ll be social distancing forever
Those potatoes you worked so hard on,
will all probably rot
Hades Curse (冥凶)
Welcome to Hades!
There is nothing equal in this world.
People who have bad luck are bad.
They keep getting drawn to bad people,
and in the end,
they’ll be led to Hades.
Maybe that’s destiny.
Wishes Will never come true
Encounter Will never come
Lost articles It’s a waste of time to search
Travel You’re not welcome anywhere
Business Not that anything would even prosper, but you have no managerial skills to begin with
Studies You have no potential
Direction Bad luck everywhere
Romance Your love will never be realized
Relocation Anywhere and everywhere is bad luck
Childbirth Difficult childbirth within difficult childbirth
Illness Too late, you already have some sickness or other
Disputes You’ll have quarrels day after day
Engagement You’ll have no meaningful conversations
Friendship The friends you think you have are just illusions
The Lord of Hades will soon come to meet you
Super Blessing (超吉)
You were born as a person of extreme luck.
You are invincible in everything that you do,
and extravagant fortune has been promised to you.
Wishes Everything will come true as you want
Encounter Everyone is waiting for you
Lost articles You’ll find them without looking
Travel You are welcome anywhere you go
Business You’ll prosper at anything
Studies You’ll get into super elite schools (all of them)
Direction There’s fortune all around you
Romance Nothing but fulfillment
Relocation Everywhere and any time is fortunate for you
Childbirth Welcome new life with a peace of mind
Illness You’ll know no illnesses in your life
Disputes Irrelevant
Engagement Take your choice
Friendship You’ll find a kindred spirit
A super-blessed life, that is your story
Great Blessing (大吉)
Even if you die, keep on burning as long as you’re alive!
If you put your life on the line and keep pushing your way through
with a brilliantly burning spirit《the proof of your burning life》
will remain forever
Wishes A sudden chance meeting you’ve awaited will come true
Encounter Will come from a parallel world
Lost articles Search the dresser drawer
Travel You can travel to the parallel world
Business Premonition of debut & hit
Studies Study music
Direction All directions except for east, west, south, and north are good
Romance Your time of popularity’s about to hit
Relocation Your current residence is good
Childbirth It might not come true even if you wish for it
Illness Accept your destiny
Disputes Don’t fear discord; sticking to your guts is good
Engagement There’s a possibility you’ve already met them through work
Friendship Will appear unexpectedly
The book “The Nighthawk Star” by Kenji Miyazawa
could change your life
Blessing (吉)
「That bright era in which you are laughing now,
without bearing grudges to anyone, without regrets to having died,
we will meet there, for sure.」
Even if you’ve been hurt by someone, don’t consider taking revenge.
Instead, if you continue your life in peace, there will come another day when you’ll be
able to laugh again.
Wishes Wish for them calmly
Encounter They’ll appear to you looking quite different than you expected
Lost articles It’ll appear in a different form
Travel Going to see old well is dangerous
Business Try collecting herbs and doing infusions with them
Studies Belief and hard work should do it
Direction There’s something at the direction of the church
Romance Maybe you’ll have something with your childhood friend
Relocation If you relocate at once, you’ll be saved
Childbirth You might be blessed with a cute baby boy
Illness Get help for your eyes
Disputes You should be careful of a duo wearing masks
Engagement You met them when you were young
Friendship You’ll make a friend of the opposite sex
You might become able to have conversations with the doll you’ve held dear.
Middle Blessing (中吉)
『Aah... No matter how strong the winds you face are
they'll never break
your wings of determination!』
Anything and everything can be broken through with enough determination to push your way through no matter what might come your way.
Or that's how it should be, but this isn't such a gentle world where all wishes will come true.
Wishes Wish for peace within your heart
Encounter You see a black-haired woman
Lost articles Not known
Travel You should head towards the land loved by gods
Business There is 《a grand possibility》
Studies Words will become your strength
Direction It's dangerous to stay here
Romance You'll get your precious 《treasure》
Relocation If you sense you're in danger then make a decision
Childbirth The angels will alight
Illness There is a pain that will repeat on endlessly
Disputes You'll regret running away
Engagement You'll met them one day
Friendship Your sense of unity will grow stronger
In any case, spread your wings wide
Small Blessing (小吉)
The song alight on our lips
We travel across the horizon
So that we can come meet you again
Like promised, this journey will never end
Aah… Don’t forget, traveller
We are all connected by our hands
It’s a miracle for us to have gathered here in this kingdom
With a rose in our hearts, we shall sing
You will enter the travelling kingdom,
and gather with the rest of its citizens,
that is the one step you’ll take
to seize the 《rose》of fortune.
It is a matter of whether we’ll be able to
keep on gathering like this for years to come...
Wishes Wish for the expansion of the SHK with your wishes
Encounter Exists with the SHK
Lost articles Gone missing in the SHK
Travel Go To various horizons
Business There job vacancies found within the SHK
Studies Introduce a SHK-model AI
Direction Everything outside of the SHK is bad luck
Romance Romance can be found within the SHK
Relocation Real estate possibilities found within the SHK
Childbirth You’ll be blessed with a child within the SHK
Illness You’re required to wear a mask within the SHK as well
Disputes You can cut your way through accidents with a super gravity jump
Engagement Put the date match application, that’s being developed within the SHK, to good use
Friendship You’ll meet one at a SHK mixer
Aah… Gloria!
Half-Blessing (半吉)
Shall we try factoring your sorrow?
Do you wish to find the greatest common divisor for happiness?
Wipe off the dust… And now…
Take off…
Your journey isn’t over yet……
The decisions in your life are all made by you in the end.
But sometimes, someone might offer to become your advisor and
perhaps help you find your way.
Wishes Try wishing for something more specific
Encounter Should you meet, or should you not
Lost articles Once lost, won’t be coming back
Travel The neighborhood park is just the thing
Business You have potential in the jewellery business
Studies You’ll pass if you put effort into it
Direction Your favourite direction brings good luck
Romance Be careful of smooth talkers
Relocation If you try changing your circumstances, your fortune and and bad fortune will go 50-50
Childbirth Should you give, or should you not give birth
Illness Life is beautiful when you are free of sickness
Disputes It’s best to avoid disputes as the number of victims would only increase
Engagement There might be a precious rendezvous on the horizon
Friendship You’ll make a friend who will offer advice for your troubles
If you’re feeling troubled, it might be a good idea to take a stroll around the fountain
Future Blessing (未吉)
The 《days you’ve endured pain》until today haven’t been in vain!
They can become someone’s 《future》!
Don’t get overwhelmed by the waves of negative emotions,
instead turn your sadness into a bouquet of flowers!
Even if you’ve had a rough past,
so that those days won’t end up repeating,
if take action to avoid that, you might
be able to save those around you also.
If you are forever stuck in the past,
you’ll never be able to move forward.
Wishes If your wish is for someone else’s sake, it’ll have better luck
Encounter There’ll be another encounter if this one doesn’t come to be
Lost articles It’s hidden in a bouquet of roses
Travel Travelling to various countries for work is a good idea
Business If you open up a bakery, it’ll prosper
Studies There are good possibilities for you if you study medicine
Direction Towards the future where children can smile
Romance Your feelings of rivalry will turn into love
Relocation Might be a good idea to move into a monastery
Childbirth You’ll meet with angels, no matter what form you might take
Illness A doctor from the mainland will come to visit
Disputes Evading disputes is still a meaningful life
Engagement There’s a premonition of a failed proposal on the horizon
Friendship You’ll have an easy time making a friend of the opposite sex
It’s a good idea to look into doing charity work
None (無)
――The vertical thread is weaved
Ordinary, commonplace, the usual
Wishes So-so
Encounter So-so
Lost articles So-so
Travel So-so
Business So-so
Studies So-so
Direction So-so
Romance So-so
Relocation So-so
Childbirth So-so
Illness So-so
Disputes So-so
Engagement So-so
Friendship So-so
Future Curse (未凶)
How far
will that parade
continue on…?
People who carry a deep darkness in their hearts
will join the parade of the masked man.
Doing so, they can never return home again.
Try to stay rational,
and steer clear of them.
Wishes It looked as if it might come true, but too bad
Encounter It looked as if they might come, but too bad
Lost articles It looked as if it might be found, but too bad
Travel You prepared To Go, but too bad
Business Too bad things don’t go as planned
Studies You should put your books to good use. Picture books are also acceptable
Direction Following the parade is bad luck
Romance Avoid those taking part in the parade
Relocation Following the parade is bad luck
Childbirth If you do give birth to a child, don’t let it go near a forest
Illness You should change to a diet so your knees don’t grow thinner
Disputes Even if someone challenges you, you shouldn’t respond to them
Engagement Avoid those taking part in the parade
Friendship Avoid those taking part in the parade
Even if you manage to form a long procession,
it doesn’t mean that it’ll necessarily catch on.
Half-Curse (半凶)
the 《personality》of an《antique》that chooses
who it’ll become one with.
Is that alright with you?
If that 《antique》is fine with entrusting itself to you,
then I won’t be charging you anything.
《The compensation》will be paid
《when the time is ripe》
with something else than money......
There isn’t anything scarier than being told
“the payment will be completed with something other than money”.
So if you find something unusual and think about buying it,
make sure you select something with the price intact
and confirm its warranty.
Though if you don’t buy it,
bad luck might hit you...
Wishes More than you could ever ask for
Encounter A beauty of unknown age awaits you
Lost articles It’s on sale at an antique store when you realize its disappearance
Travel You shall travel around various horizons
Business You should put your career on hold for a while
Studies Mind control’s progressing smoothly
Direction Various development unfolding in various directions
Romance There might be an unexpected rendezvous at a flower shop
Relocation You’ll lose your position momentarily
Childbirth You might be blessed with twins
Illness Watch out for overdrinking
Disputes You’ll have a bit of a fight with the person on the phone
Engagement Kind of difficult right now
Friendship You might meet them if you put on the sunglasses
Don’t forget to charge your phone
Small Curse (小凶)
The reverse cross that sneers at repentance.
Your prayers won’t reach.
And as you don’t receive forgiveness,
Your sins continue to increase......
You made a mistake.
You regret it and you’ve apologised for it,
yet you most likely won’t be forgiven for it.
Thus, there is a high chance
you’ll fall into despair.
Your fortune will just continue to plummet
and in the end, nothing will get settled.
Wishes Your wish of eating your heart out will come true
Encounter You have no memory of this being a reunion
Lost articles You’ll find it within the forest
Travel It’s a bad idea to stay at an inn that carries the name of an animal
Business You’ll find success in the moneylending business, but watch out for debt collectors
Studies Watch out for lapses in memory
Direction Steer clear of forests
Romance You’ll meet with the royal of your dreams, but be careful of their companionship
Relocation You must do it
Childbirth You dream of blessed childbirth
Illness Choose fruits that are hygiene safe
Disputes Be careful with who you invite
Engagement Be careful if this isn’t your partner’s first marriage
Friendship Animals love you
Be careful not to be tempted by sweet things
Middle Curse (中凶)
As if to test us…
The heavens sent difficulties raining our way…
Men are not to doubt that divine will…
They can only… Accept it
Even if you realize your miserable destiny,
do not fight against it.
It might indeed turn painful,
but for the sake of protecting the person dear to you,
whether or not you’ll become a sacrifice,
might depend on the horizon
you pick.
Wishes Your destiny is to not have your wishes come true
Encounter Your destiny is to not meet them
Lost articles Your destiny is to not find them
Travel Your destiny is to return back home without having seen anything
Business Your destiny is to not have things go your way
Studies Your destiny is to not put the things you’ve learned into good use
Direction Your destiny is to follow the direction where the stars’ rotation is bad
Romance Your destiny is to not have your love realized
Relocation Your destiny is to not move together with your partner
Childbirth Your to maybe be blessed in a different world!?
Illness Your destiny is to fall ill emotionally
Disputes Your destiny says disputes are essential
Engagement Your destiny says you’ve met them before your birth
Friendship Your destiny is to be doted on by your senior
Do not let go of the hand of your dear person
Curse (凶)
Nobody realizes
in times of happiness
How the 《sixth goddess》
turns the cogwheel in silence
And when they do realize
in times of unhappiness
it’s already too late
As the one who’s singing the world
into an eroding hell
is also the 《sixth goddess》
There’s a possibility,
that on the other side of the seeming peace,
something is derailing your life’s cogwheel.
While you might try to anticipate this,
by the time you take notice,
nothing can be done about it perhaps.
Wishes Something operates your destiny on the other side
Encounter They wait for you inside the stone
Lost articles All will be lost
Travel You should refrain from travelling to the land of heathens
Business Be careful with how you handle fire
Studies This is your chance to understand all religions
Direction The direction that’s giving you a bad premonition is surely bad luck
Romance Love might begin when you open your eyes
Relocation You might be able to escape your confined housing
Childbirth If you leave behind children, that is...
Illness Sicknesses no longer concern you...
Disputes If you want to keep your agreement...
Engagement You could be bound together by a contract...
Friendship Your relationship is formed by a contract...
Is it really a must for you to hate
the things you currently hate?
Great Curse (大凶)
No matter how many prayers
I offered,
In the end… 『the will of the tenth』
remained silent…
There may have been some happy
『memories of the first』, but
In the end… Life really isn’t…
Worth a damn……
It’s understandable to wish for happiness in one’s life,
but looking back on the results, it might be that
「life」isn’t worth a damn.
Wishes The basis is that they won’t come true, but it’s still a good idea to keep on praying
Encounter They won’t come, but it’s a good idea to keep on waiting
Lost articles Won’t be found, but it’s a good idea to keep on searching
Travel Voyages seem like a bad idea, but you should still go
Business You can try, but nothing will prosper
Studies Even if you put effort into it, there’ll be no results to show for it
Direction No matter which way you turn, there’s bad luck everywhere
Romance Not so bad
Relocation Even if you move away, it’ll have no effect on destiny
Childbirth October 31st seems like the expected delivery date
Illness Be careful not to hurt your knees
Disputes You should really avoid disputes that have to do with the opposite sex
Engagement There will come a time you’ll have to separate
Friendship You’ll be social distancing forever
Those potatoes you worked so hard on,
will all probably rot
Hades Curse (冥凶)
Welcome to Hades!
There is nothing equal in this world.
People who have bad luck are bad.
They keep getting drawn to bad people,
and in the end,
they’ll be led to Hades.
Maybe that’s destiny.
Wishes Will never come true
Encounter Will never come
Lost articles It’s a waste of time to search
Travel You’re not welcome anywhere
Business Not that anything would even prosper, but you have no managerial skills to begin with
Studies You have no potential
Direction Bad luck everywhere
Romance Your love will never be realized
Relocation Anywhere and everywhere is bad luck
Childbirth Difficult childbirth within difficult childbirth
Illness Too late, you already have some sickness or other
Disputes You’ll have quarrels day after day
Engagement You’ll have no meaningful conversations
Friendship The friends you think you have are just illusions
The Lord of Hades will soon come to meet you
Super Blessing (超吉)
願事 全て思い通り
待人 万人が貴方を待っ
失物 探さずとも見つかる
旅行 何処に行くも歓迎
商売 繁盛しかない
学問 超難関校でも〈総
方角 何処も幸運一
恋愛 成就以外なし
転居 何時何処で上ロ
出産 安心して新しい命迎えよ
病気 人生病気知らず
争事 無縁
縁談 選り取り最り
交友 心の友ができる
Great Blessing (大吉)
死んでもいい 生きてるなら 燃えてやれ!
願事 突然叶う機会到来
待人 異世界から来る
失物 箪笥の抽斗を探せ
旅行 異世界に行ける
商売 デビュー&ヒットの予感
学問 音楽を学べ
方角 東西南北以外の方角が吉
恋愛 モテ期到来
転居 拠点は現居住地が良い
出産 願えば叶わなくもないかもしれない
病気 運命は受け入れよ
争事 不和を恐れず己を貫くが吉
縁談 既に仕事関係で出会っている可能性もあり
交友 突然現れる
Blessing (吉)
願事 穏やかに願え
待人 予想外の姿で現れる
失物 別の形で現れる
旅行 古井戸見学は危険
商売 薬草集めて煎じてみよ
学問 信じて努力すべし
方角 教会方面で何かある
恋愛 幼馴染と何かある
転居 早々に転居すれば救われる
出産 可愛い男の子を授かるかも
病気 目を労れ
争事 仮面の二人組には注意すべし
縁談 幼くして出会っている
交友 異性の友ができる
Middle Blessing (中吉)
願事 平和への思いを胸に願え
待人 黒髪の女性が見ている
失物 戻らない
旅行 神々が愛した地を目指すべし
商売 《偉大な可能性》がある
学問 言葉がカと成る
方角 此処に居ては危ない
恋愛 大切な《宝物》ができる
転居 危険を察知したら決断
出産 天使が舞い降りる
病気 無限に繰り返す痛みあり
争事 逃げると後悔する
縁談 いつかは出会える
交友 団結力が強くなる
Small Blessing (小吉)
薔薇を胸に 一緒に歌おう
願事 SHKの発展と共に叶う
待人 SHK内に存在
失物 SHK内では行方不明
旅行 様々な地平線へGo To
商売 SHK内の求人情報確認
学問 SHK製のAIを導入せよ
方角 SHK以外は凶
恋愛 SHK内でロマンスあり
転居 SHK内の不動産情報確認
出産 SHK内で授かる
病気 SHK内もマスク着用必須
争事 アクシデントがあっても超重力ジャンプで切り抜けよ
縁談 SHKで開発中のマッチングアプリを活用せよ
交友 SHK交流会で出会う
Half-Blessing (半吉)
迫られたとき 結局選ぶのは
自分自身ですが 時に
願事 もう少し具体的に願え
待人 会うべきか会わざるべきか
失物 一度失くせば戻らない
旅行 近所の公園位が丁度良い
商売 宝飾関係に適性あり
学問 努力次第で合格
方角 好きな方角こそ吉
恋愛 ナンパに注意
転居 環境を変えると吉か凶が半々に
出産 産むべきか産まざるべきか
病気 病にはなるが人生は美しい
争事 犠牲者ばかりが増えるが故 争事は避けるが吉
縁談 貴重な出会いがありそう
交友 悩み相談可能な友人ができる
Future Blessing (未吉)
今日は 無意味じゃない!
願事 誰かのために願うと吉
待人 現れずとも別の出会いがある
失物 薔薇の花束に紛れている
旅行 仕事で各国を廻るが吉
商売 パン屋を開けば繁盛する
学問 医学を修めるには良い機会
方角 子供達の笑顏と未来がある方角へ
恋愛 ライバル心が恋心に
転居 修道院に移るも良し
出産 どんな形でも天使達に会える
病気 本土の名医を訪ねよ
争事 争事から逃避する人生もまたあり
縁談 報われないプロポーズの予感
交友 異性の友達ができ易い
None (無)
平凡 月並 普通
願事 可もなく不可もなし
待人 可もなく不可もなし
失物 可もなく不可もなし
旅行 可もなく不可もなし
商売 可もなく不可もなし
学問 可もなく不可もなし
方角 可もなく不可もなし
恋愛 可もなく不可もなし
転居 可もなく不可もなし
出産 可もなく不可もなし
病気 可もなく不可もなし
争事 可もなく不可もなし
縁談 可もなく不可もなし
交友 可もなく不可もなし
Future Curse (未凶)
願事 叶いそうだったが残念だったねぇ
待人 来そうだったが残念だったねぇ
失物 一度出て来たが残念だったねぇ
旅行 Go To利用したとしても残念だったねぇ
商売 軌道には乗るが残念だったねぇ
学問 書物を活用すべし 絵本も可
方角 パレードが進む先は凶
恋愛 パレード参加者は避けよ
転居 パレードが進む先は凶
出産 子が産まれても森に近ずけない
病気 膝が痩せぬよう栄養はしっかり摂るべし
争事 挑まれても向かわざるべき
縁談 パレード参加者は避けよ
交友 パレード参加者は避けよ
Half-Curse (半凶)
願事 願ってもない出来事満載
待人 年齢不詳の美女が待つ
失物 気づくと骨董品店で転売
旅行 様々な地平線を廻るべし
商売 一旦活動を休止すべし
学問 洗脳されるも捗る
方角 様々な方角で様々に展開
恋愛 花屋で思わぬ出会いがあるかも
転居 一旦拠点を失う
出産 双子を授かるかも
病気 飲み過ぎには注意
争事 電話相手と一悶着ある
縁談 今は難しい
交友 サングラスをかけると出会いあり
Small Curse (小凶)
願事 腹一杯食べる事は叶う
待人 再会するも記憶なし
失物 森の中で見つかる
旅行 動物の名を冠した宿に泊まるのは凶
商売 金融業は繁盛するが取立てには注意
学問 記憶力低下に注意
方角 森方面は避けよ
恋愛 理想の王族に出会うが交際は慎重に
転居 せざるを得ない
出産 幸せな出産を夢で見る
病気 衛生上安全な果物を選ぶ事
争事 招待客の選定は慎重に
縁談 相手が再婚の場合は慎重に
交友 動物達からは好かれる
Middle Curse (中凶)
唯・・・ 受け入れることしか出来ない
願事 願っても叶わない運命
待人 会えない運命
失物 見つからない運命
旅行 ろくに観光せず帰る運命
商売 軌道に乗らない運命
学問 知識をつけても活かせない運命
方角 星の廻りが悪い方角が運命
恋愛 成就しない運命
転居 伴侶とは共に転居できない運命
出産 異なる世界でなら授かる⁉運命
病気 精神的に病む運命
争事 争い必須の運命
縁談 産まれる前から出会える運命
交友 先輩から可憂がられる運命
Curse (凶)
願事 裏で運命を操られる
待人 石の中で待つ
失物 全てを失くしたまま
旅行 異教徒の地へ行くのは控えよ
商売 火気の取扱いには注意せよ
学問 各種宗教を理解する好機
方角 嫌な予感の方角は正に凶
恋愛 目覚た途端始まるかも
転居 狭小住宅から脱出可能
出産 子孫を残すとしたらそれは・・・
病気 病気とは無縁だが・・・
争事 契約をすると守られるが・・・
縁談 契約を結ぶ選択もあるが・・・
交友 契約を結ぶ関係もあるが・・・
Great Curse (大凶)
結局・・・ 『第十の意志』は
結局・・・ 人生なんて
願事 基本叶わないが願っても良い
待人 来ないが待っても良い
失物 出て来ないが探しても良い
旅行 船旅は悪い予感だが行ってみよ
商売 しても良いが繁盛せず
学問 努力しても結果出ず
方角 どこを向いても不幸ばかり
恋愛 悪くはない
転居 動いても運気向上と無縁
出産 だいたい10月31日が出産予定日
病気 膝の怪我に注意
争事 異性をめぐる争事にはくれぐれも注意せよ
縁談 必ず別れの時がくる
交友 永遠にソーシャルぢスタンス
Hades Curse (冥凶)
願事 ことごとく叶わない
待人 永遠に来ない
失物 探しても無駄
旅行 何処に行くも非歓迎
商売 繁盛どころか基礎経営力もなし
学問 伸び代がない
方角 何処も不運
恋愛 全く成就しない
転居 何時何処でも凶
出産 難産中の難産
病気 既に何かしらの病気
争事 連日絡まれる
縁談 良い話とは無縁
交友 友達かと思いきや幻想