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Record Label
  • Square Enix Co., Ltd
Release Date 10 October 2012
Track Count 46
Length 148:00
Release Medium CD
CD Count 2

Track List

Disc 1

# Title Length
1 Onward Into the Light: An Overture Kibou e Mukau Jokyoku 希望へ向う序曲 3:15
2 Everlasting Instant Eien no Setsuna 永遠の刹那 2:12
3 There Beyond the Prayer Sono Inori no Mukou ni その祈りの向うに 1:19
4 Four Stories Yottsu no Monogatari 四つの物語 4:52
5 Prayer Inori 祈り 0:15
6 Land of Beginnings Hajimari no Kuni はじまりの国 3:33
7 Falling Asleep... Nemuri ni Ochite... 眠りに落ちて… 0:10
8 Horizon of Light and Shadow Hikari to Kage no Chihei 光と影の地平 2:48
9 Conflict’s Chime Tatakai no Kane 戦いの鐘 2:44
10 Joy of Victory Shouri no Yorokobi 勝利の歓び 0:38
11 Sylvan Tranquility Mori no Seijaku 森の静寂 4:27
12 Under the Pale Moon Utsurona Tsuki no Shita de 虚ろな月の下で 3:24
13 Visitor Raihousha 来訪者 3:30
14 Signs of the Enemy Invasion Tekikage Shuurai 敵影襲来 2:26
15 That Person’s Name is... Kano Mono no Na wa... 彼の者の名は... 5:38
16 Unfulfilled Dream... Mihatenu Yume... 見果てぬ夢… 0:28
17 Infiltrating Enemy Territory Tekichi Sen'nyuu 敵地潜入 3:24
18 A World in which Flowers Scatter Hana ga Chiru Sekai 花が散る世界 3:55
19 Ship Racing Across the Ocean Unabara wo Kakeru Fune 海原を駈ける船 4:23
20 Land of Sand & Time Suna to Daitokei no Kuni 砂と大時計の国 3:41
21 Sunlight Filtering Through the Trees Komorebi 木漏れ日 3:47
22 Cave of Darkness Kurayami no Horaana 暗闇の洞穴 3:50
23 Fighting to the End Tatakai no Hate ni 戦いの果てに 4:14
24 You Are My Hope Kimi wa Boku no Kibou 君は僕の希望 1:33
25 Whereabouts of the Wind Kaze no Yukue 風の行方 1:32
26 Fledgling Hinadori 雛鳥 1:32
27 Wanderer of Love Ai no Hourousha 愛の放浪者 1:37

Disc 2

# Title Length
1 Investigation of a Nostalgic Recollection Tsuioku wa Kyoushuu no Shirabe 追憶は郷愁の調べ 2:07
2 A Crystal's Darkness Suishou no Yami 水晶の闇 2:14
3 A Crystal's Sparkle Suishou no Kirameki 水晶の煌き 1:48
4 The Day the Wind Blew Kaze ga Fuita Hi 風が吹いた日 3:03
5 Land of Radiant Flowers Tsuyahana no Kuni 艶花の国 3:42
6 Foolish Event Taai mo nai Dekigoto 他愛もない出来事 2:12
7 Strained Time Kinpaku no Toki 緊迫の時 2:31
8 The Sinking State Shizumi sou na Kuni 沈みそうな国 3:54
9 Land of Civil War Naisen no Kuni 内戦の国 4:05
10 Ship upon the Open Skies Oozora wo Kakeru Tei 大空を翔ける艇 2:56
11 Under the Banner of the Duchy Koukoku no Mihata no Shita ni 公国の御旗の下に 4:06
12 Eternia, Land of Immortality Fushi no Kuni 不死の国 3:56
13 Shrine Maiden’s Prayer Miko no Inori 巫女の祈り 1:40
14 The Evil One Jaakunaru Mono 邪悪なるもの 2:09
15 Dark Aurora Yami no Aurora 闇のオーロラ 4:06
16 The Evil War Jaakunaru Tatakai 邪悪なる戦い 7:01
17 The Evil Wings Jaakunaru Hishou 邪悪なる飛翔 7:53
18 Ouroboros, the Serpent That Devours the Horizon Chihei wo Kurau Hebi 地平を喰らう蛇 6:38
19 Ballad to Hope Kibou e Mukau Tanshikyoku 希望へ向かう譚詩曲 6:52

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